This might indicate a negative predisposition towards endurance based exercises such as long-distance running, being able to function well in high altitudes and ridding our bodies of excess gases and acids such as ammonia.
A significantly heightened health boost can occur when being at low elevation, especially by the ocean. The impact of such change may affect rh(D) negative individuals much stronger than rh(D) positive individuals.
While rh(D) negative individuals’ health might suffer more under certain conditions as does the health of rh(D) positive individuals, under ideal circumstances, the lack of genes not necessary may actually provide rh(D) negative individuals with a health advantage which once again may indicate, that the mutation (gene deletion) first came about and/or survived better than the original rh(D) carrying version somewhere near an open sea where oxygen supply was plenty and the D gene’s function less needed.

While in recent studies, rh(D) negative individuals have shown more negative health-related predispositions than rh(D) positive individuals, more studies are needed, especially under conditions more beneficial to rh(D) negative predispositions.