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Of great interest to people in general is the question “where do we come from?”.
We have on this blog displayed several theories as well as evidence and indicators that might lead us into the right direction.
This is an ongoing process and if you are heavily into genetic research, you can also read Rh Negative Origins.
Having consulted a few scientists, I was told that it was unlikely blood type O was the first blood type, but also that a few hundred thousand years ago rh negative blood might have originated in Africa, though the rh negative blood type factor is presented quite low on the African continent. I was also informed that there was no cold hard evidence to back it up. So the jury is out.
Instead of focusing on what we do not know, here are a few things that we do know and should keep in mind when examining any types of theories or read something where a person claims to know something yet does not show any proof:
1) The Basque people are considered the first Europeans.
They are also the highest in rh negative blood in Europe when looking at larger groups other than maybe a few communities in Switzerland and the Netherlands with similar percentages if not higher than the Basques in France. Spanish Basques appear to have the highest frequencies of rh negative blood in Europe also indicating that Spanish Basques are less likely to intermarry with Spaniards than French Basques are with the French.
The origin of the Basque people is of great interest and a key to researching the origin of rh negative blood.
It could easily be that today’s Basques are an offspring of an original group which could have been 100 percent rh negative.
What is also interesting when examining old grave sites, that the further back you go in time, the higher the percentages of certain genetic markers become indicating that this reverse trend might show strong relationship to the ancient Hebrews as well as Sumerians.
You can read more on this subject matter here: Is there a Basque-Jewish-Rh Negative connection?
The claim that the Ait Haddidu Berbers of Morocco are 40% rh negative has been made a long time ago, but there are also studies out there contradicting this. Are Berbers really 40% rh negative? is our article examining this a little bit further and as usual, more studies are needed to determine if in fact there are high percentages of rh negative blood amongst the Berbers or at least certain groups.
The Bedouins of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt have been mentioned in Kara Rogers´ work as being 18-30% rh negative. What is interesting about this particular group is the similarity between their male DNA and the male DNA of Cohanim Jews.
2) “Were the Neanderthals rh negative?”
This theory has been around for some time and it is important to examine it further. I have personally contacted the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany and was informed that the specimens examined in the Neanderthal Genome Project were not only rh positive, but didn’t even carry the rh negative (D) gene recessively meaning they were rh +/+ homozygotes.
But let us not assume that all Neanderthal tribes were alike. It could easily have been that there were groups exclusively rh positve and groups exclusively rh negative. When looking at the groups of people on earth today with the highest percentages of Neanderthal DNA, the Basques and the Berbers appear in the top 5 results. This of course could easily be seen as an indicator that the rh negative blood factor may have been brought to us through our Neanderthal ancestry.
Amongst the top 5 are also the Chinese and the Japanese whose percentage of rh negative blood is extremely low.
Were the Neanderthals of the west high and the Neanderthals of the east low in rh negative blood?
We do not know this. But it could be something that makes sense when it comes to determining why some of us are high in rh negative blood percentage wise while in other regions they are not.
You can find a lot more information on this subject matter here …
This article will be updated frequently. So if you have additional information, please do not hesitate to leave a comment.
Be very careful when reading claims without proof or studies attached. It is much better to limit yourself to what we know and then examine further rather than believing something that is false and miss out on the facts because of walking on a wrong path.
See also:
As being an identical twin , born to O positive parents. We are both O negative blood types. We have a special gift, as l call it.. Even through nature vs nurture. We can read each other physically and emotionally without saying a word. My gift is healing. I was an x-Ray, CT, and the greatest MRI Technologist for 20 years in the poorest community. I’ve had so many offers, but felt compelled to treat and educate the poor. I myself have a difference in my own healing. I was a victim of domestic violence, he chocked my for my neck to have 4 finger prints on each side of my neck, he walked away though I was dead. I was lifted with a grasp of air, he said your not dead, ran backed and steep on my neck. Some force was given to me to physically lift, and threw him on the ground. I’ve been burned, electricutied, multi skin injorys and felt no pain…..why? I have found skin cancer on my friend covered in moles. My eyes went to a pencil size mole, told him to see a skin Doctor. Doctor said who and how was this found. He said, my friended it was a malignant melonema.
I wrote a comment but never went through. I have really pondered on our origin.There are so many Hypothesis,ideas,opinions. I stumbled upon an interesting article regarding halo groups. This article was written in February 2009. “europepmc.org” (type in halogroups) We all know that I’m not a good net surfer but I try. How I stumbled upon this information was that I was thinking of Atlantic’s, and how Plato placed these people near the straights of Gilbralter. …geographically this seems to be a common point That RH negatives migrated N.E.S.W. which segregated our blood group. According to this article the Halo groups H,H1,2,3,4…The mtDNA…changed due to the geographical location. Which we learned can happen depending on temperature, altitude..Etc…DNA adapts to the environment. Ok bear with me I’m going in another direction, but will connect my thought. Anyone who has read any of my posts are aware of my extreme phobia to our technological advances and capabilities….( did you know that a person can stop your breaks from function with one SMS? Open your car door with a text message? Watch the videos on car hacking….scary stuff guys) Anyway my point is , is that I’ve read and heard of and idea or theory that we carry genetic memories…that’s really kinda cool yeah? Well Suppose Atlantis was High Tech?…And we connect with the Egyptians…Also said to have created the world electrical grid by means of crystal conductors atop of the pyramids….Free energy…Nicola Tesla…tried to recreate what people claim had already existed. The world electrical grid..Well Something bad happened. Could my intrinsic fear perhaps be a memory from my RH negative ancestors who understood by our own hand and curiosity…we almost destroyed ourselves…Atlantis disappeared…The location at the straight of Gibraltar is a point that the Halo groups break migrate and change due to location. After the disaster We fled to the N.S.E.W…The H, H1,2,3,4.. The mothers genes changed..mtdna. The sub grouping and percentages credited by this article was our genes adapting to the environment and geographical location. We have learned this to be a fact for human survival…DNA mutates. Once in unity, The RH blood groups no longer had a common home…separated to different locations, and our DNA mutated.. So essentially our human reduction, in past and today is most in jeopardy.. By Technological advances…
Robin, I have this on my phone now and I will make sure to approve your comments faster, but if there are certain trigger terms, they might end up in spam filter where they often get deleted before I have a chance to look at them
No worries mike 😁 Thank you. My hacker Ex got into Apple ID via Family sharing. I’ve had so many issues..with emails ECT…Your so good keeping our conversations as a group flowing. I was able to find the issue..I deleated it from tablet…things seem goid…it would take twenty minutes to write a sentence…the words were changed..or disappear??? He must have some device that interferes…TY for trying to figure it out..
yes, people/humans/early humans or any living organism must adapt well to it’s current enviroment or begin a process toward becoming extinct. natural selection, genetic mutations, humans’ mating choices/options, creating tools, and especially since humans/early humans and such began to change/physically alter their environments and create other things like culture, & moving from being hunter gatherers to creating settlements based on farming. these things, as they do today, change people a lot. it’s the things that people are now able to do and create that are changing humans/us faster than anything else did in the past [perhaps even including genetic bottlenecks or the successful beginning of the complete Rh(D)- mutation we usually discuss here as an example]. some are able to alter other’s DNA intentionally now. nature has become secondary to humans’ own abilities to create controlled specific intentional change.
I agree with everything you said. I’m trying to get back into the discussions…I need to read all the posts…Major issues with email…posting, so let me continue to reread all the incredible research and ideas you have discussed . Always grateful for your posts and input, Ken! Missed talking to you all! I’m going to try to read all the comments…hopefully my tech issues are behind me….