Together with the Charles University in Prague and Professor Jaroslav Flegr, author of “Frozen Evolution” and several studies related to health issues amongst rh negative people, we are getting ready to conduct more studies and would like YOU to be a part of it.
Please don’t just “like” the following page dedicated towards this research, but also share it on your Facebook page as we do not only need rh negative participants, but also rh positive ones for controls:
Guinea Pigs
You can also send us a message and let us know if you have any ideas as to how we can get more people to participate or if you are willing to help us reach them.
Thank you very much in advance!
For more information and to see examples of current studies, continue here …
What kind of research is Jaroslav flegr doing?
Questions? Drugs? How is he going to conduct this?
Sorry for all the questions..
I need to know, before I decide if I can be of some help in his search..
Thanks… Deborah..”)
If you go to the guinea pigs page you can message them with you questions about the research .
Here is more information:
I am A- and interested in participating, thank you.
I am Rh A- my maternal grandmother was a Romany gypsy, my mother was also A -..
It will be a questionnaire. Here is one example of his research:
I tried to access a test but could not get the English version.
I’m O- and definitely in. 🙂
I am Rh.neg group A. d.c., so I’d like to join the research.
I’m A neg and interested to learn more of what’s needed
I know I am rh neg but have been unable to get my blood type, I’ve tried donating but have been told they just don’t do that any more. I’d really like to know.
I’m 73 yrs old last November, red hair, green eyes and zero pain tolerance, try to explaining that to your doctor. Had my knee replaced and was crazy with pain, even as a child, the dentist had to tie me down. They think I’m just a wuss. Both my parents had red hair but that’s all I know about them, Grandma was o-neg. Any suggestions? Thanks
You can test at home yourself … With an Eldon card … Which is very inexpensive and can be bought online or from a pharmacy … The kit contains everything needed to do the simple test .
I’m b rhesus, I’ll definitely help! 🙂
Hi im am a A- rh negative blood type i have hazel eyes redish hair my ancestors came from irealand i live in r.i and i would love to help with any research that may help. I have 2 childen and got the shots.
I’m RH negative O negative. How can I help? I live in the Butte County, CA area
I’m a neg 4 of my 6 children are a neg. If I can help in anyway with research I would be willing to assist.
I have often wondered if I am in a research project. I am A negative, fair skin, blue eyes, fair hair. Of Scottish, English, and Welsh on mother’s side. Irish on father’s. Maternal grandfather Nordic. I have more blood taken to me for no apparent reason. Told my heart will beat a year after I’m dead. Very much food awareness. I have the traits I have read on other web sites. Would like doctors to stop prescribing medication I don’t need and don’t take. React badly to it all. Was prescribed high blood pressure medication when reading was 120/80 and I will be 80 next year. BP when younger and more active was 100/70. I feel like a research subject. i am terrified I will be taken to ER and given a paralytic drug and my body cut apart just to see what’s in there and what it looks like and condition. I was close to it happening. That is why I a not a donor.
My advice is staying away from what Facebook groups have become. It is one thing to have fears. It is another thing to allow others to feed them.
I’m O- Rh- I would be more than gratefully for someone to do a study in me ,
Because I have lot of things I need answers on , like the pallet of my mouth is upside down , looks nothing like anyone else’s my feet are wild looking and the bones are not like anyone else’s , and that’s just the start if things , lol
I’m A- and have had the shots with all of my kids but it’s weird I had a miscarriage in may and chemical last month? I’m starting to think maybe that’s what caused it? My body’s way of trying to kill it I’m confused I’ve read so much on this I would be glad to help or whatever inneed more info
I am O negative and I am totally in!
My name is Rachel from the United States and I’m O Negative. Several of my girlfriend’s I’mcluding my sister AND my daughter are Rh Negative as well. I would very much like to be part of your study as I’m sure they would be as well.
I am A-, would be happy to help with research studies.
I am very interested in participating in your Rh negative study. I am also in an RA (rheumatoid arthritis) group on FB, and I understand that many of us are Rh negative, so you might want to look into that. Thank you in advance.
I will. If you have more information on it, send it my way!
I am A neg, I very rarely get ill and it is even rarer that I get flu or colds. I have seen my GP once in over 20 yrs. I am 46 with 6 children some of whom are also A neg. My mother is also A neg and suffers from RA.. I would like to join the research group.
It does happen to me too… Very rarely get sick. I am RH – same as My dad who also never catches flus and he has RA. As for my mom’s side family they seem to get sick more often and do not suffer of RA. (+) I do see the differences in their health conditions, not sure if it is something to do with the factor. If there is anything I could do to help on the investigation do not hesitate on contacting me. I am B-.
Hi everybody.
Has anyone heard anything about this research since last year? Or is it a no go?
I would like to participate if this is still being researched! Rh- A- is my blood type. Please let me know if you are still researching?
I am 79 yr old female & A-. According to IQ test taken years ago I qualify for Mensa. I have dark brown hair (or rather had, gray now), hazel eyes & cleft chin. I am Welch on my father’s side, Dutch & Scotch-Irish on mother’s. As a child I was able to ‘sense’ things causing my grandmother to call me “an ‘ole soul”. I used to wonder why others didn’t understand what I found so easy. I spent a lot of my adult life thinking something was wrong with me. The I met another old soul. We never discussed it, but I knew & realized I too should rejoice in being ‘me’. I love all God’s creations.
I am AB- and so is my one yr old daughter N.C USA
Guten Tag, ich möchte mit meinen Angaben Ihrer Forschung helfen: Ich kann auf Deutsch oder tschechisch weiter kommunizieren.
Bin Arzt, Erfinder, Buchautor, Musiker, typisch rechtshemisphärisch, intuitiv, eher individualist, sehr empathisch, religionsfrei mit einigen buddhistischen Einweihungen, geboren in Tschechien, 73 Jahre, 173 cm, jetzt 86 Kg, A2 Rh neg ccddee, sehr blaue Augen, sehr helle Haut, lichtempfindlich, bevorzuge aber lieber wärme als Kälte, pyknischer Typ, hellbehaart, hatte früher ein sehr hartes Kopfhaar (Friseure haben sich beklagt), ein dichter heller Bart, leide unter Hautsonnenschäden (ich lebe jezt in Paraguay) mit der Neigung zur Pigmentstörungen und Hyperkeratosenbildung, harmloser Spinozellular Ca.
Meine Essensvorlieben sind eher süß und pflanzlich. Ich bin sehr empfindlich gegen sauerem Geschmack. Mit meiner A Rh positiven Frau streiten wir uns bei der Tyrkis-Farbe, ich sehe sie eher als blau, sie als grün, sie bevorzugt das Fleisch, mag Saures und haßt Süßes.
Mein IQ wurde bei einer Forschung an der UK Prag 1968 nach dem vollständigen Raven-Test als 143 gemessen, habe Hypertonie, Zwerchfellbruch, Refluxösophagitis, ausgedehnte problemlose Divertikulose, keine Herzkreislaufprobleme.
Gerade läuft meine genetische Untersuchung: Väterlichersets mitteldeutsch wahrscheiblich aus Ostfrankenland stammig, meine Vorfahren gründeten die königliche Stadt Policka in Ostböhmen als deutsche Kolonisten um 1265, Vater (Schlaganfall, sonst nichts) lebte bis 93 J. in Prag, besonders sprachbegabt, war größer als ich. Meine Haplogruppe ADN Y: I-P37, Deep-Clade-Test läuft bei der Igenea noch bis 13.12.2018, ich stamme angeblich von den ersten Cromagnon Siedlern im Süd-Westen Europas ab, die noch die Blütenzeit der Neandertaler erlebten. Meine Vorfahren gehörten zu den ersten Europäern, die Felsenzeichnungen in Spanien und Südfrankreich vor 45.000-30.000 Jahren hinterließen. Ich sollte auch mit den Basken und Skandinavien verwandt sein. Meine Vorfahren kommen aber wahrscheinlich nicht aus dem Norden, sondern sie haben im Süden Europas als Jäger mehrere langen Kältephasen der Eiszeit überstanden, was meine Ähnlichkeit mit dem nordischen Typ erklärt.
Müterlicherseits stamme ich aus der Kuban-Region am Schwarzen Meer, Russland, ab, Meine Mutter starb mit 57 J auf Grawitz-Ca, Die russische Grossmutter stammt von Landwirten, freien Kosaken, genetisch slawisch-germanisch abe ich ADNmt H1e1a. Meine Mutter war kleineren Wuchses als ich, die Großmutter war noch kleiner. Beide hatten blaue Augen. Für weitere Suskpnfte stehe ich zur Verfügung, auch tschechisch.
I am RH negative. Are you continuing to do testing or do you know anyone that is?
Thank you,
I am O- , I’m from China and interested in participating, thank you.
HI, I am Rh.neg A dc I would be interested in being part of your study.
Ruth S.