Pregnancy and Rh Negative Women
Pregnancy for rh negative women is one of the main subjects in terms of rh negative blood factor and those who carry it.
If you are rh negative and have already had an rh positive child, you will need to get the Anti-D shot before your next pregnancy unless your partner is rh negative like you.
Not having received the shot can turn into a “chemical pregnancy” where you are pregnant, but the fetus “disappears” being destroyed by the antibodies.
Miscarriages occur quite frequencly and even if you have not given birth to an rh positive child yet, you can already carry the antibodies from a previous event.
There is a big chance that if you are rh negative and your mother rh positive, your blood has mixed with hers while in the womb so that your antibodies have already built during that time.
If you are rh negative and your partner is rh positive and you are planning to have children, visit your doctor before you get pregnant and ask for an antibody screening.
Unfortunately due to certain policies, many countries have a routine of giving the Anti-D shot to women who do not need it and to others too late.
If you have specific questions, please leave them in form of a comment.
Hi I am O negative & my husband is probably O positive. I have refused Rhogam shot in pregnancy as I have not being sesitized yet. I had a miscarriage last year at 8 weeks due to stress & panic I belive. This year is awesome. I have a lot of happy hormones floating in my system as I managed to fix my head. My due date is next month & even if my babys blood is O positive I am not sure if I should take the shot? I have not found a lot of info on this subject. I was searching about the natural alternatives. My gut feeling is that I don’t need it. Just like the cancer & HIV scams there is something fishy about this shot. I would love to find out now & not in twenty years obviously. After birth I can do a good heavy metal detox to clean my body from all the bad ingriedients from the shot but would love to avoid this. I refused all af the vaccines on offer & vit. K also as they are very bad. It’s just this one I have a dilema with. Please let me know if you have more info? My body is very sensitive to a lot of artificial stuff & don’t want to chance it with the Rhogam shot. Thanks in advance.
If woman has her blood group B positive and Man has his blood group O negative, is there any disadvantage for compatibility issue and pregnancy complexity for this married pair? Please reply.