Electrokinesis – The ability to control electricity with the mind.

Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (25 April 1900 – 15 December 1958) was an Austrian (and later American / Swiss) theoretical physicist and one of the pioneers of quantum physics. In 1945, after having been nominated by Albert Einstein, Pauli received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his “decisive contribution through his discovery of a new law of Nature, the exclusion principle or Pauli principle”. The discovery involved spin theory, which is the basis of a theory of the structure of matter.
The Pauli effect was named after his anecdotal bizarre ability to break experimental equipment simply by being in its vicinity. Pauli was aware of his reputation and was delighted whenever the Pauli effect manifested. These strange occurrences were in line with his controversial investigations into the legitimacy of parapsychology, particularly his collaboration with C. G. Jung on synchronicity.

Max Born considered Pauli “only comparable to Einstein himself… perhaps even greater”. Einstein declared Pauli his “spiritual heir”.

See also:
Oh dear, where do l begin? Pretentions of intellectual abilities, letters to ones name, name dropping of the famous, and games played with guinea pigs volunteers…. all done to measure psychic phenomena. These activities are so dated, and so totally out of the realms of a natural medium’s reality. They’re so very Victorian and dark rooms and secret sects, it’s wearing, really wearing, after a lifetime of actual paranormal. As an originally unwanted receiver of such gifts, of all things paranormal throughout my 76 years of life (exactly 76, on Friday 2nd April) l’m weary, wary, and sad, that people can’t move on, and come into the 21st century. That they’re assuming to understand what they clearly don’t, and are still quoting ancient game players of the past, is even more sad, when it’s unlikely any of them ever had a real paranormal experience in their lives. And if they had, they’d have run screaming through the streets and instantly stopped making blind guesses. I want to share, but as l share one experience, more and more of my paranormal experiences return to mind, including ghosts, predictions, weird inexplicable true experiences that cross over with each other. A whole lifetime wants to come rushing out on page. Seeing people in the USA back in 1975 inside my head, yet never having been there, but knowing they’re related to a person l’m sitting with, should l tell that? How one of the females in the ranch style house is standing on its veranda, still crying for my companion, just for him. Seeing their Long Island home, and idiosyncratic style of porch lights, and their boat on their lawn with their own odd way of coiling the mooring rope around it’s bow, scaring him to death as eyes shut, l watched and described the cimema in my head as these two young females shared starring roles. l detailed it to him eyes shut, then eyes open, l saw him terrified and stunned. How I heard his thoughts, how could l, so new in his life, know all of that? Then this memory crossed over in my memories yet again, with a young man selling double glazing at my door, and words coming out of my mouth made him cry, words l had no idea were going to come out, “Why are you selling windows, when you know your heart is in joining the Royal Navy?” bringing him inside as he burst into tears, making him a cup of tea, calming his fear of this mad lady. “How did you know, how did you know?” And letting him go out an hour later totally renewed, able to take control of his life, and be a sailor, and stop letting his mum’s fear of him being killed, prevent him living his own life.” As l try to share this memory, yet another crosses over with a young woman who blamed herself for sexual abuse she’d received from her dad as a child, my hairdressers assistant, in 1989. I never meant to make her cry when God made me tell her, “it’s not your fault, it never was!” So many, many, other predictive, and distance viewing, memories of so many ghosts, so many for so many strangers. Ghosts of past, present, future. Yes, even they exist. And all looking like they did in life, or will look in life, real people, still, even after and before birth and death. And as l write, more paranormal memories, so thick and fast are returning, l don’t know where to start sharing them with you. So little space, so small a screen, so many pretentious people who say they’re psychic yet are Wannabees, not experiencers. Book learned, card learned, group learned, game learned. While people like me never wanted, never asked, never courted it, never stufied it, and tried to make it stop. Then we grab every true life story of a medium ever written, we must have answers, how did theirs start, how did they cope? I’m the first female in the UK who was front paged for performing an exorcism in 1973. But if l start with that, you’ll translate it badly, compare it to horror movies, and be totally wrong. l’m recorded as such with the Church of England in that one experience. I refused to give my full name, just Jeanie, to the Canadian reporter that they sent to me. They chased me, via the church, when the movie, The Exorcist came to town. People were in hysterics, medics stationed in cinemas, people were fainting, convinced they were possessed. The media contacted the Church of England, “Do you know anyone with real life experience of exorcism, they said “yes, we do, only one in the UK!” That was me, and the Bishop’s office gave my number to my local paper. The Canadian journalist was bolshy, intelligent, but verbally rude, piss taking pretender, behind his sarcasm. He didn’t like this particular job. I read him as soon as he stood in my face, pretending interest, sent by his editor against his will. l read his total atheism, l felt it hit me like a sledgehammer. Along with disbelief easily, he was devoid of faith, of all beliefs, except beliefs in himself. He wrote his notes, outside in our local park. My choice of venue. Paranormal reasons. You don’t talk ghosts, where ghosts reside. He grinned as we parted, l knew that grin wasn’t good, l regretted speaking to him. I thought to God, “He’s laughing at us God, he’s calling me a liar inside. He needs taking down a peg before he writes.” Next day, he was on the phone to me. “What the fu** have you done to me lady, make it stop!” He was terrified. After l calmed him down enough to tell me, he told me he had had a very haunted night. An out and out sceptic, he actually said haunted He said he had something running through his mattress all night long, he’d thought he’d got a mouse, so he pulled his bed apart, to kill it, nothing there, he checked, double checked. Brand new flat (apartment) new bed and bedding. He said, “l’ve never believed in this shit before, but ok, ok, l do now lady, make it f***ing stop.” I said, “l can’t, only you can, you should not have taken the pee out of the other side, apologize to them!” He did, he told me later, against all his will. He wrote three full pages on me as a Medium. No photos, l refused. No names, it was non negotiable on talking to him. Only ‘Jeanie’ could he use. It’s still in the town library on micro fiche 48 years later. The day it went to print I sat on a bus and saw it on every one of our town’s hoardings, the sub editor’s choice of headline really drew the buyers of our provincial newspaper. ‘Mother Of Five Pursued By Evil Force!’ on all the hoardings, on stacks and stacks of front pages. I learned about humility that day. I listened as fellow passengers debated my sanity. I watched two old ladies in front of me argue, nicely, but firmly, l was 28 then. “She’s mentally disturbed poor girl, she never really performed an exorcism!” Said one. “Oh, l dunno, my son’s seen a ghost, and he’s not mental!” Her friend replied. I was tempted to tap their shoulders and say, “yoo hoo, it’s me!” But l didn’t, for fear they’d have a heart attack. Or, do l tell you how l’ve seen UFOs lifelong too, and know somehow they’re linked, all part of the world we call the paranormal. I have pictures of the latter too. But they’re not for sale. I’ve been called “Evil…” “Tool of the devil…” “Angel” “Saint Jeanie” l’ve been followed, begged, and goaded, and shut off. All because God saw fit to make me what we call a Medium. Trust me, there’s nothing medium about my very strange 76 years of life. I could write a tome, l’m exactly like The Long Island Medium on telly, and the one from the series called Medium, and more, because l’m older and had it longer, and had wider experience of far more areas of the paranormal. Even hiding, God sends people to me, people in need. Even hiding, ghosts follow me lifelong. l love children. I’ve had six of my own. Lost five in the womb, two by miscarriages. Three sets of twins conceived, one set died, one of each of the other two sets died and the sacs filled with amniotic fluid just carried on growing. Made labours bloody long and hard and heartbeats echo close to birth through the empty chambers, with what can only be the ghost twins heart beats.
Hi Jeanette, First of all, you have a birthday soon and I’d like to wish for you a beautiful day and a Happy Birthday! I assume you are a negative blood type to be here commenting. If I am assuming wrong, please forgive me. If I’m correct, what is your blood type? I am B negative and I wonder – do you think your ability is connected to your negative blood type? Was there also goodness in your life? I hope so, I was so sad reading about your babies that were lost. Thank you for taking the time to read my reply, Sincerely – Debbie Custer
Thank you for giving credit where credit is due. HE created all things and can show us ‘all things’…again, thank you…I am blessed with your sharing.
Hi Jeanie interesting comment and gift you have. I am O -rh negative, never experienced any alien, ghost or any paranormal encounters in my life, though I am a firm believer in the paranormal and things of the spiritual realm and In the creator God. I do have something I consider to be a gift, and it’s the ability to piece things tgether and finding the connections between things from the past which correlates to the present and future times. Seeing as we are speaking of the paranormal I was wondering if you have ever encountered any of “the fae folk?” and know anything about them. I study things such as ancient mythology, occult, ufology, alien abductions and have noticed some remarkable similarities between the UFO phenomenon and what was considered fairy sightings and encounters of past Celtic times. Just like to know your thoughts on that.. Happy birthday coming up soon. Have a good day and God bless.
Debbie and Jessie and Valena (who wrote to me privately).l’m.replying to you all individually here, and privately, over Easter. Thank you for writing in response to my paranormal piece. I”ve not been well and am sorry not to come straight back. Also,, your words bring so many paranormal experiences back, l partly think you’ll all dismiss me as crazy, and partly think Jeanie, get it out before you die, somewhere out there others doubt themselves and need to know they’re not alone in their own weird experience. Rheumatoid arthritis and heart failure are the two things making me slower in response, the rest l handle easier. So bear with me. I’m also aware our leader in this site, though very intelligent and caring, is not always enamoured with the paranormal input. And where l once was convinced Rhesus Neg made me like l am
, the paranormal way, that no longer applies. I still think we’re decidedly different, but since a lifelong friend from childhood turned out to have identical blood type to me, yet never had one paranormal experience, thinks l lie, and has behaved very badly to me, despite me being her only ally through some bad times of her own, and helping her resolve them. She behaved to me in behaviours so alien to me, toward anyone, l’ve been forced to adjust that line of thought.. And lest l forget, when l respond, remind me to share a very amazing paranormal experience that her behaviour elicited from my late dog, a Border Collie. How spiritually, animals are often our best friends. Protecting us from hurt. How my dog finally decided the outcome of that lifetime (since age ten) friendship. If you’re an animal lover like me, you’ll never quite dismiss your dog’s unusual behaviours again.