The short answer: “Yes.”

Autoimmune disease is a disease in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells.
About 24 million (7%) people in the United States are affected by an autoimmune disease. Women are more commonly affected than men. Often they start during adulthood.
Rhesus-positive and Rhesus-negative persons differ in the presence-absence of highly immunogenic RhD protein on the erythrocyte membrane. The biological function of the RhD molecule is unknown. Its structure suggests that the molecular complex with RhD protein transports NH3 or CO2 molecules across the erythrocyte cell membrane. Some data indicate that RhD positive and RhD negative subjects differ in their tolerance to certain biological factors, including, Toxoplasma infection, aging and fatique.
When it comes to autoimmune issues in general, RhD negative subjects have increased the risk of developing of certain heart diseases, respiratory diseases and some immunity and autoimmunity related diseases, for example rheumatoid arthritis. The general pattern suggests that RhD negative subjects could have problems with autoimmunity, could be more resistant to infections of viral origin and could be less resistant to infections of bacterial origin. The variation of the oxygen tension in various organs and tissues could, of course, influence also other biological functions, including the functions of the immune system. This could explain why RhD negativity seems to be associated with neurological, mental health and immunological disorders.
See the study:
Worse Health Status and Higher Incidence of Health Disorders in Rhesus Negative Subjects
This inference rings true with me, I had rheumatic fever from a bacterial infection when young and today I am being scheduled for open heart surgery to replace my mitral valve. My aunt had life long rheumatoid arthritis, my mother suffered from polymyalgia rheumatica sister thyroid; we are all RH negative.
I, too, am RH neg. Had immunity issues in my late 30’s. Was on Cortisone for 6 months. Really helped me get back to normal.
Had terrible strep throat in h.s. for two weeks. Dr. gave me a penicillin shot; doctors did not give penicillin that much back in the 1950’s. He told my mom I would probably have heart issues in later life. Turns out in my 70’s I learned I have a leaking mitral valve.
yes, Mike, ab neg and i have auto immune disease, granuloma anulare.
If you are AB= You may be concerned about vascular issues. I just read that this blood type may predispose you to blood clots. My father was AB- and had blood clots in his legs and had to be amputated at age 40 and died at age 47 from massive blood clots. I know that is not something you would want to hear but these days they can treat you for such things.
I developed Toxaemia (pre-eclampsia) in 1968 with my fourth pregnancy/birth, due to my D-Neg blood, and started getting serious pains in my centre chest, on my six week post natal check up, l told my GP l thought l had had a heart attack, and my heart was bad, l was 23. He poked and prodded, listen and mused, and asked a lot of questions, no scans then. “You’ve got a form of arthritis, you’ll probably be in a wheelchair by age fifty!” He was right on the former wrong on the latter. I’d developed rheumatoid arthritis. An immune deficiency condition. Both my child and l almost died after delivery. Had a lifetime of pain, still do. But rheumatoid arthritis doesn’t always show in blood tests, you can have it a lifetime, and it never will. It’s never shown in my tests, but, it physically shows now. I have it throughout my body, it’s symmetrical, get it one side, you get it the other too, determination and prayer and apple cider vinegar have kept me on my feet. But God has done the most, trust me, l’ve had miraculous intervention. At forty, racing my kids across an overhead ladder frame, hand grip feet dangling five foot from ground, my hands suddenly gave way, l fell badly, and landed upright on my spine and juddered it in agony. Couldn’t stand for six weeks. I developed osteoarthritis. Also throughout my body, though luckily, not symetrical. My GP (new in 2001) watched me sit down on first meeting and exclaimed, “you’ve got rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis in your hands.” I said, “l’ve got them all through my body too.” She carried on reading her computer screen and said, “Oh, so you have!” I’ve survived being in a nine month coma age seven, after an argument with a lorry left me shattered on the road, and a year with a calliper. I’ve survived a head on crash on the same road as young motorbike rider was killed outside the USAF Base in my hometown. The one where extradition is being sought for the diplomats wife. Same base. My crash was in 1973. With one yoing American Airman, his fault, because USAF sent me a cheque of compensation unasked for! £350. A lot back then. I broke the steering wheel in half with my jaw, hit my head and shattered windscreen, and landed third time coming down on chest on half a steering wheel. I was stunned briefly, came to immediately, and called God immediately, “please don’t let me due, they’ll split my children up,, please let me live to see them safely grown father!” He let me live to birth another ten years later. l stayed conscious, l begged to live to keep my then five young children safe, they only had an alcoholic dad and me. I vowed if l did, l’d witness in His name Many NDEs followed. The last was in 1981-2 suspected ovarian cancer. Immediate surgery boxing day 1981. They took ovary, plus appendix, but couldn’t take womb as l had asked, complications. So that last child came from a battered womb and one ovary, my left one! Septicemia, went on for a month after surgery, though they didn’t know why l was swelling like a whale. It confused doctors. I knew l was dying,knew l was being poisoned, but not why it how, until l was so I’ll l couldn’t stand l prayed all night. I vowed i’d be God’s advocate if He let me live. Next day pain gone, first time in month. Serious nasty smelling tooth paste thick grey poison came away from me on loo. Got rushed to hospital. Surgeon who operated saw me, said, ‘You should be dead, you’re riddled with sepsis, why are you alive?” Told him l prayed all night. He was an exchange doctor from Australia. He said, “Oh my God, look, look, l’ve never seen anything like this!” To nurse. I said “ls it cancer after all, will l die?” He said no, “We’d make a hole, put a catheter in and drain poison from behind womb where it’s trapped, but no need, somehow, l don’t know how, it’s impossible, a hole has formed in the uterus wall, and is draining out the puss and poison. When l press it against it, poison pushes in from behind your womb, which is an enclosed dark cavity, hence it can’t get out. You got your prayer answered. It can’t be possible, but l see it! You should have died weeks ago.” I oozed grey foul smelling puss like thick toothpaste for days, and recovered once again. l’ve told some, not all, of my NDEs, here, and not just how many times God has interceded. I don’t wait to be called a liar any more. Lifelong hitch to being a medium is “you fantasize.” Too old to care I tell it as it was and is, cos l don’t have the time left to convince you with sensitive words. We’re different us D Negs. Very different. God exists. Ghosts exist. We don’t die. No one dies. Ever. But be bloody careful not to assume you go to heaven, work at it, care for others first. That’s your pathway.
PS: my mum was AB Neg. My dad was O Neg.
Surgeons words to me during my first pregnancy in 1962-3… “You have an unusual blood type, one not often met with, one we don’t fully understand!” And trust me on this fellow Negs… They’re no closer understanding us than they were back then.
I developed HELLP Syndrome (severe pre-eclampsia) with both my children at the end. Otherwise healthy pregnancies. Always suspected there may be a link to my blood type. Both of my children are rh+.
As a kid l was in hospital half my life, but was lucky the Cillins saved my life and rebuilt my ability to fight off pneumonia twice, pleurical, and bronchial. And saw me through ear and throat infections and surgeries, plus recovery from coma and injuries. Luckily the Cillins saved me many times with the grace of God. Then suddenly in 2000, a bad dog bite turned to septicemia, and my body reacted badly to all Cillins. It was touch and go, and prayer in the end. That threat of dad’s gangerous leg started even then. And it’s threatening me today due to heart failure. There do seem to be certain types of problems Negatives are prone to. I have allergic reactions to every medication, and can’t have vaccines. Surgeons and doctors many times, advised me to avoid all meds l could, my whole life long.n. “In your shoes… I wouldn’t!” Became the most common sentence doctors spoke to me after witnessing my allergic reactions.
I believe a lot of negatives carry MTHFR mutations a little more than positives. This mean we methylate a bit slower, and I believe the homocysteine build-up caused by the extra ammonia causes the inflammation in the body and brain. The build-up of homocysteine can cause one to have heart problems as well. The inflammation in the brain, can cause the mental illness. We should definitely avoid vaccines, they only make our autoimmune issues worse. But, vaccines are so full of junk, ( everyone should avoid them) heavy metals, polysorbate 80, polyethylene glycol, aborted fetal cells, animal DNA, you talk about major incompatibilities, when you are putting DNA that contains RH positive DNA, this is where the autism, autoimmune, neurological, and mental disease come in. There is so much I could go on and on about here. Good post!
aborted fetal cells? Jeez. I have always avoided vaccines now i know why. How do i find out about the other stuff you mentioned as i have autoimmune, chronic health conditions?
Nut oils are also used as adjuvants, their widespread use and the increased vaccine schedule of the late 80s/early 90s just happens to coincide with the rise in nut allergies in children. That is a rabbit hole in and of itself.
I wonder if any autoimmune disease is triggered by the fact that Rhogam shots are given to RH negative pregnant women? There hasn’t been much study on he long-term effects of the rhogam shot (at least that I’ve read). That would be a great study… Is higher prevalence of autoimmune disease in RH negative women because of the negative factor or is it because Rhogam shots were given? Or both (i.e., the susceptibility was always there, but it was triggered by the shot)? It would be interesting to see the differences btw women who had children and are RH neg and received the shot and those who are RH neg but did not (e.g., ones who have a RH neg partner).
I absolutely do believe that negatives are prone to autoimmune conditions. I have a connective tissue disorder and have always had allergies and show positive for RA, my joints are hyper mobile, which causes bad inflammation in joints and micro tears in muscle and tissues. Translates to chronic PAIN. The reason I believe the autoimmune kicks off is because the positive D gets crossed up with us negatives somewhere along the line either the blood it self crosses from the mother or the DNA it self is so different the person who is negative is triggered by that. Really, the fetus is plugged into the mothers placenta and their blood must cross between them. My mother was considered positive but being that there is two factors to each individual like negative negative or negative positive. My mother had to have been negative and positive for myself and my sisters for us to be negative, and my father was negative negative. He was AB negative which is the rarest of the blood types. But if the positive D gets in your system by blood or DNA that could explain why our bodies would be triggered to fight against it as a mother who is sensitized to the D from a previous positive child. The blood is very complicated and I think that it changes our DNA. And the rhogam has caused these contrary bloods that pass down the line to create health problems. If you haven’t learned about double DNA or chemerism you should look it up. I think this could explain some of that.
Rachel: now you are closer to getting the point of it than most. I’ve spent sixty years studying my blood type all alone, and watched my kids damaged via vaccines. Until finally, via this very site and Mike’s news letter, after years of them in my box, l found my biggest answer to my kids Asperger traits, all six of them. I knew five had a bad vaccine released in 1969 in the UK, but l never knew l was a recipient of the then newly created (1960s) Anti-D shots. No one ever told us what we had, just gynaecologist orders. I was an original guinea pig. I had five babies between 1962 and 1969. And each pregnancy had varying problems. I’ve collapsed and nearly died with allergies to iron serum, to tetanus shot. To many medications and my body even reacted to the pill… And to the coil, l got pregnant with bith… But the coil went right up inside me in pregnancy number five, and l fell pregnant, it got pushed right into back of my womb, baby and amniotic sac grew over it, agonising pregnancy, hospitalised but no scans back then, no finding of coil. “You’ve passed it on the loo!” I had not. No one listened. My dad was dying, l’d been told in a premonition that he would, so visited every day, and gritted my teeth and carried on in agony all through the pregnancy. Which was also the result of a premonition, date and all. I could hardly stand whole pregnancy without sharp pain. Then at the birth the nurse exclaimed, “God, there’s a coil inside the placenta!” I said “Give it to me, l want that, l’m sterilising it and giving it to her when she leaves home!” I did, when she was eighteen, inside her “life book” l made them all. l haemorrhaged badly three hours after birth, urgent surgery needed, again. l’ve haemorrhaged three times in my reproductive years. l lost seven babies and birthed six. And because no one ever tested dads’ blood types, married twice, I never knew l ever needed the Anti-D shots anyway. They never knew either. They played safe and gave it to all us D-Neg mums. Both men were negatives. I now know l didn’t need them. I believe they created many of my problems. And all of my six children’s Asperger’s. (No edit)
Hallo Rachel, Thank you for your message cause I totally resontate with this. This is exactly my point!!(sorry Englisch is not my homelanguege, so ignore faults) but after that I had that shot, I became ill, everytime sick and energy level is changed, like my aura is big and feel everything. It is 20 years ago, I was 32, but after this my whole life is changed, and not for the better.
I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m very sensitive to pain and illnesses as well. I would never change it, though, as I would rather harm come to myself than my precious boys. It is a struggle though!
There is no proof of a connection between rhogham and autoimmune problems… For example I have autoimmune problems never had rhogham or rh+ babies… There are also many men with autoimmune problems that are rh-…
Both men and women show similar high frequencies, so a connection to Rhogam seems indeed unlikely.
I am also wondering about the Rhogham shot and higher incidence of autoimmune.
Would appreciate any research or info regarding this.
Hello I’m not sure when this discussion took place but ….. I am -A blood type and have sever rheumatoid arthritis ever since I was 33 years old! I have had 3 children and given Rogan 6 times! But I didnt develope RA until 2013? I had my last child in 2004. What ‘s really disturbing is why we are not educated in blood types? They are so important and can really have an affect on our lives! They should be listed on our drivers license or at least birth certificates!! Most people have no clue! I had my friend call his clinic to see if he could find out and the said its not on file? ??? Say what???? I think something should be done about this!! How can doctors prescribe any treatment or anything if they dont know blood type?? This seems highly irresponsible????
Precies dit, ik ben erachter gekomen door schade dat de regulieren behandelingen vaak niet aanslaan, de natuurlijke weg is vaak beter, natuurlijk planten die helpen, alternatieve therapieen en suplementen.
My brother has Crohns, he is A-
My mother and I have arthritis, we are B-
My dad and sister are rh+ and do not have any autoimmune issues.
My mum was AB Neg, never a days illness in her 81 year life. Lifelong sinus trouble was her biggest gripe. Despite two miscarriages. She was rudely healthy with five children. She struck gold with dad, who was O Negative. Yet perfect blood or not, he died young at 53 with heart failure, gangrene and amputation of left leg,. I am taking after him health wise, and praying l die before gangrene. I only know my kid brother’s group, l’ve never been close to the others, but my older brother died in 2016 of COPD yet never smoked from teenage till death at 72. He swore his COPD was caused by the Swine Flu vaccine. I know my kid brother is B Neg’. He’s 75 next month, and five years ago after a bad reaction to a ‘mesh’ hernia repair he was in pain all the time, and developed Parkinson’s Disease. It’s affected his judgement and behaviour in ways that caused me to have to close my door to him. Parkinson’s medication is known for this. He sees me as a fanciable female, and forgot l’m his big sister. I’m too old and poorly to fight that battle, he’s been banned from my door, and l’m heartbroken. Not something you expect in your seventies. We do appear to be vastly different with D-Neg blood. I have many health issues, then l’ve survived many NDEs, so it’s not surprising.
Hallo Rachel, Thank you for your message cause I totally resontate with this. This is exactly my point!!(sorry Englisch is not my homelanguege, so ignore faults) but after that I had that shot, I became ill, everytime sick and energy level is changed, like my aura is big and feel everything. It is 20 years ago, I was 32, but after this my whole life is changed, and not for the better.