Why is there no proper definition for “intuition”?
Because it doesn’t require any.
I understand and/or speak several languages. The more languages I learn, the less important languages become to me. I have often heard people state that they have “a passion for learning languages”.
I don’t.
I happen to pick them up quickly. But I have never actively tried to learn one. I have lived in several countries, so when I suddenly started understand/speaking, it was something that “just happened”.
I am bored with learning languages and have never once sat down to learn vocabulary. I am bored with it as I am basically with everything man-made. Be it that I don’t read books or don’t listen to anything I am not interested in. What we are lacking in life is not other people’s thoughts, foreign languages, whatever man-made division there is, but facts. Actual things all human beings can relate to and agree on. Not always as dry as mathematics, but along those lines when it comes to things you simply cannot dispute based on your feeling.
There have been several times in my life where someone would tell me something in a language I couldn’t speak or understand, but understood everything the person told me. It were situations of emergency, where I didn’t have time to think about me not understanding his or her language. I let go and focused on the situation and the person, and there was no need for a translator.
According to Sigmund Freud, knowledge could only be attained through the intellectual manipulation of carefully made observations and rejected any other means of acquiring knowledge such as intuition, and his findings could have been an analytic turn of his mind towards the subject. This shows he was disconnected from himself.
Think about the best moments of your life. The biggest accomplishments. Did you ever surprise yourself doing much better on a test or in a competition than anticipated?
What state of mind were you in?
I have noted that to no surprise, several of the few rh negative celebrities on our list have made comments before regarding intuition.
You cannot teach intuition.
“Instinct” is much broader. But intuition is based on truly nothing of evidence. We can look at animals and see instinct there. Or is it “genetic memory”?
However, “intuition” is something that also cannot only not be explained in our languages, but it is also substituted with different words meaning something not exactly it.
When someone is trying to explain intuition, instinct is often used or “instinctively” etc. On the Wikipedia page for “intuition”, “instinct” is used several times. On the “instinct” page, “intuition” isn’t used once.
“Instinct” is broad and vague enough to be proven, doesn’t require “intuition” to describe it. “Intuition” not so. Trying to explain it includes grasping at language we have learned closest enough to feel somewhat right, but never getting there.
I’m right there with you Mike on the speaking several languages. I grew up in first all black neighborhood, moved to an all Mexican neighborhood just kind of naturally learned the languages and cultural differences. After 1st year in College, I joined the Navy at the time to escape the Draft and going to Vietnam. I ended up in DaNang in four months instead and learned the Vietnamese Language naturally like always. We had Filipinos I worked w/ and again Naturally I’d be that White guy that would go home w/ them in tiny villages and learned Tagalog…. Naturally.
At years went by I was in Thailand, Taiwan, Japan and Learned the languages and could just sort of understand them. I didn’t really understand why…. till I realized how my introvert part (I’m Ambivert) was getting really good at listening with every part of my attention directed outside of myself, that is exactly how I was letting my mind stop thinking and just listening to my intuition to….. get it intuitively!
I’ve met some really good listeners in my life as I know you have…. to and though they may not know it or realize it, intuition is comes from listening very well outside yourself with total awareness on so many different levels most of us just aren’t aware of. In people like you…. I notice that you also just know how to listen with all your presence for the best perception of what is there in the here and now! Thanks for all you do learn and teach all of us no matter our age or experience in Life!