See also:
Is your blood type O negative?
Is your blood type A negative?
UPDATE here: Rh Negative Blood Type Personalities II
Whenever I bring up the subject matter of blood types and personality traits, people tend to immediately make the connection to Korean and Japanese theories.
This is unfortunate considering we are not talking about a fairytale owned by any specific group of people.
It has been proven that rh negative people overall have worse health than rh positives and with that come mental disorder, illnesses and neuroses.
The logical line to follow would lead to acknowledging a connection between mental presidpositions and personality traits.
Of course, what we are speaking about is statistics, so know that just because people with your blood type are more likely to develop OCD for example, does not mean you are likely to get it.
Nature vs. nurture is in existance. And if you are a balanced person living an overall balanced life, there is not going to be the stress factor expressing itself in the way that you might be predisposed to.
The other thing about the Japanese and the Korean models that bothers me is the absence of the rh factor being considered in their models.
This is of course understandable considering their low percentage of rh negatives, but it still means we ourselves need to now come up with our own model to let other rh negatives know what we have collected in terms of data.
As usual, feel free to comment in agreement, disagreement or in form of a question.
The following personality traits are my opinion and nothing but, gathered from personal experience, feedback and discussed with rh negative individuals such as you.
For men:
RhD negative men more often reported certain mental health disorders including panic disorders, antisocial personality disorders and attention deficits, ticks, fasciculation, thyroiditis, immunity disorders, allergies, especially skin allergies, excessive bleedings, anemia, osteoporosis, liver disease, infectious diseases and acute diarrhea diseases, while they less often reported gall bladder attacks, coeliac disease, maldigestion, malabsobtion, warts, some types of cancers and prostate hypertrophy.
O Negative
O negative men are very centered and express what is on their minds right then and there. You will not likely have to guess what an O negative man means when he says something as they can be quite direct. If you are in the situation where you need assistance, O negative men tend to be very solution based and overcome any ego quickly to get help to get the job done. Being a team player is important to O negative men, but they also like to naturally be in charge. O negative men feel good when they are able to walk after the beat of their own drum and appreciate those who take their advice, respect their lead and are overall supportive to whichever causes they choose.
In friendships
O negative men are very social when they feel comfortable in their environments and quickly ditch whichever group they have no interest being a part of. It is tough for O negative men to follow rules they don´t agree with and have a tough time being followers. O negative men not only want to be in charge just to be in charge, but simply because their lives are most productive when they can set their own time and program. Being friends with O negative men is simple, but do not try to change their ways and things will work out great.
In relationships
O negative men are able to make relationships work well when they believe in them but not likely to make things work when there are too many obstacles for the relationship to make sense to them.
A negative
A negative men tend to be passive, observant and often deep in thought. A big misconception is that A negative men are not understanding something simply because they are
not doing something right. A negative men tend to be very much able to give good advice to others, but are not always good in terms of applying this to their own lives.
In friendships
If an A negative man thinks you are on his side, he will literally do anything for you. If there is one sign of indifference or intentional hurt, you might as well stay away from the A negative guy from then on as he will not be able to forget it or treat you the same every again. People who are A negative have a high tolerance for people´s mistakes, but betrayel won´t be forgiven.
In relationships
A negative men are very sensitive not just to the feelings of the partner, but also in terms of being easy to hurt. An A negative man can change completely quickly due to being in a positive relationship and the other way around when it ends. An A negative man usually prefers being not in a relationship to being in a bad one. When the emotional compatibility is there, amazing things will happen. If not, the relationship likely fades away quite fast.
B Negatives
B negative men are natural born planners and once a plan has been created, they tend to follow through without looking to the left or the right. It is a blessing and a curse considering while A negative men for example feel their way through life and flexibility can work out positively, B negative men can miss some things on the way but overall manage to accomplish their goals based on determination. You always know where you are at with a B negative man by the way he sets his mind on something.
In friendships
Don´t expect flexibility and being able to switch quickly in terms of opinions on anything, even when it would make sense. B negative men like things set in their ways and operate by procedure. Great in business, not always sensitive in terms of picking up on something, but reliable and very good friends when not being crossed and each others´ spaces are being respected.
In relationships
B negative men make things work. But are also stubborn. You can have the most amazing relationship with a B negative man if there are certain sets of rules ensuring no negative surprises. Within those simple rules, a relationship can flourish. But it is always important that mutual respect exists or there will not be a great passionate relationship happening as B negative men are very happy when they know where things stand and cannot easily handle it when there is uncertainty or a lack of loyalty.
AB Negative
AB negative men are appreciative of those who do right by them. AB negative men can be suspicious of others and need time to trust. But once they do, they are very comfortable and able to express themselves very openly.
In friendships
AB negative men tend to appreciate input and advice as well as general feedback. AB negative men are great team players amongst those who they are comfortable with. When not sure about someone, AB negative people are very distrustful.
In relationships
AB negative men are tolerant and interested in the other person. AB negative men tend to be very good in relationships and it comes natural to them.
For women:
RhD negative women reported more frequently psoriasis, constipation and diarrheas, ischemic diseases, type 2 diabetes, some types of cancers, lymphatic nodes swelling, vitamin B deficiency, thrombosis, tonsil stones, too high sex desire, precocious puberty, urinary tract infections, scoliosis and they less often reported hearing loss, weight loss, hypoglycemia, glaucoma, fasciculation and warts.
O Negative
O negative women are very passionate. An O negative woman is usually very intuitive and when in a relationship she is sure about, fights for it and gives it her all. When unsure, an O negative woman is less likely to give it a try and much rather reserves her good energy for someone she feels 100 percent about. O negative women match well with O negative men but can also be in relationship with AO and BO men (genotype wise) as long as those men have strong personalities. Blood types carry predispositions in terms of relationships and personality traits, but nature vs. nurture is also of importance. If you are a strong person and are focused on what you want in life and what is best for you, you might be good in a relationship with an O negative woman.
In friendships
O negative women are great friends as long as you are honest with them.
In relationships
As said above, O negative women are excellent in relationships when they believe in them.
A Negative
A negative women are sensitive and can easily be hurt. Stress they cannot handle well and while very loving and protective, A negative women can turn into very angry beings and let you have it when you do them wrong.
In friendships
If you are loyal to her, she will do anything for you. You will have a best friend and supporter for life as long as you do not disappoint her. At least not on purpose or through indifference.
In relationships
An A negative woman without baggage is the best girlfriend and wife for her partner, but when previous baggage has not yet been dealt with, things can be extremely difficult.
How do A negative women view themselves?
Brittany Sierra Sovocool writes:
Open minded, skeptical, caring, considerate, maybe somewhat moody, loners, sensitive to everything and everyone. Willing to help others, a magnet for others of many personalities and emotions. Great at giving advice, tends to have a mysterious nature to them, doesn’t tolerate rude behavior given to themselves and others, loves intellectual conversations, worries all the time, over thinking, analyzing, seems to have curious drive to learn.
B Negative
B negative women are set in their ways in terms of what they expect from a relationship. If things do not go the way that she expected them to, it takes time to adapt to the situation at hand. B negative women tend to see life according to the plan they set for themselves and when dealing with a B negative woman, be aware that she might not be as flexible as you and need some adjustment that can appear to be easier to you than to her.
In relationships
B negative women are one way or the other, hot or cold. And both can easily go to extremes. You might not want to chance doing something that could cause friction without ensuring that things will be ok. Communication is very important and has to be kept up in a continuum. B negative women match best with O negative or B negative men, but at times AB negative men can also be great matches if there are common interests binding both together.
AB Negative
AB negative women are very happy with someone who is paying attention to them and there for them every step of the way. If you are able to be that man to an AB negative woman, your life can be close to perfect. But letting her down once can immediately close all doors.
In friendships
AB negative women will put the need of true friends above their own if needed.
In relationships
AB negative women tend to be very gentle and loving without hesitation. They give you the benefit of the doubt. AB negative women match very well with AB negative men, but all the other 3 negative ABOs can work out depending on the timing and social surroundings leading towards the relationship as well as common interests which work out very well in terms of creating a strong bond.
Disclaimer: This is not an official study, but ideas thrown out for discussion on this blog and Facebook.
I agree 100% with what Brittany Sierra Sovocool said about A- women!! It ticks every box for me. How TRUE all this is remains to be seen (the ‘skeptical’ bit) but it really does ring bells. I have to carry a blood-group card with me in case of accidents, as I’m a ‘bleeder’ (another trait, I believe).
Hello A- women ! I was beginning to think I was the only one out there. I definitely worry about everything and everyone!
I am a Rh 0 Negative female…and I have been studying DNA for over 3 years now on 23andme…I am 3.38% out of 4.0% Neanderthal DNA tested on 23andme…and Now I have my DNA on Ancestry…I currently have over 32,750 DNA registered cousins on Ancestry…and I have invited over 200 onto my facebook page… it is fun learning so much…and it seems that most of the cousins has the Rh Negative blood or their dad does or their mom does…some have mixed Positive and Negative blood types…and all of us has so many characteristics that are so similar…and many of us has the “gift” coming from cousins that are on both of parents side of the family…and both of my parents are related to each other…so I am double related to many and also double related to many famous relatives too…Matt Damon is my cousin on my mom dad’s side of the family…As for as the sicknesses go..many of us are very healthy and hardly ever get sick…we do have allergies though…Personally I have never had a fever or had a virus…I do however get allergies from pollen in the Spring…and some foods….I do not take medications…my family is in good health…some of my cousin with the mixed Positive and Negative blood types don’t fare as well…and some of my cousins have compromised their immune systems with too much food, alcohol, drugs, and medications…they suffer much in this life…I am seeing a pattern to the ones who compromise their immune systems and the ones that do not…The ones that do not compromise their immune systems by making better choice in life are living a much healthier and happier life…
Agree 100% the reason many of us have relatives who are related in more than one way is because it was forbidden for RH negatives to marry outside of rh-negative families which at the time were called “noble families” even though they didn’t understand exactly what the cause was it was well known that if a noblewoman had married a man who was not from a noble family that most of their children would die shortly after birth. All sorts of superstitions and even curses were invented to explain this until the 1940s when it was finally discovered that blood antigens/ rhesus factor were the actual cause. Especially o- are very prone to autoimmune disorders and receiving vaccines especially as children and having exposure to RH positive blood are known to hyper stimulate the immune system into forming self-destructive antibodies.
Here’s a link for some great information on who actually discovered Rh-Negative Antigen Austrians Dr Landsteiner and his Colleague (actually his assistant) Dr Wiener. Interesting that it was Wiener who actually named it Rhesus Gene. Dr Landsteiner wanted to change it but died before he could. Still, he didn’t like that it was so controversial linking it to ‘Evolution’. When they were actually testing the Anti-LW antigen taken from people and injected into Rabbits. None of this Antigen Rh-Positive was ever extracted from Rhesus Monkeys in the lab. Nor was it ever injected into Rabbits. The reason was simple… Rhesus Monkeys were expensive for test purposes and Lab Rabbits are not. Anyway Rh-Negative is now called the Anti-Rhesus Antigen. Many people are now calling it Anti-LW after the Dr Landsteiner and Dr Wiener!
rvdoon DOT com SLASH rh-negative-blood-monkey-blood-blue-blood-pure-blood-true-blood-or-ordinary-blood SLASH
Just copy/paste into browser address. remove DOT, spaces and SLASH and put periods and forward slash in their place!
Has anyone made the connection that Rh negs are Empaths? My opinion is that’s the cause of what’s been labeled as “mental disorders”. We’re not suffering from mental issues, we are Empaths.
Well, I’m an empathy and A negative, so there’s one connection!
I am too and am recently just getting knowledge on this. Nobody in my family is Rh- and I’m actually treated like that “one family member that’s different “ you know? It breaks my heart because they don’t know ME. Most of my life I’ve blended with ppl to seem like everyone else but I’m not. I quit agreeing with ppl and their beliefs just to fit in – I am my own person. But the loneliest soul out here…
Yes, this has been suggested to be the cause of things like schizophrenia, paranoia and panic disorders. I can see how it might cause someone to be bothered if they were able to perceive when others are in danger particularly. I believe this is because when people are in trouble their thoughts are projected more clearly in desperation for finding help. I sometimes have experiences like this where I feel like someone is in trouble and I have very specific details about what the situation is. One day just for fun and out of curiosity, I decided to test my own perceptions to see if they were just random thoughts or if they were actually real occurrences . The first I can recall it happened in my childhood but as an adult much more frequently when I would lay in my room in complete silence reading or working on artwork, thoughts would come into my mind, particularly disturbing things like people hurt or in need of help which I did not like and had to make a conscious effort to try to block out. So one day I decided to write down exactly the thoughts that I had that morning and see if any of those things actually happened. I thought it would be a good time to test it because the two things that came to my mind happened to be particularly unusual and specific. So I would know if I was right because how often could that type of thing actually happen? The first note I wrote was “someone trapped somewhere surrounded by metal like a big metal box with something very large above them that required heavy equipment to move and people screaming that they didn’t know how to get them out, finally they were able to reach the person but unfortunately they were already deceased”this whole scene played out for nearly an hour in my mind and it was more like I was able to hear what was going on but not see it so much but it seemed very Vivid like a dream and I could feel the Panic of the people involved especially if I focused on it rather than blocking it out like I would normally do. The second one was a very angry fight between a man and a woman that resulted in him attacking her and causing her injuries, followed by neighbors calling police who arrived to find the man had fled but they were able to locate the vehicle and attempted to stop him but he ignore them and began a short police chase which ended in a crash with another vehicle at an intersection”. Upon checking the newspapers online later that day I found out that both of those situations did actually happen that day and both were exactly at the time when I had written those things down . One of the articles that I noticed first was “Employee trapped under a piece of heavy industrial equipment at a factory who was pronounced dead after it took Rescuers nearly 40 minutes to gain access and lift equipment to free him”. The other article was “police chase that resulted in a crash”, article stated that the “suspect was arrested for outstanding warrants, domestic violence, assault with a deadly weapon, evading police, resisting arrest and attempting to leave the scene of an accident”. I have never had any mental disorders or illnesses, so I can’t confirm that this ability might be related to anything like that, but sometimes when I have seen interviews with people who are diagnosed as schizophrenic, some of the things they say sound more like perception of distant events rather than schizophrenia, however I can’t say that this is true for all of them, because many that I have seen studying psychology briefly in college also sounded like they were just deeply disturbed people. Perhaps some people ( but not all) throughout history have been misdiagnosed because there is lack of understanding of this ability…..
Did you watch ‘Minority Report’? Well basically although it’s just a movie, set in the future where the ‘State’ or government gathers all these what is referred to as ‘Pre-Cogs’ and they are basically the State’s prisoners. These would be like Empaths or Rh-Negatives used to solve crimes before they happened. But it takes it a step further and arrests criminals before they even do a crime. It’s a Future State of Precognitive people, who are used to prevent crime with a very scary twist…. if it was to actually happen.
Hopefully we never have a World where the Government has all the Rh-negatives locked up seeing the future crimes before they happen and arresting people before the crime is ever done. But…. solving crimes and simply preventing them would be far different!
BTW…. this kind of Empathic experience is more common with Rh-Negatives than anyone else. It’s like being able to hook into traits Hunter Gatherers used in PreHistoric Times to Hunt and feed them selves. But it could also be used by evil governments like such as in this movie!
I have seen this many times w/ myself and others. Veterans who’ve lived through horrific experiences seem to have an over active Adrenal Gland. Once tripped they are in survival mode. Senses are heightened and they longer are using their brains, but rather their bodies act like say that star pitcher or Batter hitting over 300. They say the the baseball coming over the plate looks like it’s the size of a Grapefruit coming over the plate and they can see the stitching even…. in almost slow motion. They don’t think to hit the ball, but their body after practicing so much swings the bat for them.
Now…. with a vet…. you are always ready with their adrenal state ready to kick in and they sense things on another dimension. One of the many dimensions most humans today aren’t aware of. The event can be close like within minutes/hours or days and even years. Then that Precognitive Experience happens and if they have recorded it or remember it they can steer it into surviving instead of being the failure they imagined it would be. These are waking experiences only like dreams and not in an uncontrollable dream state!
btw… your writing would be read and understood more by more people if you break it up…. just saying! Thanks for telling us about this!
I can relate. As a child, right in the middle of making cookies, I got a vision of someone getting their face sliced with a knife. I had no clue who, just that it was a young female and I was horrified. I never tried to find out or test my visions because I didn’t want to know. I knew I couldn’t deal with it. I am over 60 now and I can hardly ever watch the news. It is so painful and sometimes i cannot sleep all night because of feeling the pain of others and worrying about them. I am still learning how to release what is not mine. I’m A negative. All my siblings are also and my children except on son being AB negative.
Hi everyone! I’m Rh A negative and an empath/intuitive w/precognitive abilities. I’ve vividly seen things happen in front of me with no awareness that it WAS NOT actually occurring before my very eyes, until it’s over and whoever Im with has to calm me down. After I’ve explained what i see and they assure me nothing even happened at all, the event i described will play out in real life right before their eyes. Thank the universe people have been there with me every time so i don’t check myself into the nut house. The first time i thought i was having an anyerism, until it actually happens 5 min later. This just started in the last two years. I’ve always been very in tune, but this new thing has really caught me off gaurd. Since it started I’m feeling as if I’m waking up, or slowly climbing out of a fog. That’s why I’m here. It doesn’t seem to be going away, so i guess i will stop trying to ignore it and work on developing it. My mom just shared with me she’s had the same thing since childhood but in dreams. I always wondered why she was screaming and crying in her sleep all those years.
Both of my parents were RH negative. I never knew of either of them to ever have a cold or flu. They both had amazing immune systems so its interesting its being said they they are sickly. Their wounds healed so fast also. Mother had mental illness though and its genetic that was found in DNA research. She was A Negative. All my 5 siblings are A negative too and we are all as different as night and day. I sort of fit the A negative mold people saying I’m a mystery, but my sisters really do not. My brothers don’t either. They are extroverts except for one brother.
I’m a O negative and I’m an empath. I am very sensitive to people’s emotions. My life path is an #11. My sister is the exact same as me, an negative and life path #11. Apparently our Mums sister(our Aunt) was a O negative. Our Aunt looked old when she was young(in photos), but looked very youthful up until her passing a few years ago. Both our parents are/were positive blood type.
My sister and myself are very intuitive and I have visions of stuff that’s not happened. I’ve always felt different, weird and I see the world differently to others.
I have an IQ 147 . I want to know more.
Loving your comments ✨👌
I think you are probably right about this emphatic ability being connected to mental illness. I like this thought.
I’m a O negative and I’m an empath. I am very sensitive to people’s emotions.
Recently I’ve experienced a plethora of unwell symptoms.As though I’ve become allergic to life.I’ve had several bouts of shingles , bacterial meningitius, severe dizziness and vertigo, the list goes on, blah blah Research has lead me to think I may have a blood cancer? My question is this…To your knowledge is blood type AB NEGATIVE, more susceptible to blood cancers?
AB- Negatives are indeed more suceptable to inmuno deficiences, certain vitamin defiencies and things like Lupis and Shingles to name a few. They tend to push harder on their immune systems and over extend themselves with bouts of fatigue….. from over exerting themselves for other’s benefit. Very capable they are highly Empathic of others in their realm but not so much about their own well being. Greater susceptibility to allergies though…. and something about many of them have bleeding problems w/ systems w/ blood not coagulating as fast as others. These will be the ones who donate blood or plasma and need to keep the cotton and wrap on longer afterwards.
When they have an accident….. they also may be slower coagulating wounds than others with similar cuts, etc than others. Also get your Vitamin D level checked…. and specifically check for D3 Deficiency. Doctors in the know….. don’t hesitate to order testing for D3 and you’ll see a higher percentage of AB-Negatives. For some reason their bodies are as good at converting sunlight in the skin or eyes. I know several who have D3 levels as low as 16 w/ minimum is 20 for going on high doses of D3 supplementation. But…. always do this under a doctor’s orders and monitoring. I’ve seen people with this unusually low level taking 50,000 Units during therapy!
Blood cancer? I”m not sure about that, but AB-negatives do have higher incidence of Stomach Cancer or pancreatic cancer. That’s not tough though…. just get tested for any digestion problems or ask your doctor if you need testing. From what I’ve seen also pay good attention to your nutritional health needs and don’t be over doing things, you know better than to do. Why?
1. You people tend to over extend yourself in service to others. Which is connected to your presumed greater Empathetic Service to others qualities. You go beyond mere love and caring for others and put others above your own well being. So pay attention to your own needs, get adequate rest, eat properly and you can be in better health than most people are who aren’t RH Negative.
Try getting tested for low vitamin/mineral levels (btw most doctors don’t even have patients tested for low level D3… just vitamin D, so request it) and just be aware that allergies can slow you down more than other people. They can rob you of feeling and performing at your very best! …..a doctor’s visit can determine blood cancers like Leukemia, feminine anatomy cancers, etc you probably are already aware of. BTW….. it’s important to be aware of Vitamin D3 as it’s Important in Autoimmune Disorders…. like Lupus…. etc D3 Therapy can help prevent and in some cases fix the problem that comes with AB-Negative. My AB-Negative sister had Lupus. In full remission w/ D3 Therapy. My son was having Autoimmune problems, skin rashes, tiredness, depression, etc and he had a smart doctor that ordered High Dose D3 Therapy (when she found him at 16 w/20 being the absolute minimum level) to kick start his system and is all better now. However D3 level does need to be monitored if you are susceptible to Autoimmune Disorders! …..like I said…. he also tends to be a bleeder when slight cuts occur or donating blood/plasma! Allergies to Life? …..yeah do get tested for low level D3 and don’t let a doctor just test for vitamin D level…. they’ll miss the problem entirely!
Hello Diane, now please don’t just order this large dose Vitamin D3 Supplementation and think it’s going to cure your ills. But this is what my AB Negative Son recently ordered off Ebay. Remember it’s a simple enough lab test or doctor ordered one a savvy doctor would know about. Get tested and if you need very high supplementation w/ regular level testing they’ll order it and you can save some expense after treatment w/ these high dosage prescription grade D3 supplements.
Our state set a very low over counter dose of 10,000 IU only. But this brand on ebay’s level is 50,000 Units he’s taking now. w/just 16 being his level. He also was having bad problems along w/ his RH- negative allergies. BTW… any RH Negative can have Autoimmune Deficiency Disorders and this can help if not cure it, when properly done under a Dr’s orders and checking levels.
After getting him up to higher levels (which took a long time) he went to two Costco brand 10,000 Unit pills a day. He got tested again and was low again, down below 30. So he ordered these 50,000 Unit pills off ebay. Now search ebay for these terms; “Vitamin D3 50,000 IU Daily Supplement” and if that doesn’t find it for you, add brand ‘Forest Leaf’. Get into a doctor to be tested though, if you have depression, skin problems, feeling exceedingly tired, exceptionally high amounts of allergies or are having sleep issues. Look at; ‘Irwin Naturals – Sunny Mood With 5-HTP, Plus Vitamin D3, 80 Liquid Soft-Gels’ or something like it, like Spring Valley’ at Walmart to go with it.
Son = blood type AB- Rh-negative and Sister is AB-Rh-negative (Lupus, Allergies) and both have Autoimmune Disorders common with RH Negatives particularly. With bodies that fail to make adequate amounts for them, even w/ adequate sun exposure! btw…. I’m sure Mike knows about RH-Negatives having a greater amount of Autoimmune problems!
Here’s an easy way to tell if you or another Rh-Negative AB-neg or other type is low on vitamin D3;
Take your forefinger and press on yours or their sternum. But don’t surprise them. You need to put about 15 pounds of force on the chest bone right above where bones come together. If you or they are tender to the bone, then you probably are D-3 deficient. To back that up first try to apply pressure to yours or their leg shin bone. If it’s tender, you should probably get tested for D3 Deficiency.
D3 is different than testing for just D…. explained about in other comments. D is the form that’s in food or supplements. But still needs to be converted in to a usable form by the kidney and liver. Same with your body’s own ability to convert sunshine into usable form of D3. Rh Negative People will be the first you’ll see having problems with D3 deficiency! If a doctor just pass it off like you don’t know what you’re talking about tell them you’ve ran the self test and your sternum is sore! ….if they don’t don’t about this…. get another doctor!
Wow, the O negative man is exactly the way my father was. Totally in every way. He was the life of the party and even has an entire 50 miles of wildlife corridor on a highway in Oregon that is a memorial named in his honor.
I read some comments about empaths in rh negative blood. I’ve been told I’m an empath but I don’t think I am. I’m not much on feelings but rather on facts and intellect. My father was B negative as am I and also my son. Those two were alike in their relationships for sure. The relationship aspect for me is correct as you’ve written it. I’m extremely analytical when I have the time and I do have a high IQ as did my father and my son does as well.