While only 1 out of 45 COV+ patients who are/were Rh(D) negative died vs. 1 out of 8 COV+ patients who are/were Rh(D) positive died, it needs to also be noted that only 8% of those tested were Rh(D) negative.
The average percentage of Rh(D) negatives in the United States is somewhere around 15%.
See also:
Is there a way to donate blood I’m b negative to see if I’m fact high resistance or immune to covid-19 or whatever it’s called now. If we the Rhesus Negative blood type are so rare, then isn’t it to our benefit to have research done on us. I would really like to know where or how to send a sample to see resistance to virus without compromising my health by infection. If we all went a cheek swab and blood sample maybe some unanswered questions would be answered. Our German ancestry, our genetic markers that assist in viral resistance. I’m in ! I want facts. Danke!
i just donated my O- at local Vitalant Donation center on the 1st of May, and no additional attention was given when addressing covid-19 other than i had to wait outside to have my temp checked before i could enter and the seats were 6 feet apart (took longer too).
Now a question i have, which i asked of my phlebotomist, but she did not know the answer to is this;
If they are only testing the new vaccines on Rhesus monkeys and it works, does this mean it might not work for Rhesus Neg blood types??