Blood type O negative is the universal donor blood type. People with blood type O negative can donate blood to people of all major blood types.

Here are some things you might think or say:
“I don’t need to prove myself.”
“If it doesn’t feel right, I can’t do it.”
“I can follow facts, but not people.”
“I cannot listen to most people for too long.”
“I am very picky when it comes to making friends.”
“How people see me matters little compared to how I feel.”
“Titles don’t impress me.”
“I don’t give others a chance to disappoint me.”
All of those statements hold true, and the older I get the more intolerant I’ve become where people are concerned. If something dosent feel right I cant or should I say I wont have any part of it, and that over the years has saved my ass many times. I can pick up on negative energy and within a few minutes know what that person has on their agenda. Both my daughters are the same way.
Very true. I always feel and say these lines always.
That’s my O- daughter to the letter!