It has been 10 years since I have published the original list and gallery of Rh Negative Celebrities on Facebook. Since then, I have gathered a lot more information. The list has grown. I have reached out to celebrities and their family members to confirm claims made. Celebrities have reached out to me. Other information came from media. All of the following celebrities listed have been checked on and checked out. To the best of our knowledge, all of them are/were Rh Negative. If ABO type is known, it is added. If not, only the name of the celebrity is listed.
Image sources: Google Images
Please be advised that all of our information is as strong as the data received, so no guarantee can be made.
This article is owned by Mike Dammann and and not to be reprinted without permission. If you wish to share the content, do so with the social media sharing option provided in this post or copy and paste the link.
If you have additional information and know of more Rh Negative Celebrities, please leave a comment below. Include a link to an article if you have one.
In alphabetical order:
Neil Armstrong – O NegativeKevin Bacon – B NegativeSacha Baron-Cohen – O Negative Stephanie Beacham Benji Bronk – O NegativeKathy BuckleyTed Bundy – O NegativeTim BurtonJames CameronJames Earl Carter Jr. was the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981. Jimmy Carter has donated gallons of blood in his lifetime — he even donated while serving in the White House. Carter has A negative blood.Bill and Hillary ClintonAl Capone – O NegativeFidel Castro – A Negative Kurt Cobain – O Negative Phil Collins – A NegativeSheryl CrowIan CurtisCharles de Gaulle – AB NegativeJohnny Depp’s blood type is B negative.Leonardo DiCaprio, another world famous actor, is blood type B negative as well.David Duchovny – O NegativeClint EastwoodDwight D. Eisenhower – O Negative Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Her mother was Irish actress Maureen O’Sullivan. Her father, John Farrow, was from Australia. Her blood type is B negative.Bobby Fischer – O NegativeCalista Flockhart – A NegativeGerald Ford, the 38th President of the United States, was also rh negative.Liam Gallagher – O NegativeLiam’s brother Noel is also blood type O negative.Rory Gallagher – AB NegativeVictor GarberAva GardnerRon Goldman – O NegativeKelsey GrammerCary GrantSteve Guttenberg – B NegativeJames Harrison – Rh nullSophie B. HawkinsWoodstock legend Jimi Hendrix was blood type O negative.Marilu HennerJim Henson, legendary creator of “The Muppets” was also blood type O negative.Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace Mick Hucknall Rock legend Mick Jagger is blood type AB negative.Jenna Jameson has recently informed me that her blood type is A negative.Scarlett JohanssonAngelina Jolie – A NegativeLegendary performer Janis Joplin was also blood type O negative.KerliEartha KittLisa KudrowChris Kyle – A Negative Cyndi Lauper – AB Negative John Lennon, another legendary musician who died much too young, was also blood type O negative.David Letterman A NegativeRay LiottaDaisy Lowe, daughter of Gavin Rossdale, is blood type O negative as her father.Loretta LynnCharles Manson – O NegativeBob Marley – B NegativeJohn McCainPaul McCartneySteve McQueen – O NegativeFreddie Mercury – B NegativeHeather Mills – A NegativeMarilyn Monroe – AB NegativeJim Morrison – O NegativePaul Newman – O NegativeJack Nicholson – B Negative Richard Nixon – A Negative Ozzy Osbourne – O NegativeRobert PattinsonRegis Philbin – O NegativePope John Paul II – A NegativeSuzi Quatro – AB NegativeJeremy RennerJulia Roberts – B NegativeGavin Rossdale – O NegativeSabrina Sabrok – A NegativeCarl SaganSusan Sarandon – B NegativeTom Selleck – B NegativeO.J. Simpson – A NegativeChristian SlaterBritney Spears – A NegativeRingo Starr – A NegativePeter Steele – O NegativeSharon StoneMeryl Streep – AB NegativeHilary SwankNiki Taylor – O NegativeTim Tebow is AB negative and left-handed.Cheyenne Tozzi Donald TrumpLana TurnerPrince Charles – O NegativePrince William – O NegativeQueen Elizabeth II – O NegativeQueen Mother – O Negative
The following posts might be of interest to some of you:
You may have noticed that many of the Rh Negative Celebrities also have red, reddish or auburn hair.
While most of the individuals listed are mainstream and internationally known, there are many more who are not. There are also those who I, Mike Dammann, consider too much of a disgrace to be listed here (worse than Ted Bundy, O.J. Simpson or Charles Manson).
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well done, Mike. i’m curious about these people also: J. Robert Oppenheimer, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Aristotle, Hipparchus, Jacob Bronowski, Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Antonín Dvořák, Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach, Edward Herman, Alfred Hitchcock, Billy Wilder, Audrey Hepburn, Leslie Caron, James Caan, Henry Miller, Edward Abbey and Walt Whitman.
Interesting choices, Ken. I will purposely not look up any of the ones I am not familiar with, even though it might make me look silly. Here are the few thoughts I have:
J. Robert Oppenheimer,
I don’t remember what he looks like
Nikola Tesla,
I was undecided for the longest, but O negative makes sense to me.
Isaac Newton,
Absolutely. Was it a photo or a good painting of his I saw? It had “the look”.
Galileo Galilei,
I can see that
Same thing
Hipparchus, Jacob Bronowski,
I do not know of them
Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
Moonshine sonata is one of those timeless pieces that kicks no matter when. I can definitely sense something through music
Antonín Dvořák,
I don’t know of him
Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach,
I think many of these composers were
Edward Herman,
Was he the step dad in lost boys? Serious question
Alfred Hitchcock,
Absolutely. I always thoughts he was O negative.
Billy Wilder, Audrey Hepburn,
Both makes sense.
Leslie Caron,
It must have been decades since I saw a pic of hers, but remember the reddishness and the vibe and from that my guess is “yes”
James Caan,
I think that probably the image in my head of his is not the right one and I wouldn’t be surprised.
Henry Miller, Edward Abbey and Walt Whitman.
I will look them up. And the others. And then I will feel tempted to delete the comment and start a new one pretending that I knew all the names.
Thank you, bro. If I can get another confirmation via Twitter, I will likely get in the mood to contact living relatives.
Wow. I am looking now at Leslie’s picture.
She looks a lot younger in the pic to me now than when I last “saw her” at around 13.
Yes, she is definitely Rh negative.
Hitchcock spoke about the inspiration for horror and attributed it to his mother wanting to teach him a lesson when he was 6. Her friend worked at a prison and she had him lock Alfred up in a prison cell for an hour.
I’m AB Negative & for a while it was rumored that my great grandfather is cousins or siblings to Marilyn Monroe, his surname is Mortensen & he was Danish if I’m not mistaken. I see she is also AB negative. Oh plus I’m left handed lol
now that you looked up the tall actor Edward Herman, i thought of “Herman Munster” or Fred Gwynne – i’ve always liked him/his work…and the Leslie Caron pics you posted reminded me of Gene Kelly, Oscar Levant and Warren Beatty & his older sister Shirley MacLaine.
Just recently took Eldon blood test and found out that I am RH- b. Lots of epiphanies lately. My next door neighbor and I are soul sisters..I call her Jeannie in a bottle, but she’s mermaid like me. I have an appointment on the 6th to start donating blood. 😎😇👽 During the summer months growing up I used to follow my mother around to casting calls in Hollywood. I think I may have missed my destiny call. Maybe I still have time left..😁😁🤣
I always wondered if Ralph Fiennes was RH negative. The English patient . I find him very attractive in that movie. Curious I was not able to find that information. People say my father looks like Leonardo DiCaprio. It was interesting that there both b negatives.
Are James Cameron and Paul McCartney related?
And wow, Regis Philbin and Jerry Lewis, no kidding! It’s so amusing when they slip and let their dark side out, and break the 4th wall out of nowhere.
I would be tickled pink if Prince Harry wasn’t Rh negative because he looks nothing like Count Chuck-ula.
And I must admit I’ve always had the biggest crush on Joel McCrea and Ben Johnson, I wonder if they were Rh negative.
Prince Harry most likely is as it seems most of the royal family is 0 negative. Diana’s siblings were redheads so not strange that Harry is one. Do we know Princess Diana’s blood type?
Ok I’ve got two more certified the negative celebs ..first one is Billy Connolly ,in his biography he mentions it his wife mentions he is A negative …also David Gilmour lead guitarist and singer if Pink Floyd is also A negative..if U wish me to provide U with further evidence I can look it up.
Hi Mike thank you!
Do you notice, and I could be wrong, that there’s a high proportion of people born under the sun-sign Scorpio on this list? Examples are Julia Roberts, Gavin Rossdale, Nikola Tesla, Paul McCartney, Calista Flockhart……Just curious!!
I am A- Famous people sharing my mtDNA Haplogroup K : (Mother Lineage)
Otzi the Iceman, (around 3400-3100 BCE)
Craig Vender 1946– is an American-born biochemist, genetics, and entrepreneur. Has regarded by many as one of the leading scientist o the 21st century and was listed on Time magazine top 100 Most influential People in the World twice. He’s the first person in human history to get their entire genome sequenced.
Meryl Streep, Katie Couric, Stephen Colbert, Harry Connick Jr. ,Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jake Gyllenhaal, Richard III(1452-1485).
Najeed Halaby (1915-2003) Lebanese-Syrian father and Texan mother. American businessman, government official, author , and celebrated aviator.
Larry Bird.
And I am from the KAYI…the founder of the Osmanian…I am from the Aschina clan…I am Arian…we all have Rh positiv blood from the Wolf mother ASENA…and you..from which reptilian you are ?….
hope you understand turkish ! He has the same bloodgroup like Deniz Baykal !
Or can you prove the opposite…that he is Rh negativ…I dont think !!!
And beside thats…he he is too impulsiv and emotional for being Rh negativ !!!
But if you search for some negativs…Angela Merkel is A Rh negativ and I think Olaf Scholz too !
And Mustafa Kemal Atatürk with his “blue eyes” was 0 Rh positiv…!!!
Turkish people are usually Rh …therefore Erdogan called for a blood test of German parliamentarians of Turkish descent !
In Turkey only some kurds, Ezidiz or Alevites or other minority are Rh negativ as they engage in inbreeding and incest !!!
GOD CAME INTO MARY TO MAKE JESUS CHRIST. HER SEED MARY CRUSHED THE HEAD OF THE SNAKE SATAN , SND SATAN IS THERE TO DEVOUR THE BABIES AS SOON AS IT IS BORN. GODS BLOOD TYPE, MARY JESUS CHRIST IS O NEGATIVE RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPE. FULLY HUMAN NORMAL SIZE SCULLS. HOWEVER THE RHESES POSITIVE BLOOD TYPE. NON HUMAN. HAD SEX WITH ANIMALS. the NEPHLIUM giants offspring. The ANIKAM giants , nagas reptiles snakes the offspring of , Nebuchadnezza , Canaanites nimrod Babylon KING OG , by time line world history documentary story is the first human ancestors to stand on two legs. By Peter Kelly breaking 3 species found in same time period. Post flood NEPHLIUM giants by RUSSAK outlook who butchered Jesus Christ. Take a look at the picture of Hitler. And the top 10 dictators.
I have blue eyes…i am white…really white…i am a really spirituell person…I am an Indigo…a Christal…but I have the bloodgroop A Rh positiv…I feel my relationship to the Plejaden and to Sirius…the Wolf…and I am sure…you are on the false way…choose the lighty and good way…choose Jesus…and Mohammed…it is the same…the same light…I love animals…really I do…yes we are animals with consciousness…spirituality has nothing do with a bloodgoop…I love you !!!!
This is interesting. I’ve had recurring dreams my whole life. About snakes. I hate snakes, They’re always trying to kill me or my loved ones. They sometimes get close but I always get it by the back if it’s head and I smash it, remove it, I’ve had to bite off it’s head before, gross. Sometimes throw them very far as there are many and I’m getting them each quickly by their back of their heads avoiding fangs. I’m not like this in real life obviously. It’s crazy how violent my dreams are toward these vipers. They’re bad dreams but in a way not. I’ve never lost to the snake. I always rid myself of it but usually I kill it. Weird eh? Lol
Brass when refined in a furnace is white fire when it burns is white blue and gold Jesus eyes blue face and hair white white as snow like the whool of a lamb skin like the sun shining full strength. Jesus is really white. Revelation 1:14:15 , white genocide in bible. O NEGATIVE RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPE. TRIBE OF JUDAH. GOOGLE BASQUE TRIBE OF JUDAH. they will hate you for your name sake Adam eve Mary Mathew mark Luke John Paul Peter Joseph John Jacob Sara Samuel Ruth , isiah aberham Enoch Noah. All whites The serpent seed NEPHLIUM giants offspring sets on the internet race bating for whites and cops genocide trying to get people to hate to murder us charge them as a serial killers like god will if you hate your neighbor your a murder. If you lie and say whites are racist your lying a sin. Satan is the real real racist Satan accuser the greatest divider on earth 🌍
From Jafet are all the Nordics, the Turkish and the Asians…all the blue eyed and the white…the Scandinavian are related o the turks…they have the same language…and yes “Odin was a turk”…!
The name Wotan developed as follows: Odin-Uodan-Wodan-Wotan.
Prof. Sven Lagerbring a Swedish history professor said that Odin was a Turk and came from Türkheim. He taught the Germans to write. His real name was Öden/Ödin, meaning descending fire in Old Turkic.
The Germanic runic script is almost identical to the Orhon runic script of the Turks. Thor was also a Turk and his name was Tur like Turan and Turhan.”
Jesus was never ever visually described by colour of skin, hair, eyes, only that he came from David’s line. The shroud of Turin, and the head/face cloth said to be passed down centuries together in the ark of the covenant, are said to have been stolen by the Knights Templar and brought to Europe. They were separated, kept by one family and finally both tested for blood found on them. Both tests came out as Group AB Negative. My mother’s group. My dad was Rhesus Negative group O. I consider myself honoured to be a Negative like Christ. I also consider my lifelong Mediumistic gifts attributable to this amazing gift of sameness with Christ. I also believe the reasons aliens abduct people is to find descendents of this blood, which only 15% of the human population have. I don’t think aliens are real, l know from life experience, that they are. I don’t think aliens can live and survive on earth without something in our blood, and that this is what they seek and have done for millennia. And is why they live hidden from our eyes. I believe our souls relate to it, and that it is the one part of humans forbidden by any life form, even Satan, to interfere with. It’s still about free will. We must give consent. But finding us is not sacred, and they’re actively searching for us all. ‘Strange’ should be my middle name, because strange happens all my life. I never knew about the Knights Templar back in 2000, when my second marriage ended and my ex took my surname and married others with ut, yes others, he’s an habitual ‘marrier’ who despises women, he told me this himself. When his creditors and tax chasers came knocking on my door, l had to change my name. I was lost, mortified, but hiding from his creditors got heavy, l’d tried paying some of them, it broke me. So l changed my name. I looked for a name to go with Jeanette, and kept landing back on Jordan. So, l legally took the name in 2001. It wasn’t until l joined this site, quite some years back now, that l started researching my rare blood. And by dint of this, was led back to the Templars. Only to discover it was they, who invented surnames in Britain when none existed. They came back from the Holy Land, supposedly bringing with them the the pillaged Ark, and each of them had, through faith, been baptised in the River Jordan, because Jesus Christ had. They then created the first surname of Jordan, on their children. And quite oddly, l’d done it for the very same reason. A self baptism for Christ. My mum was an orphaned Anglo/Irish Catholic, my dad way back, from Quaker (Pilgrim Father’s William Penn of the Mayflower line) and of (then) recent Church of England line, had become an atheist quite young. Because their families refused to recognise them both, dad and mum, as a couple, so they never went to church, God was a no go area in my childhood home. No mention of Him allowed. So my faith came from very personal experience of paranormal, and basic school type stuff. In days when religion was on the wane. After two world wars. But Britain was a decided Christian country. So morning assemblies and a cursory nod to God, was daily. I have so many paranormal gifts, covering every aspect of the paranormal, and l’ve always been one foot in, one foot out, of the circle we call life. If l shared my entire life you’d call me crazy, affected, weird, opinionated, sad, wise, clever, bright, intellectual, and gifted, because all have been said to me across my lifetime.
One businessman who got to know me well over time of my custom at his shop said once, “You know Jeanie (my chosen name) your life reminds me of every classic l’ve ever read, and l’ve read them all!” I can’t be wound up, or agitated, or scared, l never allow anyone to make me rise face on. But don’t get me wrong, l’m a crack shot with a rifle, and would kill anyone about to kill another, if l was in their path. I don’t scare, because l’ve met the worst, I’ve mentioned him in here, Christ’s tempter in God’s enemy. I’ve faced him and survived, but l never turn my back, conceit would be my end. I ask, l don’t assume, God’s protection, daily. And l made front pages from it. Not my intention, but the Bishops locally, back in 1972-3, God leads, He made me known across front pages, so, l have to follow. I’ve been stamped and signed forever. But l still find it odd how no matter how l go to ground, move around, and l’ve moved home 55 times in life, because if two husband’s and my dad, never through my choices. So, l’m knackered inwardly, and be sure of it, l’m lost outwardly to the world, because l’ve changed names six times due to marriages and divorces times two, and hiding from my ex’s creditors. And then l became a Jordan, and l found peace inside my soul. And l named myself for Jesus, knowing nothing of the Templars. Or their cause, but it is also, mine! I joined no groups, l’m a bit of ‘this and that’, but l am Christ’s forever, and God owns my eternal soul. Today, rising 78, I’m closer to His door, my health is poor, l will cross over soon, all our days do come. I’m just blessed God speaks to me all my life, every single day. And of late, afforded witnesses to the same. And yet l own no church, my baptism is my name. I know aliens exist, l’ve seen UFOs lifelong from the age of four. I’ve even met one up close, l know ghosts do, l meet them every day l live, l know we all have souls regardless of our blood type, l know God will protect us all, if we recognise who He is, and ask Him, there’s no need to kneel, like you would saying hi to strangers just speak inside your head, He’s waiting, listening, He will answer in His time, not yours, just wait, invite His presence daily, then get on with life, and the light will switch on for you inside the dark. And suddenly a day, a week, a month, a year so from now, if you leave the door ajar inside your soul for only Him, He will enter, and you’ll soar skyward with the download He’ll afford your soul. I love the planet we inhabit, and ever creature on it, in it, and above it. When we all do thus, the true meaning of life will slide back into place. And God’s kingdom will be one. And nothing can ever harm us again.
I was just reading about Australian actor Jacob Elordi. His wikipedia page says his father immigrated from Basque Country. So of course now I am curious what is his blood type.
I discovered from my family tree l am, on my mum’s mother’s side (as well as Irish O’Mahoney from her dad) ancestrally called Diaper, which l believe likely to be Basque. And this is where l think most of the answer lies. I somehow, without knowing why, save paranormal past experience, believe the Basque people, are the lost tribe if Israel, led by Simeon. The 12th tribe. They are the key, the final puzzle part, to life’s enigma. And we’re once, 100% Rhesus Negatives. On first discovery by the wider world.
No commedians on this list. I am curious about some of my favorites, like Jerry Seinfeld, Gary Gulman, Adam Sandler, Jim Breuer, Jim Gaffigan, Dennis Leary.
Most of the SNL casts of the 70s/80s/90s. 😁
My fear seems to be coming true…you can inform yourself…the 13 satanic Bloodlines of Illuminati: The Astor Bloodline, The Bundy Bloodline, The Collins Bloodline, The DuPont Bloodline, The Freeman Bloodline, The Kennedy Bloodline, The Li Bloodline, The Onassis Bloodline, The Reynolds Bloodline, The Rockefeller Bloodline, The Rothschild Bloodline, The Russell Bloodline, The Van Duyn Bloodline and The Kennedy Bloodline! They are all Rh negativ !
John F. Kennedy was closely related to Anton LaVey (the founder of the Satanic Church in the 60s). He was romantically involved with several women from this cult group, mainly Jayne Mansfield and Marilyn Monroe.
Do you really think Donald Trump is Rh negativ…I dont think so…already visually he does not fit into this list, the color of his skin, his belly… and his character, everything ! And his Statement: The Kurds are no angels! and more…because I know many Kurds who are Rh negative !
I believe Donald Trump has his purpose in God’s sight. I was ‘told’ in 2016 by a voice, “he will win” when l never even knew him, or cared about the USA presidential elections. I had an email assuming that l did, because all my emails are dot com, as l’ve been online, since the www began, and used to chat in forum to Bill Gates live. Before he was the world’s richest man, then overtaken. My interest in him was he’d been diagnosed with Asperger. He gave me permission to open the first ever Asperger discussion forum in the UK. I ran it for three years, learning why my six kids were damaged by vaccines, the Anti-D shots, and helping people worldwide, gain their diagnosis. I am, according to my doctor then, and the Autism Society in its youth, an ‘expert’ on Asperger. And you’d better believe it, because l let a member in Australia use my online writings of my personal life with six children and two husband’s all but one husband, are Asperger in degrees. She copied all l’d written on my site for her daughter, who was at uni studying Asperger. Two years on she emailed me, her daughter got the highest grade of degree you can gain in Asperger study. Seems she’d used my words solely, unedited, and nothing added, and gained a first class degree. Still got those emails, in my hotmail box from 1998. l keep that box alive. It’s my piggy bank of proof! It has hundreds of such proofs inside it. Anyway, back to Donald Trump, the voice said clearly “He will win!” And when he did win, l asked my inner voice why, since he’s so hated, and was told, “He’s where he’s meant to be right now!” It said he’d win again, l believe he did, and like our Nigel Farage, who’s ballot boxes went missing, he was cheated out of a second term in office I don’t know if he’ll win again, but apparently his presence still matters, so l’m told. If l live to find out more, l will tell you all in here.
There’s a lyric in a Damian Marley song “It Was Written”:
“Do you remember Elijah / and his chariot of flames / same blood that runs through my veins”
Makes me wonder if he’s rhesus negative especially as his father Bob is b –
well done, Mike. i’m curious about these people also: J. Robert Oppenheimer, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Aristotle, Hipparchus, Jacob Bronowski, Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Antonín Dvořák, Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach, Edward Herman, Alfred Hitchcock, Billy Wilder, Audrey Hepburn, Leslie Caron, James Caan, Henry Miller, Edward Abbey and Walt Whitman.
Interesting choices, Ken. I will purposely not look up any of the ones I am not familiar with, even though it might make me look silly. Here are the few thoughts I have:
J. Robert Oppenheimer,
I don’t remember what he looks like
Nikola Tesla,
I was undecided for the longest, but O negative makes sense to me.
Isaac Newton,
Absolutely. Was it a photo or a good painting of his I saw? It had “the look”.
Galileo Galilei,
I can see that
Same thing
Hipparchus, Jacob Bronowski,
I do not know of them
Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
Moonshine sonata is one of those timeless pieces that kicks no matter when. I can definitely sense something through music
Antonín Dvořák,
I don’t know of him
Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach,
I think many of these composers were
Edward Herman,
Was he the step dad in lost boys? Serious question
Alfred Hitchcock,
Absolutely. I always thoughts he was O negative.
Billy Wilder, Audrey Hepburn,
Both makes sense.
Leslie Caron,
It must have been decades since I saw a pic of hers, but remember the reddishness and the vibe and from that my guess is “yes”
James Caan,
I think that probably the image in my head of his is not the right one and I wouldn’t be surprised.
Henry Miller, Edward Abbey and Walt Whitman.
I will look them up. And the others. And then I will feel tempted to delete the comment and start a new one pretending that I knew all the names.
Thank you, bro. If I can get another confirmation via Twitter, I will likely get in the mood to contact living relatives.
Wow. I am looking now at Leslie’s picture.

She looks a lot younger in the pic to me now than when I last “saw her” at around 13.
Yes, she is definitely Rh negative.
It is really strange that you bring her up because I think that it wasn’t since I was 13 that I even heard her name, yet it stuck with me.

Hitchcock spoke about the inspiration for horror and attributed it to his mother wanting to teach him a lesson when he was 6. Her friend worked at a prison and she had him lock Alfred up in a prison cell for an hour.
WoW! I’m A- & this is awesome info.🧐😎
Yes you are right… she is dead…maybe a Präadamit… without a soul !!!
When Edward got started

He was very tall.
Is Sandra bullock rh-
Yes a German…without kultur…nothing
I’m AB Negative & for a while it was rumored that my great grandfather is cousins or siblings to Marilyn Monroe, his surname is Mortensen & he was Danish if I’m not mistaken. I see she is also AB negative. Oh plus I’m left handed lol
I’m summerluv a world known adult film star I’m also O negative
This one?
WoW! I’m A- & this is awesome info.🧐😎
oops, sorry Mike – i meant to say Bernard Herman – the composer for many movies i like:
now that you looked up the tall actor Edward Herman, i thought of “Herman Munster” or Fred Gwynne – i’ve always liked him/his work…and the Leslie Caron pics you posted reminded me of Gene Kelly, Oscar Levant and Warren Beatty & his older sister Shirley MacLaine.
Just recently took Eldon blood test and found out that I am RH- b. Lots of epiphanies lately. My next door neighbor and I are soul sisters..I call her Jeannie in a bottle, but she’s mermaid like me. I have an appointment on the 6th to start donating blood. 😎😇👽 During the summer months growing up I used to follow my mother around to casting calls in Hollywood. I think I may have missed my destiny call. Maybe I still have time left..😁😁🤣
I always wondered if Ralph Fiennes was RH negative. The English patient . I find him very attractive in that movie. Curious I was not able to find that information. People say my father looks like Leonardo DiCaprio. It was interesting that there both b negatives.
I read an article a long time ago that Leonardo’s grandmother is Russian. I was surprised to hear that. I am part Russian, too.
Are James Cameron and Paul McCartney related?
And wow, Regis Philbin and Jerry Lewis, no kidding! It’s so amusing when they slip and let their dark side out, and break the 4th wall out of nowhere.
I would be tickled pink if Prince Harry wasn’t Rh negative because he looks nothing like Count Chuck-ula.
And I must admit I’ve always had the biggest crush on Joel McCrea and Ben Johnson, I wonder if they were Rh negative.
Prince Harry most likely is as it seems most of the royal family is 0 negative. Diana’s siblings were redheads so not strange that Harry is one. Do we know Princess Diana’s blood type?
Ok I’ve got two more certified the negative celebs ..first one is Billy Connolly ,in his biography he mentions it his wife mentions he is A negative …also David Gilmour lead guitarist and singer if Pink Floyd is also A negative..if U wish me to provide U with further evidence I can look it up.
Hi Mike thank you!
Do you notice, and I could be wrong, that there’s a high proportion of people born under the sun-sign Scorpio on this list? Examples are Julia Roberts, Gavin Rossdale, Nikola Tesla, Paul McCartney, Calista Flockhart……Just curious!!
Paul McCartney is not a scorpio.
He is a Gemini 🙂
My mother is left hander…she is a Scorpion…and she is A Rh positiv !!!
Tesla was not a scorpio.
Have you seen this video?
It’s impressive! I wonder if it’s true…
I am A- Famous people sharing my mtDNA Haplogroup K : (Mother Lineage)
Otzi the Iceman, (around 3400-3100 BCE)
Craig Vender 1946– is an American-born biochemist, genetics, and entrepreneur. Has regarded by many as one of the leading scientist o the 21st century and was listed on Time magazine top 100 Most influential People in the World twice. He’s the first person in human history to get their entire genome sequenced.
Meryl Streep, Katie Couric, Stephen Colbert, Harry Connick Jr. ,Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jake Gyllenhaal, Richard III(1452-1485).
Najeed Halaby (1915-2003) Lebanese-Syrian father and Texan mother. American businessman, government official, author , and celebrated aviator.
Larry Bird.
And I am from the KAYI…the founder of the Osmanian…I am from the Aschina clan…I am Arian…we all have Rh positiv blood from the Wolf mother ASENA…and you..from which reptilian you are ?
It is known, that Recep Tayyip Erdogan is B Rh positiv !
Please provide me with a link to the information.….
hope you understand turkish ! He has the same bloodgroup like Deniz Baykal !
Or can you prove the opposite…that he is Rh negativ…I dont think !!!
And beside thats…he he is too impulsiv and emotional for being Rh negativ !!!
But if you search for some negativs…Angela Merkel is A Rh negativ and I think Olaf Scholz too !
And Mustafa Kemal Atatürk with his “blue eyes” was 0 Rh positiv…!!!
Turkish people are usually Rh …therefore Erdogan called for a blood test of German parliamentarians of Turkish descent !
In Turkey only some kurds, Ezidiz or Alevites or other minority are Rh negativ as they engage in inbreeding and incest !!!
GOD CAME INTO MARY TO MAKE JESUS CHRIST. HER SEED MARY CRUSHED THE HEAD OF THE SNAKE SATAN , SND SATAN IS THERE TO DEVOUR THE BABIES AS SOON AS IT IS BORN. GODS BLOOD TYPE, MARY JESUS CHRIST IS O NEGATIVE RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPE. FULLY HUMAN NORMAL SIZE SCULLS. HOWEVER THE RHESES POSITIVE BLOOD TYPE. NON HUMAN. HAD SEX WITH ANIMALS. the NEPHLIUM giants offspring. The ANIKAM giants , nagas reptiles snakes the offspring of , Nebuchadnezza , Canaanites nimrod Babylon KING OG , by time line world history documentary story is the first human ancestors to stand on two legs. By Peter Kelly breaking 3 species found in same time period. Post flood NEPHLIUM giants by RUSSAK outlook who butchered Jesus Christ. Take a look at the picture of Hitler. And the top 10 dictators.
I have blue eyes…i am white…really white…i am a really spirituell person…I am an Indigo…a Christal…but I have the bloodgroop A Rh positiv…I feel my relationship to the Plejaden and to Sirius…the Wolf…and I am sure…you are on the false way…choose the lighty and good way…choose Jesus…and Mohammed…it is the same…the same light…I love animals…really I do…yes we are animals with consciousness…spirituality has nothing do with a bloodgoop…I love you !!!!
Who are the 10 diktators…can you give me the names ?
This is interesting. I’ve had recurring dreams my whole life. About snakes. I hate snakes, They’re always trying to kill me or my loved ones. They sometimes get close but I always get it by the back if it’s head and I smash it, remove it, I’ve had to bite off it’s head before, gross. Sometimes throw them very far as there are many and I’m getting them each quickly by their back of their heads avoiding fangs. I’m not like this in real life obviously. It’s crazy how violent my dreams are toward these vipers. They’re bad dreams but in a way not. I’ve never lost to the snake. I always rid myself of it but usually I kill it. Weird eh? Lol
I also have nightmares about snakes in rivers and streams. Always they are to be feared – poisonous or something.
Brass when refined in a furnace is white fire when it burns is white blue and gold Jesus eyes blue face and hair white white as snow like the whool of a lamb skin like the sun shining full strength. Jesus is really white. Revelation 1:14:15 , white genocide in bible. O NEGATIVE RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPE. TRIBE OF JUDAH. GOOGLE BASQUE TRIBE OF JUDAH. they will hate you for your name sake Adam eve Mary Mathew mark Luke John Paul Peter Joseph John Jacob Sara Samuel Ruth , isiah aberham Enoch Noah. All whites The serpent seed NEPHLIUM giants offspring sets on the internet race bating for whites and cops genocide trying to get people to hate to murder us charge them as a serial killers like god will if you hate your neighbor your a murder. If you lie and say whites are racist your lying a sin. Satan is the real real racist Satan accuser the greatest divider on earth 🌍
Jesus was an Semit…he was not white…never…and never blue eyed…this is a lie…a big lie !!! Semits are never blue eyed !!!
blue eyes are from Jafet !!! Not from Sem !!!
From Jafet are all the Nordics, the Turkish and the Asians…all the blue eyed and the white…the Scandinavian are related o the turks…they have the same language…and yes “Odin was a turk”…!
The name Wotan developed as follows: Odin-Uodan-Wodan-Wotan.
Prof. Sven Lagerbring a Swedish history professor said that Odin was a Turk and came from Türkheim. He taught the Germans to write. His real name was Öden/Ödin, meaning descending fire in Old Turkic.
The Germanic runic script is almost identical to the Orhon runic script of the Turks. Thor was also a Turk and his name was Tur like Turan and Turhan.”
Jesus was never ever visually described by colour of skin, hair, eyes, only that he came from David’s line. The shroud of Turin, and the head/face cloth said to be passed down centuries together in the ark of the covenant, are said to have been stolen by the Knights Templar and brought to Europe. They were separated, kept by one family and finally both tested for blood found on them. Both tests came out as Group AB Negative. My mother’s group. My dad was Rhesus Negative group O. I consider myself honoured to be a Negative like Christ. I also consider my lifelong Mediumistic gifts attributable to this amazing gift of sameness with Christ. I also believe the reasons aliens abduct people is to find descendents of this blood, which only 15% of the human population have. I don’t think aliens are real, l know from life experience, that they are. I don’t think aliens can live and survive on earth without something in our blood, and that this is what they seek and have done for millennia. And is why they live hidden from our eyes. I believe our souls relate to it, and that it is the one part of humans forbidden by any life form, even Satan, to interfere with. It’s still about free will. We must give consent. But finding us is not sacred, and they’re actively searching for us all. ‘Strange’ should be my middle name, because strange happens all my life. I never knew about the Knights Templar back in 2000, when my second marriage ended and my ex took my surname and married others with ut, yes others, he’s an habitual ‘marrier’ who despises women, he told me this himself. When his creditors and tax chasers came knocking on my door, l had to change my name. I was lost, mortified, but hiding from his creditors got heavy, l’d tried paying some of them, it broke me. So l changed my name. I looked for a name to go with Jeanette, and kept landing back on Jordan. So, l legally took the name in 2001. It wasn’t until l joined this site, quite some years back now, that l started researching my rare blood. And by dint of this, was led back to the Templars. Only to discover it was they, who invented surnames in Britain when none existed. They came back from the Holy Land, supposedly bringing with them the the pillaged Ark, and each of them had, through faith, been baptised in the River Jordan, because Jesus Christ had. They then created the first surname of Jordan, on their children. And quite oddly, l’d done it for the very same reason. A self baptism for Christ. My mum was an orphaned Anglo/Irish Catholic, my dad way back, from Quaker (Pilgrim Father’s William Penn of the Mayflower line) and of (then) recent Church of England line, had become an atheist quite young. Because their families refused to recognise them both, dad and mum, as a couple, so they never went to church, God was a no go area in my childhood home. No mention of Him allowed. So my faith came from very personal experience of paranormal, and basic school type stuff. In days when religion was on the wane. After two world wars. But Britain was a decided Christian country. So morning assemblies and a cursory nod to God, was daily. I have so many paranormal gifts, covering every aspect of the paranormal, and l’ve always been one foot in, one foot out, of the circle we call life. If l shared my entire life you’d call me crazy, affected, weird, opinionated, sad, wise, clever, bright, intellectual, and gifted, because all have been said to me across my lifetime.
One businessman who got to know me well over time of my custom at his shop said once, “You know Jeanie (my chosen name) your life reminds me of every classic l’ve ever read, and l’ve read them all!” I can’t be wound up, or agitated, or scared, l never allow anyone to make me rise face on. But don’t get me wrong, l’m a crack shot with a rifle, and would kill anyone about to kill another, if l was in their path. I don’t scare, because l’ve met the worst, I’ve mentioned him in here, Christ’s tempter in God’s enemy. I’ve faced him and survived, but l never turn my back, conceit would be my end. I ask, l don’t assume, God’s protection, daily. And l made front pages from it. Not my intention, but the Bishops locally, back in 1972-3, God leads, He made me known across front pages, so, l have to follow. I’ve been stamped and signed forever. But l still find it odd how no matter how l go to ground, move around, and l’ve moved home 55 times in life, because if two husband’s and my dad, never through my choices. So, l’m knackered inwardly, and be sure of it, l’m lost outwardly to the world, because l’ve changed names six times due to marriages and divorces times two, and hiding from my ex’s creditors. And then l became a Jordan, and l found peace inside my soul. And l named myself for Jesus, knowing nothing of the Templars. Or their cause, but it is also, mine! I joined no groups, l’m a bit of ‘this and that’, but l am Christ’s forever, and God owns my eternal soul. Today, rising 78, I’m closer to His door, my health is poor, l will cross over soon, all our days do come. I’m just blessed God speaks to me all my life, every single day. And of late, afforded witnesses to the same. And yet l own no church, my baptism is my name. I know aliens exist, l’ve seen UFOs lifelong from the age of four. I’ve even met one up close, l know ghosts do, l meet them every day l live, l know we all have souls regardless of our blood type, l know God will protect us all, if we recognise who He is, and ask Him, there’s no need to kneel, like you would saying hi to strangers just speak inside your head, He’s waiting, listening, He will answer in His time, not yours, just wait, invite His presence daily, then get on with life, and the light will switch on for you inside the dark. And suddenly a day, a week, a month, a year so from now, if you leave the door ajar inside your soul for only Him, He will enter, and you’ll soar skyward with the download He’ll afford your soul. I love the planet we inhabit, and ever creature on it, in it, and above it. When we all do thus, the true meaning of life will slide back into place. And God’s kingdom will be one. And nothing can ever harm us again.
Very interesting…blue eyed Atatürk as an enemy ? Why? Yes he was very interested in MU…and Erdogan
…realy…im not sure…he coul be the opposit of Atstürk…!
I was just reading about Australian actor Jacob Elordi. His wikipedia page says his father immigrated from Basque Country. So of course now I am curious what is his blood type.
I discovered from my family tree l am, on my mum’s mother’s side (as well as Irish O’Mahoney from her dad) ancestrally called Diaper, which l believe likely to be Basque. And this is where l think most of the answer lies. I somehow, without knowing why, save paranormal past experience, believe the Basque people, are the lost tribe if Israel, led by Simeon. The 12th tribe. They are the key, the final puzzle part, to life’s enigma. And we’re once, 100% Rhesus Negatives. On first discovery by the wider world.
No commedians on this list. I am curious about some of my favorites, like Jerry Seinfeld, Gary Gulman, Adam Sandler, Jim Breuer, Jim Gaffigan, Dennis Leary.
Most of the SNL casts of the 70s/80s/90s. 😁
My fear seems to be coming true…you can inform yourself…the 13 satanic Bloodlines of Illuminati: The Astor Bloodline, The Bundy Bloodline, The Collins Bloodline, The DuPont Bloodline, The Freeman Bloodline, The Kennedy Bloodline, The Li Bloodline, The Onassis Bloodline, The Reynolds Bloodline, The Rockefeller Bloodline, The Rothschild Bloodline, The Russell Bloodline, The Van Duyn Bloodline and The Kennedy Bloodline! They are all Rh negativ !
John F. Kennedy was closely related to Anton LaVey (the founder of the Satanic Church in the 60s). He was romantically involved with several women from this cult group, mainly Jayne Mansfield and Marilyn Monroe.
Do you really think Donald Trump is Rh negativ…I dont think so…already visually he does not fit into this list, the color of his skin, his belly… and his character, everything ! And his Statement: The Kurds are no angels! and more…because I know many Kurds who are Rh negative !
I believe Donald Trump has his purpose in God’s sight. I was ‘told’ in 2016 by a voice, “he will win” when l never even knew him, or cared about the USA presidential elections. I had an email assuming that l did, because all my emails are dot com, as l’ve been online, since the www began, and used to chat in forum to Bill Gates live. Before he was the world’s richest man, then overtaken. My interest in him was he’d been diagnosed with Asperger. He gave me permission to open the first ever Asperger discussion forum in the UK. I ran it for three years, learning why my six kids were damaged by vaccines, the Anti-D shots, and helping people worldwide, gain their diagnosis. I am, according to my doctor then, and the Autism Society in its youth, an ‘expert’ on Asperger. And you’d better believe it, because l let a member in Australia use my online writings of my personal life with six children and two husband’s all but one husband, are Asperger in degrees. She copied all l’d written on my site for her daughter, who was at uni studying Asperger. Two years on she emailed me, her daughter got the highest grade of degree you can gain in Asperger study. Seems she’d used my words solely, unedited, and nothing added, and gained a first class degree. Still got those emails, in my hotmail box from 1998. l keep that box alive. It’s my piggy bank of proof! It has hundreds of such proofs inside it. Anyway, back to Donald Trump, the voice said clearly “He will win!” And when he did win, l asked my inner voice why, since he’s so hated, and was told, “He’s where he’s meant to be right now!” It said he’d win again, l believe he did, and like our Nigel Farage, who’s ballot boxes went missing, he was cheated out of a second term in office I don’t know if he’ll win again, but apparently his presence still matters, so l’m told. If l live to find out more, l will tell you all in here.
And John Lennon and the Beatles were also influenced and inspirated by satanist Aleister Crowley !!!
And l.must be the only British female from his generation, who can’t stand, never could, The Beatles.
There’s a lyric in a Damian Marley song “It Was Written”:
“Do you remember Elijah / and his chariot of flames / same blood that runs through my veins”
Makes me wonder if he’s rhesus negative especially as his father Bob is b –