Even though I had gotten tired of Facebook in the past, it seems like that is where many of you are at.
The group is:

Click on “Chats” and you will see several depending on your specific areas of interest (and a chat for each ABO type: O-, A-, B- and AB- chats).
For Rh- Dating, you can still join:
It’s all free.

I also have a facebook group, RH Negative Starseeds, where I share a lot of the content I find here as well as other sources. This is my first comment here on the website and I just want to say thank you so much for this free resource. I can’t thank y’all enough for the awesome information I’ve been able to share with others. My group focuses on the fact that in facebook polls a very large number of those who identify as starseeds polled said they are RH negative. This is a strange and curious fact since the RH negative factor is so rare. We have many different topics of discussion, here is the link https://www.facebook.com/groups/550318681100347/
I want to thank you for having this website up.
I am new to looking into this topic. And I seriously. Dont use social media. Or smartphones. I think social media and smartphones, are pretty much one hand washing the other. At the end of the day, its a tinker toy sold as a grown up “platform” serving up addiction algos to feed the wheel sucking up iq points as it scrolls.
Society at large…thinks they are just soo smart, they have a computer in their hand but It’s really..not…smartphones are not computers. They will never be computers. The fact that people just go along to get along is just not helping anyone.
At this moment, the general population at large is approaching a shift, general language has devolved to a cycling of image based conversation, they refer to this as emojies. They cant read. They cant speak. They cant comprehend basic language. They cannot add or subtract. They cannot change a lightbulb. I speak from my own observations, interactions, and dealings over the past ten years.
In a nutshell…They behave in every day life as if they suffer from some form of brain damage.It is getting close to the point where the two sides will no longer be able to communicate in any effective way.
As was said 11 years ago , The Book== Smart Phones Dumb People. The Author was a student at MIT (I am fairly Certain)
So, If a place doesn’t have…a website, and just forwards everything to social media…I just cant take it seriously.
So, thanks again. Late to the party as per usual.