The following information is from the latest, Sept. 10th 2020, revision of the study I have already posted in May. …
Are we not “living lie detectors”? What about intuition. Truth is, many Rh negatives are needy and when someone offers …
When I found out that the Udmurts are among the populations with the highest frequencies of red hair, I had …
Loud noises Prolonged exposure to loud noise alters how the brain processes speech, potentially increasing the difficulty in distinguishing speech …
In this post, I will summarize previous findings as I did with COVID-19. There are plenty of studies all over …
Why do some people believe to have been abducted by aliens? Why do so many claim experiences of sexual nature …
I have previously posted a study on it, but before I post the new one, I would like to first …
The following study posted is from 1946. I am posting it for future references to something I have come across …
For another study indicating longevity in blood type B, see the Japanese study on this blog. The following indicates blood …
Woolly mammoths, in fact, were still around while the Ancient Egyptians were busy building the Great Pyramids. Saint Paul Island in Alaska, …