A year ago I spoke about my asbestos scare: I have since learned, that… This paper reviews the aetiology, distribution …
I was wondering about the theme of “witches” popping up so frequently recently, but I guess it is not as …
Archaeological discoveries of burial sites with female warriors on the Eurasian Steppes suggest that the Scythian women may have inspired …
The Semmelweis reflex or “Semmelweis effect” is a metaphor for the reflex-like tendency to reject new evidence or new knowledge because it contradicts established …
Thank you very much to those of you who have brought this article to my attention. I have earlier posted …
According to a segment on Japanese television, his blood type is A. A few years ago, we have already learned …
In 1974, the mummy of Pharaoh Ramesses II was sent to Paris for preservation work. Since the French law required …
Right now there is a big discussion about Gal Gadot set to portrait Egyptian Queen Cleopatra in yet another remake …