Rh Negative Hotspots

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I have previously mentioned the need to examine rh negative frequencies on regional and not national levels. Nations are man-made. Genetics is not. And the ancient tribes were likely more revealing in terms of rh- frequencies helping us determine our origin. Looking for the source of our origin is key. But do it scientifically. We do not come from aliens. We are not reptilians. And Atlantis never existed in the first place. Here is a study that I have dug up that highlights a few hotspots around the world where rh negative frequencies are exceptionally high. Some are expected. Others are surprises. Even though they shouldn’t be.
Let’s see:

The original Basques and ancient Hebrews again are being highlighted in this study as well.

Northern parts of Scotland are also expected. Especially the northeast coast.

One spot that I also see is or is close to Slovenia. According to data available, Slovenia has 18% rh negatives which is high for central Europe.

Why would Slovenia be so high in rh negative frequencies? I haven’t had a chance to look that up yet. But if you have an explanation or can provide me with genetic data from that region, feel free to send it my way.

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  1. Anette July 30, 2018 Reply
  2. Mike DammannAuthor July 31, 2018 Reply

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