The following maps were created back in 2014 using my data. Even though more has become available since, not much would change the look of the maps for the Rh negative ABO types as most of the countries with the highest Rh(D) negative frequencies have been captured early-on.

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I deeply appreciate your work on the worldwide distribution of blood groups. I am in the process of trying to make sense of it. The distributions are certainly neither random nor even !
The maps on India are a little misleading…whereas your data and links show the really high concentration in NorthEast India, and areas close to it. It would be great to know which tribes are involved.
Interesting mike! Curious just wondering were these stats from origin or well people move? Australia yes Nicole Kidman. My daughter Lauren was invited by Australian government to teach math. Our summers are opposite so she spent two summers. She cried and was confused by how the aborigines chose to live. She took construction courses built a home and a school in Alice springs. Her comment was mummy they are not able to get basics. This hurt her heart. Tried to teach proper hygiene to no avail. Spent hours picking up trash. The educational system was dep!Oracle in her words. She was 4 yrs ahead. This is not an insult. Every Rhesus Negative I know is beyond brilliant. Makes zero sense. And why such small burgundy colors when just about every RH neg I’ve met ( my personal experience) German Irish Norway and yes was cool to see the Canadian area lit up. Yet my understanding is that we travelled to Canada not born there… Vikings, dumb point we breed. Where do the ice blue eyes come from? Not many brown eyes. Hazel blue green? Just curious