Scotland is a very interesting place when looking for frequencies of rh negative people because of its strong variation of numbers based on locations.
According to “Distribution of the ABO and rhesus (D) blood groups in the north of Scotland” by Elizabeth S Brown, people in the region of Inverness top the list of rh negative people in Scotland with a whopping 30.44%.
More information here: Where is rh negative blood most frequent?
Most of the “Scots” that came in are really an offshoot of the Irish and looking back further it’s all to do with ancient populations on the move. Some say the Scots are descendents of the Egyptians ( a document called the “Scotichron” relates this tale and Princess Scota who was allegedly Egyptian) whilst others point to the Scythians who migrated from the Black Sea area originally from Iran (“The Declaration of Arbroath” explains the journey in the document). Interestingly enough, connecting with the Sumerian myth of how humanity was created is this co-incidence. The Sumerian word for a “steppe” or a flat plain is E.DIN. Okay it might sound like “EDEN” from the biblical texts but Scotland’s capital city is EDINBURGH. The town where I come from is outside of Edinburgh but on our city chambers building stands an effigy of a female dragon/lizard with big bared breasts. There’s a lot to connect the Scots/Irish with Rh negative blood and the whole reptile/lizard thing I don’t think is as far fetched as it sounds. Maybe more of an image representing the blood line rather than “actual” reptiles but as a Scot it’s interesting to try and tie all these threads together from a historical perspective of our origins. Sorry, I’m probably way off subject matter here!.
I am O- and am Scottish, from Falkirk (inbetween Glasgow and Edinburgh). I think my gran (mums mum) was O- and she was English, her mum (my great grandmother ) was irish.
I was born in Edinburgh. My mother was English ( her Mother was Irish, Father English) my Father Scottish. I do not know much beyond that line.
My Blood type is A RH- and my haplogroup is V. I am trying to find my background as my DNA says 93% British with a small amount of Jewish it does not really explain why I can be both A negative and Haplogroup V which are both smaller % of the population. My Granddaughter and great-Grandson are both O negatives.
I am wondering where the Jewish came from.
Which service did you use to find out your ancestry?
I used National Geographic Geno 2.0 new generation and I am waiting my results from family finder from Family Tree DNA.
The Jewish, my guess, might come from Iberian Sephardics looking at the spread of mtDNA V.
And then there is still this:
Did they really just label you as 93% British and more or less leave it at that? Here is a study showing Portuguese Sephardics carrying mtDNA V

The frequencies of the marker are definitely of interest:
I basically tells me that the Jewish part of my DNA was far distant in the chain and possibly from one of the displaced tribes of Jewish migrants that migrated through Eastern Europe. I am trying to find out is there a link between RH- and Haplogroup V
Yes I was labelled 93% British. I was Scottish born ( we are still trying to get independence) I am haplogroup V and blood type A negative. red hair, green eyed.
Have you looked into the origin of mtDNA V?