Here is Part 2:
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a trance-like state resembling sleep in which a person becomes very responsive to suggestions from another.
Hypnosis is brought on by having one fix one’s attention on a particular object, and it can be self-induced through concentration and relaxation.
While hypnosis is often described as a sleep-like state,
it is better expressed as a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and vivid fantasies.
People in a hypnotic state often seem sleepy and zoned out, but in reality, they are in a state of hyper-awareness.
If not, are there Rh negative ABO types that can be while others not?
Hypnotisability Scores are highly stable over a person’s lifetime. Research by Deirdre Barrett has
found that there are two distinct types of highly susceptible subjects, which she terms fantasisers and dissociaters.
Fantasisers score high on absorption scales, find it easy to block out real-world stimuli without hypnosis,
spend much time daydreaming, report imaginary companions as a child, and grew up with parents who encouraged imaginary play.
Dissociaters often have a history of childhood abuse or other trauma, learned to escape into numbness, and to forget unpleasant events.
Their association to “daydreaming”
was often going blank rather than creating vividly recalled fantasies. Both score equally high on formal scales of hypnotic susceptibility.
Individuals with dissociative identity disorder have the highest hypnotisability of any clinical group,
followed by those with posttraumatic stress disorder.
I am rh o negative and do I do not allow the intrusion. Yes I can feel it even when I am sleeping, I am very hyper aware while sleeping and during wake time.
seems that those who are better able to let themselves go through to those who strongly seek/want to separate from themselves are the ones w/ whom hypnosis will most likely work and work best. i’m not at all interested in letting my-self go nor am i interested in separating from myself. too many in my past have tried to do this to me…sought to force me to not be myself. so i’m extremely guarded regarding my core – my beliefs/things i value most/my unique being – self -experiences & so on – … i’m not trusting. my trust is earned & my core is protected by my strong and ample mind and my strong & healthy body. i have no need nor desire to let someone/anyone else guide me or control me in any way. i live my life my way, as long as i am able – ’til it ends.
You’re saying it well. None of what I’ve looked up is satisfying in describing this. The more “out there” something sounds to most, the closer it gets to what we are dealing with. “Out there” is actually the wrong term. “Out there” would mean looking everywhere but within. “In there” would be more fitting. Those “out there” would be easily hypnotized, those “in there” less if not impossible to.