Could this be some good news? Not so fast! This study was relatively small so we do need more research. …
Turns out yet another U.S. President is “one of us”. This might be why he is so sensitive to criticism. …
Since I have always suspected that this number would be much higher than expected, I am happy to now see …
The difference between a regular doctor and a researcher is the same difference as between a business manager and a …
In case anybody is wondering, cis AB will be your phenotype should your genotype be cisAB/O, cisAB/A or cisAB/B. And …
There have been claims that rh negative blood unlike rh positive blood is copper based and that supposedly the term …
“They are watching us.” “We are being tracked.” “They are experimenting on rh negative children.” There are user profiles all …
Freckles, sometimes called ephelides (singular ephelis), are clusters of concentrated melaninized cells which are most easily visible on people with …
Michael James “Mick” Hucknall (born 8 June 1960) is an English pop singer and songwriter. Hucknall achieved international fame in …