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As I have often mentioned, the best way to avoid the “Rh Disease”, is for an Rh- woman to have children with an Rh- man
That way, the fetus will also be Rh- and complications from Rh incompatibility won’t impact the pregnancy
You can, however experience ABO incompatibility
In a nutshell:
If he has a blood type which would be a donor match for her, it’s green light:
Don’t let the sperm banks win!
In the USA they’ve always made it law for blood testing when you apply to marry, it’s what l understood back in the seventies, relating to the rhesus positive/negative factor. Does that still apply? It should be made law in the UK too. I know the damage which is lifelong autism in varying degrees, done to all my six children is Anti-D and childhood faulty triple vaccine related in 1969 (which went to court) and bad reaction to upgraded 1984 children’s vaccines. It’s not inherited, Man’s interference in all things, from controlling God and how He’s worshipped, through medications, and education, has created a world not in tune with God’s plans for either negative, or positives. Prepare for His return, the four horses have left their stables!
I agree with you my friend