Interview with Yoe Bing from Rhesus Negatif Indonesia

Yoe Bing is one of the chairwomen of Rhesus Negatif Indonesia which has in the past few years grown to many thousands within a country where the percentage of rh negative people is less than 1. Yoe, you live in a country where only 0.5% of the population is rh negative. How and when did you find out your blood type and how many people in your family are rh negative? Wow, nice question.I knew my rhesus was negative when I gave birth to my first child in 2000. I needed a blood transfusion because of bleeding. In my family, I´m the only rh-. Unfortunately in countries with low numbers of rh negatives, medical professionals are not always prepared to … Continue reading Interview with Yoe Bing from Rhesus Negatif Indonesia