Yes, we can, but it is usually best combined with some sort of exercise. But even if you take a …
If you are female: Search for a male who has a blood type that would enable him to donate blood to …
Are you new to this blog? Here are some of the top topics of interest related to Rh(D) negative blood …
This is similar to physical sensitivies where sudden reactions to often unknown factors can alter the state of an Rh(D) …
A lot of women, and some men, claim they know when their child was conceived. Is this possible? Yes. Here …
Why do I think this possible? our headshapes higher Neanderthal DNA in many of us frequency of occipital bun self-reported …
A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν pan “all” and δῆμος demos “people”) is an epidemic of disease that has spread across …
What is unique about the list of B negative celebrities? The frequency of B negative blood among famous actors.