” As seen in this past Sunday’s newspapers: PARADE Magazine, 26 April 2020. Here is actress SCARLETT JOHANSSON, claiming that she makes electric items go haywire, a trait that many Rh-Negative people have.
Is Miss Scarlett One of Us? “
The answer is “yes”. I have already posted her here.
As I have another Scarlett.
There is more to come.
Stay tuned!
Why are so many of our blood type actors? My cousin and my niece are in movies. I do not know 100 percent of there Rhesus neg They have the Eyes like myself. Heterochromatic eyes. Blue very intense with yellow gold fkecks. I wondered about scarlett. Pretty cool. The island? That’s my biggest fear is the need for my organs. The movies like contagion and the island. Have to wonder if someone knows something I dont.
Yes Scarlet Johanson starred in this movie. The movie was about The Elite and Famous cloning themselves to harvest organs for extension of there life. If presidents and Royal familyare in fact rhesus negative , it would be very hard let’s say in the b neg, or an neg group to find a match… I think to much, however was hospitalized in Wilmington N.C . For a heart issue during the flu virus 2018. Was placed in very nice wing. We all talked, my roommate was b negative, we asked around, out of 9 rooms 4 were b neg, and we learned that the floor consisted of th negs. Wilmington is the Hollywood of the East coast, with a very Elite community. I asked the nurse and she said well I’m I negative high irish community it’s very common. Statistically speaking is this curious? I think a little weird. A lot of movies seem to foretell future events. I think too much ,maybe?
I think to every conspiracy theory, there is a shred of truth. Point being ,I am not positive that our blood type is traced, but if so, it seems bizarre that coincidentally Scarlett is Rhesus Negative, and She plays main character in Organ Trade. Probably just a coincidence. Any ways it’s cool to see more of our rare bloodtype, I don’t feel so alone . Sorry I’m writing too much.
You’re not writing too much. You are bringing up your thoughts. That’s a good thing. I have no definitive answers at this time, but definitely share what I will come up with when/if I do.
I’m in isolation have been for a month. I was up all night researching and I think I found a key factor in Germany’s low mortality. It’s a drug in class of (RNA Activated Capase Oligomerizer). Or Antisense drug. Category ASO. There is a company that researched oligomerizer use to treat Ebola and aids. This has been tested on other viruses and it works to kill virus. As I watched a documentary on Amazon prime called Virus Empire I soon realized a German connection. The top biologists seem to be in germany. So I’m not complete with my studies yet, my guess is that they have approved this medicine and are using it on patients. It is a cure. The new drug in us is a treatment Remdesivir. Not a cure. My guess is that FDA restrictions in us will hinder release of these meds where Germany may have green light. Check it out… I left a lot out , you know the cliche about curiosity and cats. Tell me what you think.
Hi mike! Did you figure it out? First I’m new to social media, it’s my birthday today! I’m 52…. Ouch! I really hoped for input on last post. I feel ambivalent about exposing what I’ve learned in my studies. I was hoping some of the rhnegatives who were exposed to hippocampus would divulge some info. So in memory of my beautiful boy Joseph who died from medical negligence in Sept 2017 a baby 22 years old, as I did every yr. On my birthday give him a gift. Just quick clerification, I meant virologist in last post auto word correct imputed biologist. Top virologist germany. I’m hoping you too have been exposed to toxoplasmosis mike. Company Glead CEO resigned, Donald Rumsfeild on board. They will make millions maybe billions in these meds being manufactured. Look at Georgia guidstones. Study these peoples backrounds. This virus created. B W it’s depopulation the extermination to bank off of a drugs revenues. My opinion you can research facts. The creation of viruses somehow spared rhesus negatives, well of course there blood type is Rhesus neg, they want to live. It sounds left field slightly, but I scored 25 out of 25 on sense card test so hopefully I’m on point. I welcome all to research this. Ty
Toxoplasmosis this word correction not great
I found the Viking link to my surname. My father told us stories around the campfire as a teenager that our ancestors were vikings from Germany or Switzerland that settled in nova scotia. I looked it up on google. Archeologists found the ” Long lost North American Viking Settlement ” in Nova Scotia in New Brunswick Prince Edward Island. Year 2018. I n 2016 “The “Nova” Vikings discovered. How did my father know ? He passed on in 2003 from CHF. I m spooked. His Family name is so unique and rare in 1981 he found a captain James L Publicover in Bluenose Magazine from nova scotia. So my parents dragged me to Prince Edward island for the Family Tree trip. We went to every graveyard my parents photographing gravestones with our name. AWESOME ! Not ! Was not fun. So how did my dad know this he is b neg. Also a genius ! Not I I need to study hard adhd. 2016 they found vikings not in 1981 ? Was there evidence that long ago? So yes rhesus negatives I have German Viking autoimmune celebrity the is question( on yeah another weird coincidence: My cousin is a doctor in Japan for years has been studying Toxoplasmosis and publishing findings in med journals) oh the celebrity ques. My family artistic paints writes actors it’s cathartic if we don’t express ourselves as go crazy. I paint and draw. So mike I will get Dr. Lawlor, my cousins articles on toxoplasmosis. Will email him. We are all Science too. My grandfather biochemist at B.C. School. Father Dentist His father was Elite owned successful business and tons real estate in boston. And research. My uncle owns a popular magazine. It’s all coming together mike! What about our supernatural abilities? I have 20 minutes of unidentified video I have flash drive. Send me anonymous p.o. Box and I will send you a video you can try to debunk. The arch diocese can’t tell me what it is , can you? I will send it. That would be fun I want someone to tell me what’s in the video. Get a temporary p.o box and I will send you flash.
So maybe it’s not all a crock? Let’s compare facts to myth? So myself and my Rhesus Negative bloodline: Yes I BNeg have strawberry blond hair, Intense eyes ( people stop me and my daughter’s on the street and make comments about our eyes) Mine eye color gray with gold flecks so they change to intense blue and aqua. My daughter has the most beautiful eyes you gasp at her beauty green aqua and blue. My parents ( b neg) my mother had positive but her family some negative. Father dark hair but gorgeous hazel eyes mother hazel) sister b neg red hair green eyes. We all draw and paint and my niece was in Hollywood movies. Defiantly some narcissistic personality traits. ( my niece called back to read for main character in movie Slender Man) Thank God she did not get part I would have been mortified) she was in a mini series The diapers I think it was called with Ryan Phillippe and a movie I can’t remember name. A lot of Hollywood stuff not my thing she is conceited so I don’t ask. My sister puts her daughters accomplishments against my daughter so I do not engage.The red green eyes ones. German yes ( ancestry.com says) publicover was Americanized from Puppikofer. Swiss german, associated Nova Scotia. We have Autoimmune disorders. I have Lupus my daughter although tested I positive according to your video the man said has rh…neg in her as I the mother am b neg and her father Opositive. She has M.S very mild. Viking connection. I have 100 percent proof paranormal activity will send flash drive so you can try to debunk. High IS in family have test results my father son daughter genius I’m above average my score 130. Resistance to viruses yes. What else, oh 100 percent in an empath. I literally have panic attacks because of others energy I am dental hygienist so I’m very close to people all day. I changed to pedodontics. Children are good. I think I’ve . My temperature always 97 degrees. I have extra vertebra ( I have stay to prove it) my daughter extra. I’m a person and have good intuition. Last post typo Zenar card test not sense card) perfect score. My father mother and daughter sense good from bad. I know when someone is bad or lying. I’m precognizent. My mom my daughter too. I never never was abducted I think this is crazy thinking. Although I do believe in eugenics. Maybe . Not sure. I have panic disorder unfounded fears. I research have to know facts truth. OCD yes. Now this is my focus so I will research might and day to find facts. I know things. I love space and science. I believe I read any person who received Rhogam, is tracked. I had identity card given as soon as my blood type discovered when I was pregnant with first child. She was born 1990. I hemmhoraged third child so maybe blood disorder. People either love me or hate me, no shades of gray. I am not liking isolation much however if I had tv I would like isolation. I have one major phobia and that’s Artificial Intelligence. This is the first time I’ve ever joined social media. I’m afraid of the selection of sociological testing. I’m afraid that my blood type is rare and comparable with presidents and illuminati that they will kill me to obtain my blood and organs ( could fall under unfounded phobias) I have the military connection ( TPTB) tracking. After my son was denied medical treatment ( he was in college my husband a dentist was retiring so he stopped private health care ins. When he became disabled) switched us to state insurance. My son did not have health ins. Had overdose, so was discriminated not only because he was uninsured, but a drug addict) I found him in rigor in our finished basement in the bathroom . He still had hospital bracelet on. I am infuriated that after taking an oath to treat the uninsured and to treat all patients equally, that he was disposed of. Now to again see that there is a possible cure.Antisence drugs, anyone can look at research from Michael L Riordan who made Rendisivir and previously owned Glead company and read his research findings and drugs medications that reduce stunt or kill viruses. Donald Rumsfeld monetarily supported this company, if true he conversed with President Trump on releasing remdisivir, without being approved by FDA. The side effects cause respiratory clots( pleural thrombosis) which would be a contradiction to vivid 19 patients who are susceptible to plural clots. The FD A released drug on Emergency orders. Billions of dollars will Rumsfeild make off of this drug. So why if Activated Capase Oligomeizers created at Gilead. Approved by FD A are not available to these patients? MONEY!!!! When virus resurgence in the Fall happens, they will more than likely release more efficient drug treatment my hypothesis, will state rendisivir causing clots can’t use( well they could with anticoagulant med treatment) will mass produced the miracle cure. Michael Riordan has YouTube video 1994. That’s 26 years ago, studied viruses aids ect. I am thinking yes there is a cure. People half focus today. This was a way to have all pay attention. Trump and Rumsfeild most certainly will get lost economy back through pharmaceutical sales. Why has not anyone researched this. The fact that our government Trump publicly announced and praised Gilead company. They know the truth. Our government is sacrificing the lives of Americans knowing there is a cure. It’s about power, control and money. Watch videos do research. No vaccine for all 30 mutations is possible. Maybe one. The virus is transcription faster than possibility of vaccine.I’m a hygienist, why do I know this? Google it! We are not there patsys, we are not disposible! Wake up and tell Trump I matter! My life matters, there using us for trial and error to approve meds, we are unemployed, there getting richer. They don’t need anymore money. Watch video on all CEO of major Corp resigned in last 6 mths. Do they know something ? They want to say I that’s a conspiracy theory. They will say to anyone who connected this that there crazy, watch. Sorry no tv im frustrated there treating us like monkeys ! 😎 that was a joke
Not diapers the wisperer my niece was in that
Miniseries. She has her father’s last name will keep her annonimity.
So I’m writing because I’m in isolation. B negative blood. The military connection I would like other negatives to add any connection or experience. My father served in military was first leut. I’m Korean war. He was responsible to find landmines and undetonate. Crazy scary. When I went to Wilmington N.C. To grieve the loss of my son I was accepted instantly to elite circles. I noticed at church we all had similar coloring hair eyes. Wilmington is a North Carolina town on the cost. My sister wanted to promote my nieces request to be an actor so the moved with the Hollywood dream in mind. She is a nurse. I was on anti anxiety medication so was in and out of hospital for heart and head issues . Was so traumatized by my son’s death. When I have blood the vial bubbled over. My sister commented wow I’ve never seen that before very bizzarre. Employees at hospital and church military. I was to stay a few days in hospital after many appeared after blood sample taken. Keep her here to monitor heart over night. That turned into a longer period of time. They said you need to be wiened off benzodiazepines we can not dismiss you yet. I was only taking medication three weeks. I was alerted really never thought of blood type until Jesse ventured ” conspiracy tbeory” miniseries came on tv. I had forgotten my blood type and remembered I needed rhogham they freaked during my pregnancy I had th negative identity card hurried in like of cards for yrs. Had forgotten about it as it only was issue during my pregnancies and no one told me why just you have to get rhogham. So I realized very quickly a common denominator with these patients. We all suffered a recent death. We felt like we knew each other. We looked like family and so.e spoke fluent german. We talked with our hands. So I brought blood type up. I asked my roommate what blood type she was. She said b neg. I said so am I you know that makes up small percent. She had noclue. I asked don’t you feel like we all know each other? She said weirdly yes. I said will you help ask around. She said you’ve perked my interest absolutly. She was a nurse. We learned except for two people we all were rhesus negatives. Doctor got mad. Nurse said well I’m I negative 25 percent of neg come from Ireland we have very irish population wilmington. I barked back 9 rooms 4 b negatives? Is that statistically possible? She told me to keep my conspiracy theories to myself. Well we all were not hearing her. I brought up who is german… Man the hand went up. 4 spoke fluent german. They were testing us. We all were artistc, interested in science. Art and history. We had higher than average hand eye coirdination. We played piano all drew we all had similar eyes and spoke at same time…We had family in military, and we were all discussing cognizant dissonance in length. Not a common discussion. We all suffered from anxiety. Our food activities interests were charted. The blood surpluses taken was noticed. I positive blood people had 12 goals a day taken. We all felt like we were being studied. No one blinked twice at our abilities to act, paint, play musical instruments, have military access, our science knowledge. I missed the gym teacher off when I beat her at long pong. She was a triathlon runner, also rhesus negative. She told me I was special and to donate my blood. It was very surreal. But true. Maybe Wilmington a hot spot? It still bugs me. I saw many triangle crafts. So guys it’s not aliens it’s our military sorry…was surreal
One more observation….We all patted the flowers. Two found 4lead clovers. Animals and insects act weird , very attracted. Is this common amongst rhesus negatives? I have video of a dragonfly shaking my hand, sat on my hand for almost an hour. He looked at me as though he understood what I was saying. I have photos and video. This is bizarre behavior for dragonfly. They do not behave this way. Had a goat at zoo, a baby climb on my lap, out his front legs around my neck and rest his head on my shoulder going to sleep. People gathered took photos and video. It’s really weird, do th neg have a special bond with animals? I have video to back up my claims. So any skeptics I will prove my statements with facts. And why is the Catholics so protective of me? I have voicemail from diocese checking to see if I’m well. It’s on visual voice. I showed them video and pics of unexplained events maybe?
I apo!house for computers changing my words…must look over before I send. Corrections, 0 positive rhesus negative blood was taken over the other rhesus negative blood types. 12 viles per day. I had 6 viles. Three times taken. When I went to registry to obtain drivers license off occurrance. The woman in charge told me to come. The registry was full and she let me cut line. She told me I needed military access. My sister b negative asked if she should have military access as well. The woman said no not you( my sister) her. Pointed to me. My sister commented on both blood sample and this statement from registry as very weird. She was actually insulted. Just very bizarre.