The Rh Negative Blog

O Negative Blood Type Personality Traits

We know by now that the personality traits that you have are connected to your blood type.

People with blood type O negative are living lie detectors. They can see through others but are hard to see through. Usually, they are drawn to other O negatives, but at times can be in good relationships with AB negatives, especially if they are cisAB/O (opposites attract).

O negatives are often underestimated due to silence. They pick their battles well and know when it’s time to talk or listen. Those who cannot see through them, are often surprised by them and “don’t see them coming”. O negatives get each other. They know when they are right or wrong for each other. When put in the right position, O negatives thrive and surprise again. When things are wrong, they may run their heads against the wall… again and again. O negatives are usually being themselves. More so than most. If they need to put on an act to get something accomplished, they are very good at it. Leadership comes naturally to O negatives. Following others is an impossibility unless the person they follow is also O negative or skilled at what they do.

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