I have previously ignored too much of the obvious. By obvious I mean something hitting you in the face again and again without you looking for it. You think “this can’t be”, but then you get to the point where the neglected becomes the urgent. And there you have it:

Back in the days in some societies, it was common to force left-handed children to write with their right hand. Some left-handed musicians also have stated before that they play their instruments right-handed as the only guitar available was a right-handed one for example.
Please be aware that while I am putting this list together, I am overwhelmed by the mass-amount.
This started out as a gallery and has turned into so much more. I will continue adding rh negatives in the public eye who were/are left-handed.
You can view the gallery here:
See also:
Me and my son are left-handed as well my Mom.
Do you remember when you first noticed that your son is left-handed?
left-handedness/bias w/ Rh(D) O negatives is quite common among my relatives and people/friends i know who are O neg (upstate NY State area and people w/ relatives from this area and/or w/ Scottish heritage). i describe myself as being left-handed biased ambidextrous. born w/ a left hand bias/preference and forced by family to do many things w/ my right hand. at age six i chose to write using my right hand, since it was most practical. including myself, a local friend and my father’s father (who i believe was O neg and was left-handed biased ambidextrous…he said he would use whichever hand was handiest, or rather whichever hand worked best for the required task)…we were/are all ambidextrous to varying degrees. so in addition to all the lefty O neg’s that exist, many are/have also become (to different extents) ambidextrous; if they were able to use their right hand / the right side their body well. i’ve studied and considered this area: the prevalence of ambidexterity and why it exists or doesn’t a lot. most/nearly all who are ambidextrous, are people w/ a left hand bias/preference and right brain hemisphere usage dominance. i tend to be able to communicate well with essentially all who are lefties. with ambi’s i have even more in common. it makes no difference what one’s the level of intelligence is either (for me) w/ lefties. if someone is a lefty, i expect i will be able to communicate rather well with them. we can easily become friends. sometimes it was only other lefties or ambi’s who have been able to understand me, my new ideas and/or solutions to problems. yes, there is something important going on here. much of it/most of it is apparently a brain thing…though the Rh(D) O negative connection is well intertwined with it all presently. nice work Mike. i appreciate your date-by-type site as well.
I like the “bias” terminology. It isn’t set in stone. I do not recall when exactly I was right-handed, but have been told I was often picking up crayons with my left hand and writing/drawing/painting with it, but being corrected as a toddler. I play soccer with my left foot, play golf left-handed, do most right-handed. I can write well with my left hand, but not as well as with my right hand. However, something happens in my brain when I switch. Left feels right. Right doesn’t, but so don’t many things I do which are probably results of habits having grown into patterns considered “the way to do things” following the road-most-traveled.
In the photo of Katie Holmes and Greg Kinnear as JFK and Jackie, who exactly is left handed – the actors or the historical figures?
Five kids in my family. I’m the only Rh- type O. I’m also the only lefty. Nobody made me do anything right-handed but I knit, bat and golf right-handed. Both parents are Rh-pos. My mother was born lefty but made to change. My son is O-neg but right-handed. Sooo interesting.