My interest in Myers Briggs Test Indicators is growing as I consider the system the best we have to deal …
I will not advise others what to eat for several reasons. What I will do is tell you what I …
Since my earliest childhood, I have known that others do not feel as I do. At least most didn’t. I …
Rh negatives are not likely to just believe someone or something based on words. The vibe has to be right. …
False. Here is the list since Eisenhower: Ike Eisenhower: O Negative confirmed JFK: as far as I recall, O positive …
Once again, I have come across a study showing a potential source of discomfort for Rh negative people. Keep in …
Allele O phylogenetic analysis suggests that the most frequent silencing mutation (deletion of a G in exon 6) appeared once …
“When humans and Neanderthals interbred, they passed this genetic resistance to diseases on to their offspring, allowing them a better …
Yesterday was the day for me. What got me was how easy that can be. Based on a discussion I …