When we are talking about 15% or 16% being rh negative, we are usually referring to the European average. But …
The following regions worldwide are known to have unusually high percentages of rh negatives: (In alphabetical order) Al-Jouf Province of …
Blood shortages are still a serious issue. Even in countries such as the United States where you might not expect …
The following regions worldwide are known to have unusually high percentages of rh negatives: (In alphabetical order) Al-Jouf Province of …
Note: The following article needs to be updated with information regarding origin of red hair and origin of today’s Celts …
Chemical pregnancies occur when there are antibodies present and the fetus is not being given the chance to develop. Women …
Catalonia is currently in the news as independence from Spain might be announced tomorrow. Once again the question rising is …
I have just realized I have never made a post about this and since quite a few people come to …
The clade is believed to have originated around 9,800 years ago in the Near East and spread all over Europe …
UPDATE: Many new studies have come out since this article was born. Please continue here… Original article: Some people believe …