Sabrina Sabrok is an Argentine television host, cyberpunk rock singer, adult model, pornographic actress and producer who has recently made headlines speaking about being rh negative.

I have connected with her on Twitter and asked her for an interview which she has generously granted.
Here is the interview (all answers in bold):
Hi, Sabrina!
Nice to meet you and thank you for the interview!
When did you find out that you are rh- and how did it impact your life?
i found out about my rh- blood type on my first pregnancy , i got the “anti d vaccine” for that pregnancy and once i knew about my “not common” blood of type I did some research and had positive and negative impacts on my life
What do you think about the various theories regarding our origin?
I really think the origin has to do with alien reptile species that made some kind of alteration to the human dna
If you had a message for all rh negatives worldwide, what would it be?
Discover all the extrasensorial capabilities you have and explore the power of your mind that is able to communicate with other beings
How have you felt different in your life? Or have you?
I´ve always noticed and felt that I don´t belong here , since I´m a kid I´ve felt weird things that are kind of like “powers” like using my mind to do witchcraft and stuff like that , I´ve felt psychic abilities and feelings that make me think I can do stuff happen only using my mind
Do you know many rh negatives in your personal life?
My grandmother from Russian origin and my grandfather from Italian origin and thats it
Do you think the world will become better or worse for rh negatives to live in?
I think it should become a better situation since I believe theres a reason for the blood type to exist and someday we will figure out why
Where in the world and when in your life have you been the happiest? What do you think rh negative people need in order to be happy in life?
I´ve never felt happy in my life , I always feel i need more
Thank you very much for the interview, Sabrina!

As with all interviews conducted by us, all answers are freely given by our interviewees and our views do not necessarily reflect theirs!
Hope you’ve enjoyed the interview and feel free to share your feedback!