What I have learned about more than anything is not just rh negative behavior but how rh negatives adapt to a society that we all live in. I have previously stated in our private group that Chris Kyle lied about beating up Jesse Ventura and who knows what else he has fabricated.
“American Sniper”
Blood Type:
A Negative
But Chris lived in a world of lies just like we do. So when his book didn’t sell, he came up with a tall tale on Fox News and suddenly he became famous.
Note: I am withholding judgement either way. What is, is and what was, was.
If there is one thing I have learned, it is the reason why people are being judgmental and it doesn’t have anything to do with the situation at hand. If millions admire someone and there is a false story involved, jealousy is usually on the upper hand in terms of feelings of negativity towards someone who “didn’t deserve this success”. What I always look at is who the people are who are most judgmental. What of value have they done? Click on their profiles and I dare you to find one inspirational item.
I am not defending lies. As a matter of fact, I go against lies in general all the time. But what is even more dangerous is hypocrisy. I am not idolizing Chris Kyle and have stated many times just how much has been changed from his book into the movie about him in order to sell him as a hero. Was he a hero? Sorry, I never think in these terms. If would be stupid. Same as I do not believe in judging without walking in someone’s shoes. It is a mentality present in everyday life in general society and you have especially recently witnessed many occasions where “national treasures” and “heroes” have been turned into animals and monsters (#metoo). For me the let-down was never there as I do not assume someone being super-human.
I can see that when you see someone glorified when there may be reason to doubt that all of it is deserved, some people sink to the same level as the blind glorifiers and attempt to beat an observed and not liked attitude. It doesn’t work.
I add rhesus negative celebrities to the list of rhesus negatives regardless whether or not I like or dislike them. I have added Clinton, Obama and Trump. There is one I consider a criminal who would probably receive 200 life sentences if justice took its course. Does that make him not rhesus negative?
Chris Kyle is dead. It doesn’t matter if you believe he deserved his fame or not, he is not with us to enjoy it. And here is where I am starting to strongly relate his personality traits to many A negatives and rhesus negatives in general:
He died because he helped someone.
It was foolish and I have observed many rhesus negatives doing similar foolish things and that includes me.
Chris Kyle took mentally unstable Eddie Ray Routh (blood type A positive) to a shooting range. He went out of his way to put someone else’s needs before his own and was murdered in return. How many times have you seen rhesus negatives so empathetic that their actions result in allowing someone else to harm them?
I don’t believe in judging. I believe in learning from people. Including their mistakes. Would you lie for recognition if you believe it gave you the chance to earn a lot of money? Don’t answer this. Answer by actions.
I am happy to have added Chris Kyle to my list of rhesus negative celebrities. He deserves to be on there. I have also added minor celebrities and believe they deserve to be on there because they have spoken out about rhesus negative issues. It is interesting that either people attack me for being a “bloodist claiming we are better” or attack me for adding rhesus negative people who they think don’t represent us well. Any rhesus negative is “worthy” of being one of us. It is not for us to decide… or to judge.
RIP Chris Kyle. May people learn from your mistakes. And may the ones who read this learn to be centered, focus on making the best out of their own lives and stop imitating the ones who they often profess to despise.
– Mike Dammann
I’m A- and can see a few common traits. Thanks for the story.
A good article. I was against you at the start but as I read more, I saw your point. I got you live in the SEAL world for a brief time, which was the best & worst time of my life, at BUD’S. They are the best people that I have ever been around, as a whole. Yes, they are cocky & arrogant but they are the only people who truly deserve to be.
As far as lies go, I would tend to believe that he was forced to tell a story that had some truth but most definitely some lies, as well. Their world, that can actually be told to us are most definitely not 100% true. You would be lucky if they gave you 30% truth. They have no say in that. The government demands secrecy & the right to add whatever they want to any story.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I liked the article.
Thank You,
Thank yoyou so much for sharing this story with your words about rh negetive people and why others take advantage of empathic RH negatives. I am living and dealing with a person who has not stopped hurting me…because my empathy came first. Of course I now feel 50 percent responsible for the pain I have experienced and still are. But not responsible for there actions…as that was there responsibility 100 percent. I am working really hard now to independently get back all I lost inside and out do to there benefit and my sacrifice.
Empathic psychic O negetive