The internet is full of claims and excuses. Someone uses a degree to mislead and spends all day on Quora having nothing better to do than talking about how safe vaccines are. Can someone say “agenda”?
A recent post I have seen claims that vaccines are safe because tuna from a can contains just as much mercury.
Now let us look at this “logic”.
The presence of mercury in fish can be a particular health concern for women who are or may become pregnant, nursing mothers, and young children.
If anything, a statement like the one above would actually confirm that vaccines are bad for pregnant women, women planning to get pregnant and small children.
As I have previously stated, my thoughts are that vaccines CAN affect some children and probably are not harmful enough to most to cause substantial and lasting damage. So now the question is whether or not this should be considered a “calculated and acceptable risk”.
Percentages of rh negative mothers among autistic children has substantially gone down since Thimerosal was removed in 2002. But overall, autism has increased in everyone. I believe everyone is responsible for their own decision, but a decision needs to be based on having sufficient information.
It is clear that there is invested financial interest in keeping children vaccinated. This can lead to distortion of facts. It doesn’t automatically mean your child will become autistic if vaccinated. But it might mean that if there are serious concern, you may have to become active getting the right information on your own rather than waiting for it to fall into your lap.
If you are seriously concerned now, then don’t just point your fingers at the medical industry, but rather stay away from anything harmful to you and your children.
I can give you more of my thoughts, but prefer to let the above stand on its own. Solutions are welcome in the commenting section. Bashing the medical industry is not helpful. Yes, there is greed and corruption. But what we need is the right information to help rh negatives make the right decisions.
Everything that is bad for humans, seems to affect rh negatives more than rh positives. That has been proven. And I know of several cases where rh negative children of rh negative women are suffering from several Neurological disorders. And in all those cases, Rho(D) immune globulin
had been administered to the mothers during pregnancies. Which of course was not necessary to begin with. But again, don’t count on anyone telling you that you won’t need something your insurance company can be billed a lot of money for.
Whether or not vaccines cause autism is the wrong question. The right question would be whether or not it could be possible that vaccines can contribute towards developing neurological disorders.
Having to be ACTIVELY concerned is a sad reality and it requires making your own decisions. As always, I am very interested from those who believe they have been able to keep their families healthy. Pointing out the “bad guys” is not helpful. I have seen that done on Facebook for years without major changes coming quickly, so what is happening in the meantime is essential as well. Yes, Thimerosal has finally been removed from Rho(D) immune globulin, but seeing a study where one clinic reports more than 28% of its autistic patients having rh negative mothers let’s us know that there was something wrong before. For years.
Some of the toxic effects of mercury are partially or wholly reversible, either through specific therapy or through natural elimination of the metal after exposure has been discontinued. Autopsy findings point to a half-life of inorganic mercury in human brains of 27.4 years. Heavy or prolonged exposure can do irreversible damage, in particular in fetuses, infants, and young children. Young’s syndrome is believed to be a long-term consequence of early childhood mercury poisoning.
The fact that canned tuna contains mercury doesn’t make vaccines any better. It simply means that if you ignore health warnings like this one, it may not be the vaccines responsible for an ND if you continue buying food products you now know can impact your and your children’s health drastically.
Generally speaking, eating fresh and natural foods is the best way to go. You cannot prevent health related risks completely, but you can cut down on the exposure.

In 1999, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) asked vaccine makers to remove the organomercury compound thiomersal (spelled “thimerosal” in the US) from vaccines as quickly as possible, and thiomersal has been phased out of US and European vaccines, except for some preparations of influenza vaccine. The CDC and the AAP followed the precautionary principle, which assumes that there is no harm in exercising caution even if it later turns out to be unwarranted, but their 1999 action sparked confusion and controversy that Thiomersal was the cause of autism.
Since 2000, Thimerosal in child vaccines has been alleged to contribute to autism, and thousands of parents in the United States have pursued legal compensation from a federal fund. A 2004 Institute of Medicine (IOM) committee favored rejecting any causal relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism. Autism incidence rates increased steadily even after Thimerosal was removed from childhood vaccines. However: In children of rh negative mothers, autism has drastically decreased since Thimerosal was removed from Rho(D) immune globulin. But overall incidence rates increasing steadily indicates a need to now focus on all sorts of exposure to mercury.
Most people are happy with “quick fixes”. But there isn’t a reasonable one. This is not a post to give you a quick and easy solution, but rather encouraging rh negatives (an rh positives of course), to help each others and find solutions together. We are generally speaking more likely to get cancer and suffer from health problems more than our rh positive counterparts. It doesn’t mean we are just unhealthy people. It means we react stronger to whatever is bad for everyone. And that is something that we have to accept. And once accepted, it is important to do what we can to help prevent suffering for us and future generations of rh negatives. And since we seem to be the ones affected the most, rh positives as well are going to benefit from us canaries in the coal mines.
You can also join in on an ongoing discussion on our forum…
– Mike Dammann
See also:
Worse Health Status and Higher Incidence of Health Disorders in Rhesus Negative Subjects
Study indicates rh- mothers more likely to have autistic children
excellent point, in that everyone could be helping each other. I think mercury is only one of many factors, but there are more. I have a sensitivity to wireless, EMF, radar, and electronics. And also to glyphosate, and wheat and corn, so we are now organic, when 50 years ago, one did not have to be. We don’t use wireless, when 50 years ago, nobody had thought about this. If we use mercury as an excellent example, of a low level toxin, widespread, and looked at the epidemiology and the number of people affected, mercury is fairly low on the list, although it is serious. not to discount it! but it’s one of many things.
Glyphosate is more widespread, more insidious, doesn’t cause acute immediate symptoms, but is having more widespread effect (and on everyone, not just us). Today, I question electric fields of any type, wireless communications of any type, cell phone frequency, living under major power lines, these things are discredited as “unclear”, when in fact, it is very clear. I didn’t say they were lethal, or caused suicides, but that they have negative impacts on the quality of life, such as depression, just for one example.
but your better point, “we could be helping each other”, no matter what it is.
Yes this information about vaccines is vitally important.