Astigmatism is a common vision condition that causes blurred vision. It occurs when the cornea (the clear front cover of the eye) is irregularly shaped or sometimes because of the curvature of the lens inside the eye.
This is one of the questions I have recently received.
At this time, there are no studies available to confirm or deny.
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I have Astigmatism and macula problems in both eyes. I have had several surgeries to my left eye and will need surgery eventually to my right. I believe this to be more hereditary than anything to do with my type A- blood type as my brother who is A+ is legally blind.
Astigmatism is noted for being the most common refractive error when it comes to problems with vision and affects nearly two-thirds of the population. Astigmatism is a condition where the cornea is not shaped perfectly spherical. When the Cornea is aspherical in shape as occurs in those with astigmatism, light rays are converged to more than one focal point. Because light rays form multiple focal points this creates unclear vision and can effect vision in both the distance and up close. There are five different types of astigmatism …. so it is common in the general population … two thirds of the population have it . if it was significantly more common in rhesus negatives that would be a massive frequency . so the articles saying it is common in rhesus negatives are not actually lying…. it will be anyway . i don’t see any evidence it is higher tho .
basically when you ask a group of rhesus negatives if they have astigmatism many will reply yes…. as two thirds of the population have it … you also wont get a response from people that dont have….(tragically and annoyingly .. also i have seen idiotic posts and videos saying it helps rh negative see into other dimensions and out of the matrix … sighs )
That is part of why I have posted this as the question came up. If I don’t get into it, people might seek answers elsewhere and receive “answers” instead.
FWIW, I’m B- and have astigmatism. I’m not aware of anyone else in my family having it & can’t ask them because they’re no longer with us.
Without glasses, oncoming headlights look starry to me at night.
I am A- and have astigmatism in my right eye. Brown hair red beard Central Heterachromea blueish green outer ring with reddish brown center, They change color, I have the traits as well. It is true. I can nearly read minds. Or at least know their intentions.
im B negative and my family line comes from Brittany france( Celtic French) – my eyes are green/blue with dark ring on outside, orange coloring toward center of eye ( I have 2 astigmatisms in both eyes and so did my father and his brothers all that i believe carry RH neg. i was born with very blonde hair that changed darker with age and reddish…my earing is very good and I was a trained muscian- they had no idea i was not reading music because i could not see and i just winged it and played by “ear”. they then figured out i needed glasses…..
The same with me . Astigmatism, very sensitive hearing and they never knew I really needed glasses. Got them at age six when a teacher found me lost in the dark in the basement lunch room. I could read at age 3 read and wrote music then . Knew the songs before anyone heard them on the radio.
B- and astigmatism in both eyes, that was only picked up in an eye test a couple of years ago, at the age of 40.
I have astigmatism from birth.
We are three o – sibilings in the family out of five children
I inherited The astigmatism from my Dad who is o +
My two other sibilings do not have astigmatism.
I always thought it was a trait of Rh – but with my other sibilings is not the case.
I wish you could talk about Rh – and iron deficiency and eczema.
I have Astigmatism and macula problems in both eyes. I have had several surgeries to my left eye and will need surgery eventually to my right. I believe this to be more hereditary than anything to do with my type A- blood type as my brother who is A+ is legally blind.
Astigmatism is noted for being the most common refractive error when it comes to problems with vision and affects nearly two-thirds of the population. Astigmatism is a condition where the cornea is not shaped perfectly spherical. When the Cornea is aspherical in shape as occurs in those with astigmatism, light rays are converged to more than one focal point. Because light rays form multiple focal points this creates unclear vision and can effect vision in both the distance and up close. There are five different types of astigmatism …. so it is common in the general population … two thirds of the population have it . if it was significantly more common in rhesus negatives that would be a massive frequency . so the articles saying it is common in rhesus negatives are not actually lying…. it will be anyway . i don’t see any evidence it is higher tho .
basically when you ask a group of rhesus negatives if they have astigmatism many will reply yes…. as two thirds of the population have it … you also wont get a response from people that dont have….(tragically and annoyingly .. also i have seen idiotic posts and videos saying it helps rh negative see into other dimensions and out of the matrix … sighs )
That is part of why I have posted this as the question came up. If I don’t get into it, people might seek answers elsewhere and receive “answers” instead.
FWIW, I’m B- and have astigmatism. I’m not aware of anyone else in my family having it & can’t ask them because they’re no longer with us.
Without glasses, oncoming headlights look starry to me at night.
I’m AB- female with an astigmatism in my right eye along with many other traits of a RH- along with green eyes & reddish brown hair.
I am A- and have astigmatism in my right eye. Brown hair red beard Central Heterachromea blueish green outer ring with reddish brown center, They change color, I have the traits as well. It is true. I can nearly read minds. Or at least know their intentions.
im B negative and my family line comes from Brittany france( Celtic French) – my eyes are green/blue with dark ring on outside, orange coloring toward center of eye ( I have 2 astigmatisms in both eyes and so did my father and his brothers all that i believe carry RH neg. i was born with very blonde hair that changed darker with age and reddish…my earing is very good and I was a trained muscian- they had no idea i was not reading music because i could not see and i just winged it and played by “ear”. they then figured out i needed glasses…..
The same with me . Astigmatism, very sensitive hearing and they never knew I really needed glasses. Got them at age six when a teacher found me lost in the dark in the basement lunch room. I could read at age 3 read and wrote music then . Knew the songs before anyone heard them on the radio.
I’m B negative and have an astigmatism.