For the past 10 years, I have been receiving and answering questions. Here are some of the most frequent ones. …
Why are so many Rh negatives left-handed? Many of them can be found here: When asking who is Rh …
Since viral infections seem lower for Rh negatives, I figured I will look into Dengue fever and see why it …
The following part of the email letter posted in the description part of this YouTube video stood out: Prevention: The …
So far, I have not been able to pinpoint ideal jobs by blood type, but there are tendencies detectable. If …
Many of us have been told in the past that we “think too much”. What did the people who told …
Please be cautioned as some of the content’s validity has yet to be verified. Listen to the content of the …
The following post and all its future sequels is and will be inspired by some of the stupidest things I …