Thank you, Ken, for bringing this to my attention. You can see Ken’s comment here. How simple is the answer? …
I am always curious as to to which extent people actually believe something and to which extent they simply repeat …
Here is the revised version from July 21st, 2020 of a study I have recently posted. Thank you to Paul …
Results: Blood group A was more common in WNV cases (51%) than blood donors (39%) and group O less common (32% …
HIV resistance of the gene causes me to wonder if it is more frequent among Rh negatives. According to the …
Rhesus blood group distribution is skewed toward a higher RHD–ve occurrence in patients with SCLC compared to other forms of …
Here is Part 2: What is hypnosis? Hypnosis is a trance-like state resembling sleep in which a person becomes very …
I have just now remembered the claim that Rh negatives cannot be hypnotized. What is hypnotism? I am sharing some …
Blood types and personality traits go hand-in-hand. The problem is that due to the fact that Japan and Korea have …
The dual nature of having blood type A and B combined allows AB negatives to also explore both sides looking …