Have you ever heard of the Basque witch trials which took place in the 17th century?
The Basque witch trials of the 17th century represent the only serious attempt at rooting out witchcraft ever undertaken by the Spanish Inquisition, which was generally skeptical of such allegations. The trial of the Basque witches began in January 1609 at Logroño, near Navarre and the Basque country. It was influenced by the background of similar persecutions conducted in nearby Labourd, France, by Pierre de Lancre. Although the number executed were small by European standards, it was almost certainly the biggest single event of its kind in history in terms of people investigated. By the end some 7,000 cases had been examined by the Inquisition.
Thank you! I love learning every piece of info I can find! I am rH negative so that’s what started me digging when I ran across this.
Just curious here, what does the basque witch trials have to do with the rh – history? Are you saying that the woman accused of witchcraft all had rh – blood and that those with rh- bloodtype desceded from them? how can anyone be sure that’s where it came from and if so where did the basque females get their rh- bloodtype ?