Whenever I read this type of statement, I have an issue with it. This statement requires one to look at oneself from a perspective external. It requires selling out. You need to first view life through the lens of society and then decide to observe yourself “neutrally” as weird.
My advice:
Know when making statements such as “we are weird”, stay away from the plural. You can go ahead and view yourself as you wish, but before you try to represent rh negatives as a whole, make sure you don’t.
We are not different
We are we.
The world is insane. Don’t let it drive you into believing you might be.
I am just me.
I feel that I’m different from a lot of people that I know but aren’t we all? They could say the same thing about being different from me. As the old saying goes about differences….”that’s what makes to world go ’round”.
I am certainly different. And its not because of my looks. There are just a few that I am comfortable with and can have any in depth conversation with. They just seem to be on a different frequency. Bottom of the normal scale blood pressure, all the other things. A- There is a coverup going on with blood types.