The Rh Negative Blog

Is it harder for RH negatives to get addicted?

I am wondering if you have ever realized some mind-over-matter moments where you felt as if all of your adrenaline came together to end a road headed badly.

Do you feel you are close enough to yourself where drugs, alcohol or other addictions simply have a harder time getting in between?

If it is true that Rh negative men may be much more likely to end up addicted and that certain ABO types also play significant roles, the question is why?

What can we all do to get our bodies to recognize the positives in us to where the need or desire to become medicated simply fades?

Why are AB negatives showing up so high in drug addictions and blood type A negative males in alcoholism?

If any of you ever had struggles, what do you believe to have gotten you out?

… or are you still in?

This particular article is based on two things:

  1. Your feedbacks and comments about yourselves as well as others, oftentimes fathers and husbands.
  2. Actual studies which have been out there for ages, but largely ignored.

As it is you sharing experiences, I need to stress that actual studies are in the making, yet individual cases not to be mistaken for such.

They do, however become essential when included in one.

In general, this blog has been created to

  1. unite Rh negatives worldwide
  2. listen to Rh negatives worldwide
  3. inform Rh negatives worldwide

I also find it interesting that Donald Trump (A-) was advised by his brother not to ever try alcohol.

David Letterman mentioned not being able to stop once he started drinking and we all know Christian Slater’s life a little bit.

In other words:

As I am A negative, I keep recognizing the messages and struggles in other A negative males.

That does not include the much larger number of A negative males I personally know, yet sharing their stories would be pointless.

I also, celebrity or not, do not reveal personal conversations and privileged knowledge and what I share or reference to has been shared elsewhere before and usually is public record or spoken by the referenced themselves.

Being Rh negative inspires me to share YOUR stories when they resonate.

I also see that there is obstacle after obstacle for the medicated ones.

Intuition might be our greatest asset, but not to be taken for granted living a medicated life.

No, advising others and telling others what to do are not the same thing.

Advice is only for those asking you for it.

Many of my posts are inspired by Google searches leading here, so while you may wonder why I would ask for advice regarding relationships, don’t assume me trying to get into anyone’s business not knowing I just saw a keyword search such as

“I am rh negative only have bad love experience”


In general: Never assume!