Have you ever heard of the Basque witch trials which took place in the 17th century?

The Basque witch trials of the 17th century represent the only serious attempt at rooting out witchcraft ever undertaken by the Spanish Inquisition, which was generally skeptical of such allegations. The trial of the Basque witches began in January 1609 at Logroño, near Navarre and the Basque country. It was influenced by the background of similar persecutions conducted in nearby Labourd, France, by Pierre de Lancre. Although the number executed were small by European standards, it was almost certainly the biggest single event of its kind in history in terms of people investigated. By the end some 7,000 cases had been examined by the Inquisition.

The “Cave of the Witches” near Akelarre in Zugarramurdi.
Thank you! I love learning every piece of info I can find! I am rH negative so that’s what started me digging when I ran across this.
Just curious here, what does the basque witch trials have to do with the rh – history? Are you saying that the woman accused of witchcraft all had rh – blood and that those with rh- bloodtype desceded from them? how can anyone be sure that’s where it came from and if so where did the basque females get their rh- bloodtype ?
Oh yes, bloody old age, completely forgot to tell you at the ending of my vision (see my last input) as the hand was raising me toward heaven, l heard one word, only one, then the vision closed on my inner screen, and was gone. The word as l was being elevated, elated, rejoicing even, was said in the same voice l had heard before, long before, an A-Sexual voice, that affords me true premonitions. Like my dad’s unexpected death aged 53 in 1968. Four months before he died. Only this time it said just one word, “Twelve!” That’s it, just “Twelve!” Then the entire screen was gone. Shut down. That’s why today, l say Basques are the twelfth tribe. And stick to it. I researched every other twelve l knew, they didn’t fit my experiences.
I read somewhere that the rh- type was the bodies immune response to malaria in a small European region.
They’ll tell you anything to stop you thinking you just might have something special, that they envy..that affords you insight they don’t have!
Born in 1945 few of us understood, or knew our blood type. But a childhood with too many NDEs and and adult life the same, l was told, it during my first pregnancy aged seventeen. “You have a very unusual blood type, one not often known, one we don’t fully understand Jeanette!” And that’s when my quest began. Thing is, my first discovery of Basques rang bells inside my head, because my mother’s mother, had a name nobody could find or place anywhere, l’ve been trying ever since ancestry came online, and it’s only very recently they’ve added it, but that started with me. Constantly putting it in their search engines. Diaper. Through time because mum was AB Negative, then the Shroud and Facecloth of Turin were the same, l read more. Coming from it at every angle, the slightest bit if information, to the in depth expert type. I read the Basques were fairly new (millennium speak) to be discovered, isolated behind and sheltered by the Pyrenees mountain rage. Hidden from mainstream tribes, and that originally, the were s Negatives. Then as the world started to encroach, and they began to wander further afield, for centuries it was known they were 85% Negatives, and the rest of the world shared the other 15%. So Rhesus Negatives have seriously stayed mainly Basque all through. Which leads to the possibility they are the lost tribe, the twelfth tribe, and because l have serious Mediumistic gifts, abilities, and l’ve somehow inherited their line. My blood card says Rhesus D Negative Group A (underlined with cde/cde) which was given to me in 1962 and updated due to damage, in 1982. It’s in my purse right now. Now l researched the cde/cde part and found it took me to our NHS website which pointed me to more research done, denied, but published. That cde/cde means my Geno type. It said it is so very rare, only 1% in the UK has it, and just over less than 2% and just above above 1% in the USA have it. It was first ,’said to exist’ in research done in 1948, when l was three years old, so, clearly l was known to the blood transfusion department, the only place blood card originated thdn. And l’d survived many NDEs including a nine month coma after being run over by a lorry, so, they had my blood already to.researchvwith. It also said that it means a very very rare event took place when l was conceived for the very first ordinator of my Geno, to pass the Geno down to a great great great etc etc etc descendent, to meet and mate with another identical descendent of the same original line, and making me so very rare,l’m part of 1%. Not long after the discovering team was ridiculed, and data decried. But my Gynaecologist told me clearly, they had no answer for my blood type at all in 1962. I’ve also been made different so l see and hear, and foretell, and sense things that in the middle ages, l’d have been burned at the stake for owning. Or even accused of. Mum’s blood line l believe came from the Basques, mixed with the Irish from her dad named O’Mahoney. Dad’s bloodline had French connections, and German too, as the name Norris came across with the Normans. And they both mixed with true Angles and Saxons in England the Wright’s, of which there were many as in trades they occupied. My family were also Harris and Lamb Quaker line, back to William Penn .l have a book, falling apart, inherited from my father’s side all Quaker, with a pull out family tree that goes back to the 1600s in it. They were dairy farmers in the old Oxon (Oxford) area UK, the ancestral home became a posh boarding school for girls in the sixties. I carry Quaker beliefs though never having met them, l inherited them without knowing it. And my ancestors through them worked for the king in their lifetimes..I don’t know how l know the things l do, see the things l do, but one day a friend said to me in 1974 “are you psychic Jeanie?” I laughed, she pushed, she’d seen a program in TV about people who can pick up information from inanimate objects. I laughed, l was in a hurry, but l held her object, and shook myself and them, by knowing way more than l should, it knew l did, about them all. Once started, like a river, l couldn’t stop it. People come to my door, pass me, accidentally touch me, bump into me, sit near me, l know things l’m not supposed y know about them. And see ahead as well. And can remote view too. It didn’t have name, none of my gifts did, only recently. In the past twenty years everyone’s a Medium it seems. I don’t doubt we all have gifts, l’m not special, but my blood makes me different to the crowd, so dies yours. Only 15% of us exist. We were not apes. We don’t come out if Africa. We were hidden, now we’re found. I was shown things l didn’t want to see. Trump’s two wins. Trump’s defeats planned in 2020 l was told yes, he was cheated, yes he’s part of the plan, yes, Christ us already here, the final plan is well underway. I heard the words, “He’s where he’s meant to be right now!” I don’t know if that’s good, bad, indifferent to my ears, l know he’s meant to be President. But he’s not well either. He’s a year younger than me, we can’t live forever. Money maketh not the man, not the length of life span, it’s merely a practical enabler. The four horses left the stables long ago, they’re almost here, nobody can slow them, stop them, God is coming home. Don’t fear, don’t fret, don’t kneel and beg, reach out and do the best, the kindest, the caring, the loving whilst you can. It’s the only weapon that can fight God’s enemies. Putin won’t die in war, nor will Kim, or Zi or any dictator and adversary. We won’t buy protection from end times, they’ve started, they will finish at God’s feet. I was shown a lengthy seven minute vision on the 15th-16th weekend of July 1977. Inside my head, on a screen l call.my personal TV set from birth. I saw what happens at the end. But not when. I saw the hand of God coming through the black war weary skies, plucking, plucking, plucking, taking souls. After long minutes of my personal worldwide newsreal, long before we had the internet, the cuts and splicing in retrospect and present teams of colour updates on our screens, when we only had four channels, and no colour, l saw it all starting with seeing newly invented secret robots preventing car bombs in Ireland (my little bro’ was a soldier there) and from there it brought me to the present day, inside seven minutes. Then the skies were black and weapons flashing like on our screens today, and a light opened up above the scene and the hand of God appeared, l’d never even heard of this event back then, but there it was, plucking plucking plucking. Finally l was suddenly pulled inside the dark picture, underneath the black skies, right underneath the hand, and l felt like l was on invisible elastic being pulled up by the magnetic force coming from the hand and euphoria filled my soul, l became elated, overwhelmed with love .and l can never forget He told me this is where we’re headed, those He chooses to take Home. My new partner, soon to become my husband of 24 years (now gone from.ny life) had listened as eyes shut, we together in my bed, our first morning waking up together. It was just after seven-ish on the bedside clock, my kids were still asleep in their bedrooms. My (unknown to me the Asperger husband) listened, said little, l warned him, “You laughed once when l told you l’m a Medium, laugh again, you’re out!” He shut up when he put a silver pocket watch the very night before this lengthy vision in my hand and grinning, challenged my psyche to prove itself. I was about to throw him out, before he unpacked, when the watch touched my palm, and sham, l saw so much, and felled his sarcasm in one swoop. So l wasn’t surprised God chose next morning early while he was still confused, to afford my lengthy vision, and enable me to give him a complete monologue of every second in it. Years on he wanted me to charge to read folk, like Gypsy Rose Lee. I refused point blank. God tells, shows freely, to help me and others grow, so do l. I know He’s on His way. I suggest we all day sorry where we should, and mean it. And stay strong for those shore lost and forgive everyone who hurt us, and ask them, to forgive us too. Last chance saloon folks. Shake the Batman’s hand! Now, this is seriously unedited. Hands painful. Feel sick. Chest hurts. Heart rapid. Taken aspirin. I started getting giddy spells mkinths ago. Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis throughout my body and allergic all meds and vaccines life long, due my odd blood type, many many many NDEs have made me weary, wary, and sadly a bit inpatient. Now l know how Moses felt in his crusty age, when they still went back to idolitory. Despair! Trust God. Life is a wheel. God is the hub, we are the spokes. What we do to each other, good, bad, strengthens the wheel of life, or weakens it. Choose your side today, and stand up. You Rhesus lot are related to God’s son. I do believe it’s true. No edit.
Addendum: old age is a bummer. My Gynaecologist’s actual words in 1962 were:
“You have a very unusual blood type, one not often met with, one we don’t fully understand!”
I guess one day, l’ll forget my name, not just reshuffle words😳