Red and reddish hair have already shown to be at elevated frequencies in Rh negatives (among wavy hair), but are …
The Ligures were an ancient population that gave the name to Liguria, a region of north-western Italy. In pre-Roman times, …
Image sources: Google Images Please be advised that all of our information is as strong as the data received, so …
House-hunting Job-searching dating Let me exaplain: I have spoken with several Rh negatives who seem to share uncomfortable feelings in …
Abstract Background Since its discovery in the 1930s, the effects of Rh phenotype on human health and wellbeing, with the …
The moth myth What did you see? You saw a moth and… that’s it. But wait a minute… what would …
Thank you, Lesley, for bringing this to my attention. Indeed, the studies I am looking at are showing lower hemoglobin …
The premise is that if you can donate blood to someone, it is easier for you to transmit a virus …
Several independent datasets suggest blood type A is over-represented and type O under24 represented among COVID-19 patients. Here, I model …
UPDATE I keep revisiting the Neanderthals. At any given time, there were around 30,000 Neanderthals on earth. They usually lived …