You have read correctly: “In late April, one of the world’s strangest laws was quietly revoked. Authorities in Iceland’s Westfjords district, the …
Doing a simple Google search brings up the following: You’d be right–handed with either one or two copies of the right hand gene. To be left–handed, both …
Be it left or right-handed… why is there a need for it? I have recently noticed that among my list …
Pitcairn is the least populous national jurisdiction in the world. The Pitcairn Islanders are a biracial ethnic group descended mostly …
Blood Type Frequencies by Country including the Rh Factor was the first and remains the best list of blood type …
How many can you recognize? I have decided not to spoil it posting their names. I let you do it …
Watch the video for the most recent update: Subscribe to this YouTube channel to stay updated and share this video …
Approximately 20% of the blood flowing from the heart is pumped to the brain. The brain needs constant blood flow in order to keep up with the …
You may remember the recent news regarding Denmark offering classes in school to teach children empathy. While this may be …
While only 1 out of 45 COV+ patients who are/were Rh(D) negative died vs. 1 out of 8 COV+ patients …