The clade is believed to have originated around 9,800 years ago in the Near East and spread all over Europe via Iberia. Haplogroup V is a relatively rare mtDNA haplogroup, occurring in around 4% of native Europeans. Its highest concentration is among the Saami people of northern Scandinavia (~59%). It has been found at a frequency of approximately 10% among the Maris of the Volga-Ural region, leading to the suggestion that this region might be the source of the V among the Saami. Additionally, haplogroup V has been observed at higher than average levels among Cantabrian people (15%) of northern Iberia, and at a lower percentage among the adjacent Basque (10.4%).
Haplogroup V is also found in parts of Northwest Africa. It is mainly concentrated among the Tuareg inhabiting the Gorom-Gorom area in Burkina Faso (21%), Sahrawi in the Western Sahara (17.9%), and Berbers of Matmata, Tunisia (16.3%). The rare V7a subclade occurs among Algerians in Oran (1.08%) and Reguibate Sahrawi (1.85%).
A recent comment here has caught my interest as someone of British descent carried this marker and stated being of partial Jewish origin. That Jewish origin would be likely Sephardic and brought over to Britain via Iberia as well.
The Saami people of Northern Scandinavia seem to be the offspring of one of the very unique tribes once entering Iberia from the Near East who have mixed with the Basques amongst groups of Northern Africa indicating a migration via Northern Africa towards the Iberian peninsula once.

We are being told that the Saami of Norway and Finland have between 5 and 7% rhesus negatives among them which is not a lot.
When it comes to the HLA-B27 allele, maximum frequencies are observed among the Saami (20% in northern Sweden, 15% in Norway), then in the rest of Fennoscandia, in Belgium, England and Scotland.
HLA-B27 plays a very protective role in the case of HIV/AIDS.
So let’s take a quick look at the V and HLA-B27 distributions in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East:
HLA-B27 frequencies map:

Haplogroup mtDNA V frequencies map:

The real mystery to me is why so many scientists out there claim that there is no connection as different alleles are being passed on differently. Which is sort of personal to me as the same people deny correlation between blood type frequencies and genetic markers.
There are actual studies out there indicating very strong connections, yet the medical and scientific journals refuse to publish those as the dim-witted editors immediately disregard those as “being too out there”.
So here is my question to you:
If you carry haplogroup mtDNA V, what is your blood type, where is your ancestry from and are you aware of whether or not you carry the HLA-B27 allele?
Thank you very much in advance for your replies. And if you are on Facebook and want to learn more about Haplogroup V, there is a nice group where you can get some great information:
I belong to the haplogroup mtDNA V. My blood type is AB+ and direct ancestry is from Italy. I am not yet aware if I carry the HLA-B27 allele.
I’m V10a, AB-, and I’m 88% English, according to “my heritage” a dash of Basque, Sardinian, Irish, Scottish, and Scandinavian and I live in Wild Wonderful West Virginia 😬
I have the maternal haplogroup v7a. My closest ancestors came from Scandinavian Denmark, England, Germany.. I have A+ blood & yes I have the HLA-B27.
I was diagnosed with angulosing spondylitis back in 2012.
Blood type O negative. Ancestors on both sides from Ireland. I do not know if I carry the HLS-B27 allele.
mtDNA V, A Rh +, Irish/Scottish
O++ and HLA-B27 +
I am southern Italian , my mother was B – and I am B + I belong to haplo group V and I think I have it but I’ll prove it because I’m RA seronegative
I would LOVE for someone to create a magazine or journal for those of us who want to read other people’s “out there’ ideas. I mean the ‘world is round’ was out there at one time (although I hear there are the flat earther still).
My raw data notes HLA B.
I’m 0 neg.
My Ancestry is very mixed, many Royal houses.
Covering Europe, N Africa etc.
How do you find it in your raw dna? I did both ancestry and 23andme, I’m b-. I downloaded my raw dna to gedmatch but I can’t really understand all this stuff lol.
I used to upload my raw data.
The layout is pretty good to work through.
My mom’s side is v and a-negative. I’m 77% British/Irish with Belgian, German and Iberian among the rest. As a critical care nurse a cared for Covid patients with limited PPE and never got sick
Haplogroup V, AB-, I have the allele
Heinz 57!
My maternal great great grandparents were German (Bavarian) nobility and English royal lines WAY back. Bastard child of King James V was a Direct line. My paternal ancestors were Scottish, Irish, Dutch, and rumored Native with genealogical proof, but none from genetic test. Always wondered who I’m connected most to. Blonde hair, multicolored eyes with olive skin.
Haplo group V7. 43% Iberian (Portuguese) 26% British/Irish, 10% French/German (data from 23&Me). Blood type is A+. Not of FB but curious to know more about this haplo type as it is reported as uncommon
I am O+ at last count and I do not know if I carry the HLA-B27
Ok … I have already mentioned .. My Basque / taureg (blue people ) ancestry to you . Its in my mix . Not sure if I carry HLA-B27 allele but o- so maybe .. And I’m V not U
I’m b- parents are from India live in uk
I no idea if I carry HLS-B27 allele
Fascinating. My blood type is A+ and I am of Ashkenazi Jewish origin, which seems to be an outlier here. I do not know if I carry the allele.
I am V1a. I have only my mother’s side to go on. Her ancestors are traceable back to Galicia in the early 1800’s. Modern day Ukraine. And there is a Jewish ancestor there somewhere. My report also said there was a Finnish ancestor. I don’t know how to check for the HLS-B27 allele. And I’m embarrassed to admit that I don’t know my blood type.
In 2013, Iberomaurusian skeletons from the prehistoric sites of Taforalt and Afalou in the Maghreb were also analyzed for ancient DNA. All of the specimens belonged to maternal clades associated with either North Africa or the northern and southern Mediterranean littoral, indicating gene flow between these areas since the Epipaleolithic.[59] The ancient Taforalt individuals carried the mtDNA haplogroups U6, H, JT and V, which points to population continuity in the region dating from the Iberomaurusian period
I am Hap V. Blood: 0+.
Maternal line from Calabria, South Italy. test shows HLA-B27 in my results as:
rs13202464(A;A) = common/normal so this should mean I should NOT be a carrier of HLA-B27 allele.
Thanks for the article,
I’m haplogroup V8, blood type A negative. Maternal ancestry is Ireland. No idea about HLA-B27.
We belong to this group and my mother has the rare blood group A Rh D neg….. If you are interested in further knowledge about hla ..types … I wish I had time to explain the significance ..
This webpage is not available. Can you give me any more information on this ? thank you
The link is safe
My mtDNA subclade is V8. Bloodtype is O negative and RH negative. Most of descendants are from Great Britian and Scotland.
Haplogroup mtDNA V10a, blood type RH Neg, ancestry from Ireland and unaware if I carry the HLA-B27 allele.
I am O -neg and V1a1 female from northern Finland.
I am also O-neg V1a1 female from northern Finland (Kainuu).
Hi Marjaana and Saara,
I am also V1a1, born in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Glad to meet you!
V1a ( my mother in law is and her blood type is O positive she comes from Croatia)
Haplogroup V, A+, 20% Scandinavian and 76% British isles
Haplogroup V10a, A- from Spain.
Halpogroup V British Isles & German I’m 0+
However, my mom and sister are R- .
I am in mitochondrial haplogroup V3. My blood type is O negative and my ancestors were all from northern Italy, specifically from Veneto region. I don’t know if I carry the mentioned allele.
Haplagroup V – blood type A-, South Central Bulgarian on the fraternal side where my brother shows 50% Macedonian. The maternal is from former Prussia
Haplogroup V, B+, African-American, Ancestry is 70% Sub-saharan African (primarily Sengalese and Nigerian), 28% British and Irish, 2% Indigenous American, Rh allele unknown
Haplo group V7. 43% Iberian 26% British/Irish, 10% French/German (data from 23&Me). Blood type is A+. Not of FB but curious to know more about this haplo type as it is reported as uncommon
V, O- not sure about ancestry. Lots of NW European, and German. Small percentage Ashkenazi from most likely Ukraine area.
Haplogroup mtDNA T1a, Bloodtype is O negative and RH negative, from Czech Republic
I am mtDNA Haplogroup V19. My blood type is 0-
According to FTDNA I am 32% Scandinavian. ANCESTRY I am 3% Basque. MY HERITAGE I am about 30% Sandinavian and 7% Finnish. 23 and Me shows no Fennos andia or Scandinavia, but did locate 1% North African. The majority of my DNA after these percentages is Scotland, Ireland and German/French.
NOW,. theres a real disparage here in the percentages. Im in the process of converting my . VCF file which contains 100% of my genome. I will update you when I get my results from this file of my entire, completegenome.
Also… Living DNA shows 10% Germanic…. The rest is Ireland and UK.
I am from the Midwest in the United States. So far… I hvnt been ableto locate any Finnish or Scandinavian immigrants… ill keep searching.
i almost forgot… Large percentge of Iberian shows up in FTD Aand MY HERITAGE. I know NOTHING of any Iberian heritage in my family. Havnt located it on our family tree either.
Haplogroup v7a, mother line from present to past ->
Uzbekistan(Central Asia)-Belarus(eastnorth)-Russia(westnorth)-Russia(westnorth) 4 generation.
blood type 0+ by the genetic test. I have 3 % finnish from 5-8+ generation ,54% Russian(Moskva).
patrial Y haplogroup unknown,he was Russian tho.
grandmother’s patrial Y haplogroup ->
7% Central Asia but because I born there. 30 % Iranian from grandpa.
I’m Haplogroup V, blood type A negative, maternal ancestry traced to Scotland as far back as 1700s.
Gosh I would love to know more about my ancestry and lineage. All I know is both my parents are +positive blood types and I am the only O-. Out of the 3 of is I’m the only O negative and I’m from my dads first relationship. My mother died while giving birth to me and was brought over by her older sister and her older daughter (my mom) raised me as her daughter we are cousins and just after discovering that i go to find out my parents are second cousins. I believe my grandma (aunt) forced a arranged marriage between my dad and her oldest daughter my mom. Do you have to know your parents blood type for ancestry lineage discovery. My grandmother my dad’s mom was Mayan she had to learn Spanish her first language was her native Mayan language.
Regarding mtDNA and blood type: My biological father’s mtDNA is V (his mother was Saami) and he is A+. My mtDNA is H5 and I am O Negative (Weak D Antigen positive). Hope this helps with data gathering for your hypothesis. My son is O positive.
mtDNA Haplogroup V, oldest known maternal ancestor was from Bo’ness, Scotland. Blood type A negative
My mtDNA haplogroup is V1a1, I am 0 Rh+, maternal ancestry from Herzegovina.
I am from Belgium, my ancestors always lived in Flanders (since 14th century). My mtDNA haplogroup is V6c, my bloodgroup is AB+. My earliest known maternal ancestor is Anna Van Vlaanderen, born about 1595.
I’m a V7a descended completely from Ashkanazi Jews from Galacia, Lithuania, and Poland. My genetic tests have confirmed this. The area they were from did have large immigrations of Sephardic Jews from Spain. My mother is O- I can’t remember my exact blood type but I was also -.
Hi, my mtDNA Haplogroup is V7a, I’m from Russia (Moscow, Tver, Smolensk regions). My blood type is A+.
My Bloodgroup is 0. Rh. pos. HLA-B27 pos.(only one Chromosom). I come from Germany. MTDNA-Group: V23(a)
I, too, am 0 positive and my mother’s mother’s mother-My maternal Great Grandmother also comes from Germany. Winterbach, Württemberg. My research shows the family was there for generations.
my 23andme Haplogroup mtDNA is V.3 My brother just did his and he is V.
My mother’s blood type was 0 negative. Sue
Im seeing alot of blood type 0. 0- included. Interesting.
I have posted once already. I am from Iowa, United States mtDNA V19 blood type 0-
I am going to stick with my results from, which are…
38% England & Northwestern Europe
31% Scotland
15% Ireland
7% Sweden & Denmark
5% Germanic Europe
3% Wales
1% Basque
I have no knowledge of the other “marker” that can help with AIDS/HIV. I do not know if I have it.
Post Script
My Grandmother, who of course is also mtDNA V19, is blood type 0+. My mother is A+. Hope this is helpful. I have 3 sons. The oldest is Rh- (negative) I do not know the type. The second is A+. The youngest is 0+.
V8, A- with DU factor, of Irish and Russian Mennonite descent. 23&me shows me to have near 10% Scandinavian heredity. I don’t know where else to look but it shows on 23&me that I have a “typical” likelihood of having HLA-B27. I do have IBD (diagnosed in my early teens) and arthritis.