This is something that I have already brought up in the personalities and traits post.
And of course you are also free to discuss this in the private section of our forum.
In order to get this discussion started, I am going to first share a video with you that shows Faces of Basque People and wait for you to watch it before we continue:
(On a sidenote, I like the song. Not sure if it by Jan Hammer who also did the Miami Vice Theme, but it sounds very similar.)
I have access to the pictures of thousands of rh negative people through my fanpage, so I have to tell you that I have detected a similarity amongst the looks of rh negative people not too far (if distant at all) from the looks of the Basque people featured in above video.
Hector Elizondo for example whose blood type I am not aware of but who is of Basque ancestry for example has that look.
You can also look through Rh Negative Member of the Day and see some of us for yourselves.
The following similarities within the looks of rh negative people I have noticed and hope to get some feedback from you where you share which ones apply to you and which ones don´t. Feel free to also post a picture of yourself in a comment on this post or on our Facebook page like some of you have already done here.
Physical Characteristics of Rh Negative People
1) A tendency to have piercing eyes, often green or hazel
This could easily come from an original tribe that was 100 percent rh negative and this tribe might or might not have had steel blue eyes.
These pictures are of O negative Pablo Rodriguez who is from Basque Country.
Here are more examples of what I am referring to with piercing eyes:
Blood Type: O Negative
… and her little brother:
Blood Type: B Negative
2) Red or reddish hair
Just like blue eyes, red hair is also recessive and even though most of us do not have red hair, it looks like a huge percentage has a reddish shimmer also indicating the recessive trait fighting its way to be seen.
Your hair might be brown, black or blond, but the reddish shimmer, the recessive trait seems to show up as well.
Pictures of Julie Owen who is blood type A negative and from Wales.
3) A large cranium
The “awake look” is something that struck me from the beginning. The shapes of the faces have once suspected me to believe that rh negative people somehow are connected to Neanderthals considering their skeletons showing a similar head shape. This theory I have however laid to rest when the people at the Max Planck Institute have informed me that the two Neanderthal specimens examined by them turned out to be blood types O+ phenotype and O/O +/+ genotype (rh positive homozygotes).
This beautiful picture is of Fran Geddings Springs who is blood type O negative and from the United States.
4) A high forehead
This is something I have noticed immediately looking through profile pictures where the “awake look” has been very obviously “there”.
Pictures of Erika Ruohosniemi who is blood type A negative and from Brazil.
5) Large eyes
Also said to be almond shaped.
Picture of Marlese Novalinga who is blood type B negative and from Canada.
6) Freckles
Unlike the above traits, freckles are a dominant trait. What happens in this case is that you show the lighter recessive feature, but a few drops of darker genes are coming through, but only in tiny doses.
This arm belong to none other than Christina Dorothy Ann Williams who is blood type A negative and from Wales like Julie Owen.
7) Rh negatives look older at a younger age and younger at an older age
Many times we seem to be considered “old souls” even when we are very young and as we get older, people tend to guess us younger and often compliment our energy.
As an example:
I was guessed 25 when I was 17.
When I was 39, I was also guessed 25.
There are of course some famous examples such as actor Clint Eastwood whose look and energy level defied the norm of aging.
Here is another example:
Julie Thompson is AB negative. And 45 years old.
There are many other examples and I am not just talking about “looking young”. I am referring to an energy level we would associate usually with people of a much younger age.

Blood Type: O Negative
Age: 57
So can we prove this?
This might be a job for Professor Jaroslav Flegr from the Charles University in Prague whose team has amongst other things shown a difference in look of people based on their IQ.
And then there are a few things we are said to have a higher percentage of amongst us than the general population.
These are up for debate and not necessarily proven to be strong indicators of someone being rh negative, but here they are:
– Quite a few rh negative people appear to be left-handed.
– A widow´s peak, the V shape.
Thank you, Soraya Hallsworth, AB negative, for the picture!
– Webbed feet … really?
Is this really something more common amongst rh negative people?
I am not sure about it, but there have been claims made.
One person who has this is actor Dan Ayckroyd who is also blood type A negative.
Webbed toes is the common name for syndactyly affecting the feet. It is characterised by the fusion of two or more digits of the feet. This is normal in many birds, such as ducks; amphibians, such as frogs; and mammals, such as kangaroos. In humans it is considered unusual, occurring in approximately one in 2,000 to 2,500 live births.
Could it be higher amongst rh negatives?
One thing I have of course heard many times is that people from different backgrounds are more focused on the differences in look, but what we are focusing on is not what is different about us, but the similarities.
This picture is of 3 B Negative women from Rhesus Negatif Indonesia and a man in charge of the need for rh negative blood from the Bali Blood Bank.
This is a picture of B negative Yoe Bing who has also shared with me a picture of her at 6 years old showing red hair.
And this would not be the first time that someone rh negative mentions having had reddish hair at an early age, but the hair color overall darkening over time and the reddish shimmer becoming less visible.
These people are doing an excellent job in a country with only 0.5% rh negatives and have reached a national audience with their mission.
Remember: Rh negative blood is a recessive trait. We are interested in “what is under the hood” so to speak and one example is when I see rh negative people from countries such as Indonesia who have black hair, but a reddish shimmer is still shining through.
Another place where you can compare looks based on blood types is Date by Type, the blood type dating site where you can find a partner based on your and his or her blood type.
So is it possible to recognize rh negatives by their looks alone?
Not necessarily. The combination of the vibe and look however might do it.
This has yet to be proven. So please go ahead and leave us a comment. If you are rh negative, we need your feedback, questions and comments in order to conclude our research properly.
There is also a great discussion on Facebook where you can share your thoughts and picture. If you are ok with me using your picture in this post and an upcoming video, please state so:
People with Rhesus Negative Bloodtype
Here are some more pictures from some of our members:
Blood Type: O Negative
Blood Type: A Negative
Blood Type: O Negative
Blood Type: B Negative
Phenotype: O Positive
Genotype: OO Positive/Negative
Blood Type: A Negative
Age: 28
Blood Type: B Negative
Age: 52
Blood Type: O Negative
Age: 40
Blood Type: O Negative
Age: 57
Blood Type: A Negative
Age: 49
Blood Type: O Negative
Blood Type: B Negative
Blood Type: A Negative
Blood Type: AB Negative
Blood Type: A Negative
Blood Type: A Negative
Blood Type: O Negative
Blood Type: O Negative
Age: 39
Blood Type: B Negative
Age: 30
This is our video for now. Feel free to share it and ask your friends who amongst them is rh negative.
But keep your pictures coming. There might be a second video on the way …
We are now at video number 3:
And here is a quick explanation in my own words:
Via Facebook:
More to come …
I’m 0 negative, ( parents were both 0 negative!) and have the widows peak, tinge of red hair, hazel eyes, looked much older than my age early on; they say I look 10 years younger now, in my old age. My closest friends were always 0 negative, as well as two soul mates.
My husband was 0 negative and my children are at least 3rd generation pure ‘0 negative.’
I am b-neg and the people who are rh pos seem to have a wierd way of communicating. I used to have friends that were b neg but are gone due to bad health habits. We seem to be more sensitive to chemicals and foods that our bodies do not tolerate. My skin type is also very sensitive as I can feel the weather before it happens.
I am O- and my mother was as well. I do know know about my father, he left when I was very young – but his sister (my Aunt) is 0- … so it also comes from his side of the family. My hair has always been very dark, but with red undertones.
People have always, always told me my eyes are piercing; some would say they look like the waters of the Caribbean. They’re bright green with blue hues and gold around the pupil. My eyes are not big, but rather they’re very almond shaped.
I’m blown away by the age reference in your article! When I was 12, people thought I was 18/20 even old enough to drink; everyone thought I was older ALL the time! I’m 36 now and a few coworkers swore I was no older than 25. People always make comments that I don’t look my age.
My mother (who is also O-) is 69 and people just can’t believe it. She once got kicked off a bus for “lying” to the bus driver saying she was a senior citizen – because 65 and older rides free. The bus driver refused to believe her!! Even with an ID!!
I do not have webbed feet, although I DO have a widows peak!! A V-shaped one – nobody else in my family does.
Love your articles; keep them coming.
Very interesting. My mother is AB- my father 0+. When I was born I had to go through multiple blood replacements to save my life ending up 0+. My mother has red hair, bright blue eyes, freckles and is left handed. She was adopted so am not sure of her parents blood types but her biological mom was born in Hungary and her biological dad was most likely Irish or Scottish. Her maternal Grandfather had dark hair, medium, skin tone and blue eyes.I learned that information from draft records and genealogy research. My father is French and Native American. I have many of the Rh- traits you list here including strawberry blond hair when I was younger, going darker but retaining red and gold highlights as well as freckles, high forehead and very blue green eyes which some people say are almost hard to look at they are so startling. The age thing is also surprising because everyone thought I was at least ten years older than I was as a teen but now in my 50s everyone thinks I’m much younger. Hmmm.
°I’m A Rh(D) neg.
°I’m looking pretty young for my age. When I was about 28 or so, the waiter in a restaurant didn’t even want to give me alcohol.
°My eyes don’t really look very piercing, except when I’m feeling well (without fear), that’s _mostly_ when being alone. Not really big eyes. Gotten a lot of compliments for them through my life though. Blue colour.
°My hair has more golden instead of reddish shimmer (in the sun). But it depends on the light. When I was little it was very light blond. Don’t know about a reddish shimmer at that time.
°Having a Widows Peak.
°I can imagine I’m one of those who are left-handed but learned to be right-handed, because, when making the clap-test my left is the upper one. But not sure if the test is significant.
°No webbed toes. But the one beside the big one is longer than the big one.
Widows Peak seems to be indeedly a phenomenon white people often have. And Rh-, as I’ve read, is a relatively new mutation or something. But today’s the first day I’ve heard about V-shape, so, I’ll keep a eye on it.
Hi Sabine, I have the same toe next to the big toe which is quite longer than the big toe 😁people always comment on it!.. I also have high cheekbones,my hair is dark brown with a noticeable red tint in it…I have the usual hazel, green, brown eyes & all other rh negative traits…Hello to all my fellow rh-, all beautiful, people, very kind, caring, humanitarian people! We must check out this prominent toe thing, has anyone else rhesus neg got it???xx
My second toe is much longer Than my big toe. I am A-. Brown hair and brown eyes, I have weird issues with electronic and especially light bulb interference. My spouse calls me Carrie as a joke. I have a very high IQ and have been told I am an old soul by many people. I think a lot of us are Indigo or crystal souls.
Hi Karen! You were asking the author of this article here where you can test your blood. I found my blood group out when I donated blood. I got a little id card with all the informations on it.
I have same toes and 0-. 🙂
Hi Karen…..if you are around…i/m o neg…green eyes…reddish hair if the sun ever finds me…toe next to big toe slightly longer…big feet…tall….irish/english viking…big smile…pointy vampire teeth too which seems to be common…humanitarian/psychic/kind…which makes us rare nowadays…love to all my alien bro’s here lol
Hi my mother, sister and I are rh negative O – Also at least two of my four daughters are also the same blood type. My dad was a positive blood type. We all have blue or green eyes, pale skin with freckles or moles and the subtle red tinge in our hair which has shown less as we get older. I find your website fascinating and agree that there seems to be an intangible look that is familiar in many of the photos. One thing I have noticed is that many of those pictured appear to have high cheek bones and this is something that we all share in my family. Has anyone else observed this?
I have high cheek bones.
Yes–those cheekbones. I have wide cheekbones as well. Bulbous nose. There is certainly a “look”.
Agreed!!! I have the same traits!
I am a US military veteran. I am A-. Probably the only nice thing about being / having been in the military is that everyone knows their blood type. Sadly, I didn’t understand that I was different until I was already married to a positive. If I could do it all over again, I would go for a negative FOR SURE, you’re blessed if you find these things out while you’re young.
I once had occasion to be on a veterans mental health inpatient ward, sad but true, where there were 4 other women (and about 20 men). I noticed right away that three of the other women had obvious Rh Negative traits and asked each one of them individually what their blood type was.
The first two confirmed that they were indeed Rh Negative and the third told me in a stern and even threatening tone “DON’T EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN! (I’m pretty sure she was one too by her intense emotional reaction to my untimely inquiry) And I never did dare approach her again.
Scarier than the angry one (I’m sure I’ve been there before -and who knows what she’s been through) was that there were only 5 women on the ward and 3 of us (me and the other two who weren’t angry) were Rh Negative.
But Rh Negatives are supposed to only represent around 15% of the population.
Any mathematician out there who would calculate probability of this for me?
This is HUGELY significant.
Don’t let anyone convince you that you’re crazy. Rh Negs are different, and therefore a threat to the system. It’s not that we’re “Mentally Ill” it’s that we’re not like them. If your taking psychotropic meds or thinking about it please watch this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgCpa1RlSdQ
I used to have hazel eyes myself that had a lot of green in them, now they’re mostly dark hazel. I don’t know their color at the moment though. Curiously enough…my DNA report says that my height is influenced by neanderthal genes. I am 5’5”, so I guess that makes me the average height of an adult neanderthal male. My cheek bones are almost directly under my eyes as well. I have brown hair, no red. I’m A- too. I also have a large forehead as well.
trina carroll.49 A-
I’m O- but I have dark hair and eyes. I do remember when I was young and out in the sun a lot that my hair would take on a reddish look. I definitely have a large head and big eyes. I had my ancestral DNA done by Ancestry.com and it came back 17% Iberian Peninsula which includes the Basque region. My mother always said her side of the family was of Basque descent.
Yes i am O RH NEGATIVE I’M 19 years old but a year ago when i was 18 i asked this guy how old i look he said 25 years. I also have a large forehead and almond shaped eyes i have stawbarry blond reddish hair I’m 6 feet tall.
I also have an IQ of 185 in science.
Strawberry blond when young, Auburn as an adult (super reddish brown) very high forehead, big almond bluish eyes that people always have commented on. And since I turned 65 no one believes I am this age. Neither do I for that matter. lol high IQ before severe head injuries, regainning it back again, yeye. a little weird so I am told. And have prohetic dreams, all the time. think I am AB negative. Need to retype. forgot.
I’m excited to find similar people. 0 negative here, large round blue eyes, my hair was strawberry blonde as a kid and Auburn with a copper/red tone as an adult. I have the widows peek, round cheeks when I smile and I’m told I look about 10 years younger than I am. My personality fits perfect with 0 negative and my Aries zodiac sign. I’m extremely independent, direct, honest and an empath….but not overly emotional empath. My mother’s side came from Portugal two generations ago and I imagine before that they could have migrated from the Basque.
I’m anxious to keep learning and researching on this subject! I’m also left handed!! 😁
All i have been told is that I am RH-. I used to have a card I had to carry around. I don’t get sick, but I am extremely emotional which comes with physical type ailments. So definitely empathic. I have always seen ufos, been hyper aware of energies and such- i thought everyone was like that- until i learned that was not the case. Haha. My dad is from Italy, i have piercing blue eyes, blondish reddish hair, light freckles (not a lot), im pretty darn white, and i don’t look my age (38). I’m so glad I’m not alone. Holy crap.
You sound just like me
A- female with an unclassified type of Diabetes… both parents were Rh+ but my father is a registered midwest native American and my mothers father was 1/2 Welsh.. so guessing the hidden Rh- comes down those line………. I have 4 children with Rh+ Father……… My youngest is Rh- with same unclassified juvenile onset Diabetes… Started blond with red tones and now brown hair….. daughter same…….. will darken until we go gray which is striped…. I have temple and middle of hair stripe….. BROWN eyes… SLEEPY eyes…. the Elvis look sleepy eye. Both of us appear older when young and now at nearly 50 no one can guess my age I have no wrinkles.. our skin is VERY taught with little to no elasticity and we never have had acne.. more dry skin.. My daughter also has Hashimotos hypothyroid diagnosed at 9, my mother and brother both Rh+ had hashimotos my brother diagnosed in youth……… My husband is of Portugal descent and is dark haired, with Red Beard.. his Father a red head with piercing blue eyes. My husband hazel eyed… Daughter and I are average forehead no widows peak AT ALL straight front hair line………… well above average intelligence… Both Antisocial to the point of it being perhaps a disorder but… most of the people out there seem to be useless and Drones….. so why bother
I am A negative, have hazel eyes, dark brown hair with a red tinge, freckly fair skin, large piecing eyes, looked older when I was in my teens now look younger in my 40s, have a wide face/forehead/brow. My son, who is also A-, doesn’t have freckly skin but has freckles on his elbows, knees and the back of his neck, he also has piecing eyes, has a long wide face, medium brown hair with red tinge. I’ve never understood why but I can always pick out Rh- people, don’t know why it even pops into my mind when I meet someone, I feel a kind of kinship with them.
Hi. I have dark auburn hair. Black eyes. A negative.light skin.
My brother did DNA . 25 percent Italian. The rest French and German , no welsh , English
I have to eat Mediterranean diet
Not sure. Italian not mentioned
I know they feel like family or like I don’t know like I think it’s the basis of all bonds and attraction.
I am so fascinated in the idea of a natural chemistry between RH negatives. I am O- and my husband is B- and he told me he was going to marry me when he was 13 years old. We were married 2 weeks past 18 years old and have now been super happily married for 25 years. We wonder if the RH negative factor connects us somehow. I would love to see a study on the success rate of relationships when the RH factor is the same or different. Do RH negative marriages have a higher success rate than when one mate is positive and the other negative? 2 of my 3 kids have been in long term intensely connected relationships, all of my kids are negatives and I am dying to know the RH of their boyfriend and girlfriend. I feel like they must be RH negatives because of their traits – intuitive, left handed, hazel and green eyes, so many things…. It is such fascinating stuff.
I have read elsewhere that there is a long term human battle between the RH positives and the RH negatives where the RH positives appear far more aggressive in their attacks on RH negatives. Is it true? Beats me, but seems quite possible.
How about you and your husband’s parents?
Andrea: I now have a list of 25 RH negatives I’ve met in the Amarillo area in the last 3 years or so. They don’t LOOK different, {but feel different?} I would love to talk with some of you about Rh negative experiences and characteristics. WAY too much to express here.Don Laughery . 806 898 1941.. B neg. Scorpio. 11/04/1940
How Refreshing it is to read your post! I too wonder about that chemistry; I was married twice and have NO IDEA what anyone’s blood type was. I wish I knew so I could tell you if the chemistry was different/better/worse among them. Great idea and Congratulations!! What a beautiful story 🙂
Hi there! Recently, I found out that my blood was ( -O) Rh negative . Right after the blood test result, the MT told me that I have a rare case of blood type. I had also done several blood testing just to confirm it. While randomly reading comments in this page, I was amazed of the various traits of people that are Rh type. Anyways, I have a dark eyes and a dark hair, and I look young for my age. I am 19, but I look like 15 years old. Thus, people always asked how old I am. I am a Filipino.
I’m O negative. I had strawberry blonde hair when younger and oddly enough, after the birth of my last baby, who is also o negative, the red in my hair was completely gone. It stayed blonde with no red afterwards. I have green eyes that are very different. A very light almost clear green. When I was young, I was getting into bars at 16 because I looked much older. I’m 57 now and get carded sometimes. It’s crazy! Other things I’ve noticed….I was alive before caller ID and cell phones, however I would always know who was calling before answering. Had an uncontrollable 6th sense about things. I had no control over using it. For example, two weeks before my husband died, I dreamed he had died and saw him deceased. Not sure if this is someone looking out for me or part of this negative factor or what!! Similar occurrences multiple times in my life.
Yup high prominent cheekbones.
Yep I deal with the same thing. Oh man I dealt with something similar with my ex. I’m so sorry it’s scary.
My name is Tyra Walters I am O- as is my daughter. We both have peircing big eyes mine a weird green orangy even red color while hers are a peircing blue. She is about 6 months old her hair is blonde for now, my natural color is a dark blonde with a shimmery red cast. We both have high foreheads and round faces. I also am naturally pale and have freckles. I have always had extreme intuition and bot only mental but physical indications of what is bad or good energy. I don’t know if this has anything to do with it but I have had lucid dreams like remote viewing with my boyfriend about Orion. Showing us that’s where we came from. I dreamed it and it was a weird experience I felt an amazing calmness and serenity. Like a trans and at the time I was feeling a strong connection to my boyfriend and we were laying together and it happened. It was like a tour in a way I was in some type of craft where I could see the Orion perfect it was like there was glass I was looking through but some other type of material. I don’t know if that made any sense but thought I would put it out there. Would love to send pics if you would like to see me and my daughter we have all the traits and look almost just alike.
My mom is O- and my dad is AB – and I am A-. I have hazel eyes and so does my dad. I am left handed. When I was 27 I started having seizures and when I was born my mom and dad had ABO incompatibility and I was severely jaundiced but I made it. I also had clubbed feet when I was born and had to wear braces for a year but I could read the bible from front to back when I was 5. Been seizure free for three years now 🙂
I hope you’re still OK.
Did you ever notice everyone here spells really well?
Now that you mention it, yes. This might be the most well-written comment section I’ve ever seen.
Of course! ☺x
I find this fascinating. It is certainly good to read of others that are similar. o RH neg. Red hair, hazel eyes that just turned green over the past 3 months. Piercing eyes I guess as others have most certainly commented. My eyes change colours, yellowish, reddish, brownish, now green. Always looked young never old. I am 52 and people don’t believe it. Have ridiculous amounts of energy and have a hard time sleeping. I think I was meant to be left handed as it is easy for me to do stuff with my left hand even write but I use my right but now for fun use my left. High forehead and widow’s peaks. My parent’s both positive but A negative on Dad’s side and B negative on Mom’s side. I am O neg. My bro is A and he is having a time to find out if he is negative as the medical system is hassling him. Almond shaped large eyes, freckles are my deal! Iberian, Scottish, Irish, Wales. but seriously thought I was pure French. Have a hard time using my cell, the electromagnetic energy hurts my fingers. ANY WIFI hurts, I mess up computers daily, I have a hard time turning on certain lights….it won’t work….gold can sometimes turn black on my fingers….super smart but I think differently from the rest. I thought different solutions and it made the teachers upset but the answers were correct, but not their way. Feel like I never belonged to this world… Still do not. Love God and I swear from the womb. I don’t care about money. Don’t care about material possessions, but love is what matters. I think I am from the Basque. No webbed toes, but intuitive. Blessings and love!!
There are so many similarities. Redish mix of hair blue sometimes green flashing reddish eyes. Look to orion call to the so called satellite up there to show an image to my minds eye. Have always known things from a young age. Work problems backward, know the answer first before I worked a problem. Many things. Lisa
I always work backwards as well. Does anyone find that they cannot tolerate certain foods, supplements, hot/cold temperatures etc
I am O- , my husband is O+ but heterozygous for O- as we have some O – children. I was blond and passed through red hair on my way to the chestnut brown I have. We both have widows peaks deepset eyes I have a large head high forehead and wide set eyes. Mine have central heterochromia reddish in the center then tawny then dark grey. Overall they look Brown from a distance. My husband however has the whole package. Red curly hair, green eyes, huge head, freckles and sydactyly.
I’m O- and wow this is crazy how similar our features are!! I was also a spelling bee champ lol! I should send you my pic!
Never say “should”. Just do it!
Just posted a couple to your fb page!
I would like to see! I’m A- , daughter is O-
Cool. I will add you to the post above. To anyone else: If you’d like to be added, you can also add your picture in the comment section here alongside name and BT.
Hi Mike, I’m a Newby to the site, I’m everything mentioned above & much more, have loads to talk about, I’ll send you my photo soon!…I’ve always felt like I don’t belong, bit of a loner searching for many truths on many subjects to which this is one of…I’m Rh- I think AB, but have to check….can you give me some advice on how & where I can get my blood/ DNA etc tested to give me some more information on who I am & from whence I came? Thank you my friend, have a Great evening! ..Karen x
Amazing! The rh- factor has always interested me. I don’t know if I am abo but I do know I am rh- having the shot for my pregnancy ,
I do not know what my parents were as they both died of stage 5 cancer at young ages. Dad brown eyes brown hair ,mom blonde blue eyes, what I can trace lineage wise a lot of Scottish and Irish dating back to 864 was farthest I could trace .
My hair is brown and long extremely thick, with red tones and loose waves when wet. Green eyes and 5,9 185 age is 45 as of 8 28 2021
Generally I am a neat freak and than go totally opposite and go on strike with myself, I have horrible anxiety as I have gotten older to the point I hate riding with my husband in cars , I hate not being prepared or living by seat of my pants, I love the woods and gold panning and astrology and really have been fascinated by anything with history ,aliens, stars, other worlds etc. Lately been extremely scatterbrained, feel out of sorts Dr says blood is perfect , however I have had 2 full knee replacement at age 40 no gallbladder or appendix had a full hysterectomy at 27 and kidney stones horribly, good heart, bad blood pressure astigmatism both eyes and some sort of eczema , I don’t know if anyone will read this being so old of post but I truly have struggled with loving self, always wishing I looked like the thick fit woman and not heavy can’t lose weight but eat anything and gain weight , extremely active, always starring into sky wondering why they took both parents why cancer , always sad about that, seem to attract narrcasis, or controling men yet everyone says I am so strong independent and such but I don’t feel it, I carry everything inside worry about everyone been a natural mom and nurse to anyone, I wish someone could tell me if there is anything close to this or I am just screwed up, I know right and wrong mentally depression they say but refuse to take meds they want, feel lost and always like being alone or with upbeat happy groups ,never been a addict of anything serious other than smoking and caffeine. No one has seem to touch base on these type of traits, so curious if it’s a trait rh- has any of my issues ,
Didn’t finish high school , however always been in management with money or physical man type labor, generally average at iq Im not sure , so with that being said anything about this that Warren’s a response is appreciated. My regards thanks for listening,
I understand it’s really tough.
hi u just described me to the t. reach out xbadill0.j5513x@gmail.com
I don’t see how to add a pic…
Sorry, add it to the Facebook page or tweet me with it and I will add it.
My friend and I, both “Type O negs”, are the mirror image of each other but for the extreme contrast skin tone. He is black while I am extremely pale. We have the exact same body type; our lithe, lean, muscular, long legged frame belies our exceptional physical strength and aptitude for endurance. We were born the same month, the same year and have the same name. The day we met he suggested our ancestors came from the same tribe and Im inclined to agree. Have any of you had a similar experience?
I was born with redish brown hair I have hazel eyes I’m RH B- I get told all the time I look younger then my age. I’m 31and people think I’m 18 or in my early 20s. I now have medium brown hair now that I’m older.
I have all the qualities!! I actually just checked my toes and my second and third toe are webbed on both feet! So interesting!
Very interesting to see photos of other Rh Negative people…I am B negative, Father was AB Negative, Mother O Positive. How do I post a photo for others to compare? I am 69 years old, have passed as 50 years old! Hair has gotten grey but the brown still present has a reddish tint to it. Very green eyes.
Are your pictures online? You can simply post a link to one in this comment section. Or you can go on http://www.facebook.com/rhnegatives and share one there.
I’m o negative. Strawberry blonde hair, almond shape green eyes with gold specks around pupil. Looked much older when a teen, and now look 15-20 years younger than age. Can walk into a room and feel the atmosphere of the people. Can also sense others feelings such as sadness, etc. Not on command…and can’t control who I can feel. Still very strange though that someone can be talking to me and they know I’ve gone off course looking at someone else instead of them, and feeling that other person’s thoughts. Also have had dreams that come true. I seldom remember my dreams, however when I do, there is a high % that it’s going to happen in near future.
I understand what you’re saying! Just wondering- how many of us get irritated when we KNOW something is wrong but those in question deny it. Or, when done around us is upset, they don’t want to talk about it. I can’t stand that because when someone around me is upset, I take on their emotional state. I’m a natural “fixer” and a big time empath, not to mention a Cancerian, so I’m very sensitive.
I am Rh neg. Asian. I have black hair, brown skin and eyes, 5’6″, one single freckle/”beauty spot” on face
Mother Asian, black hair, brown skin and eyes, 5’2″, no freckles
I also have one friend who is: female, European, brown eyes, brown hair (although I always thought she was a natural blonde until she revealed recently, even her childrens’ hair was bleached until the age of 3! Tut tut! ), 5’4″ ish, no freckles
Another who is male, European, white skin, blue eyes, 6’2″, no freckles
Another female, European, white skin although slightly olive, brown eyes, 5’2″ ish, no freckles
I can’t see a physical pattern, however characteristically, all interesting people and strong individuals.
Hello! I’m an Aries, so I’m very fiery, and have always felt like something has been up with me! Like I haven’t been where I’m supposed to be. I’ve struggled with depression and mental illness, attempted suicide several times and should have succeeded but somehow survived. Survived 3 car crashes that rescue crews didn’t understand how, and made it out of 2 surgeries that surgeons were shaking their heads at. I have a 16 year old son who shows a lot of the same mental signs that I have. I have AB negative blood, dark brown hair, my eyes are brown at times & hazel at others, I have several freckles on my face and body, I do have a widows peak, I am left handed, I am VERY much an empath, my skin is white with sort of an olive tint, but tans easily. I scare very easy, and have horrible anxiety. I have a lot of feeling of impending doom daily when nothing even happens.
I had NO idea about any of this stuff until last night when my husband and I were watching something on the History channel and this topic came up. I’ve been researching it since. I’m just flabbergasted. All along I just thought I was just one of the crazies. I’ve been on SO many drugs from my psych. doctors trying to “fix” me. Maybe there’s hope for me yet!
I am O- and I have the large green eyes, red shimmer in my hair, the high forehead as well as 99% of the personality traits I’ve read about. It is shocking how accurate the information I have been reading is. I suffer from ulcers as well as severe anemia and I am trying to find a supplement that may be more compatible with my blood type to help correct the anemia. Iron supplements do nothing for me. I really enjoyed your site!
Hi, wow!! I have never heard of webbed toes, Rh negative and lefthandness all mentioned together. I have all three. I only knew that I had some traits that were each in a rather small percentage of the population. I am now getting a bit obsessed with the idea that there is possibly a connection between these traits. I want to find out if there are things I can do to use this kmpwledge to improve my health, both physically and mentally.
Stumbled across an article discussing how people with Rh- blood type tend to have similar features and became intrigued. However, I wasn’t sure if I was believing it until I read yours and saw all the pictures!
I am O-, but both of my parents are O+ and no one living at the time of my birth, from either side, had rh- blood. Definitely raised some eyebrows in my mom’s direction. Lol. However, the doctor said it’s a recessive gene and somewhere down each side, there was a family member/ancestor with rh- blood and that is how I got O- blood from two O+ parents. Cool story. I think so anyway.
I have large hazel eyes and have always been told my eyes are my best feature. You mentioned “mood eyes” and my mind was blown. I’ve also always been told you can read me like a book, through my eyes. I have what everyone around here calls a “fivehead” because it’s five fingers tall instead of four. Harhar. Really though, my forehead is giant and I hate it. I have blonde hair with red undertones. Tried to go blonde out of a box once and ended up orange thanks to all the red in my hair. I have freckles, as well. Faint, but they’re there and get darker every summer.
Interesting read!
I’m a 49 year old woman, -AB. I tick all the boxes! Looked older when I was younger and vice versa. My hair is strawberry blond with a windows peak. My eyes are blue with golden specks. I am left handed and have webbed toes. I also have pronounced cusps on some of my teeth. I am highly intuitive and have certain physic abilities that comes and goes. I suffered many miscarriages. My last pregnancy, 16 years ago ,I was pregnant with twins, I miscarried one baby and managed to hold on to my son who is -B. I’ve always felt different and instinctively know that I am an old soul. I’ve only come across this subject recently and find it fascinating.
I am O neg. Also my son and daughter. Don’t know what their father was…
but I did not have any problems with pregnancies, so he must have been negative.
Even as a child, I felt so different. Could not understand….so I thought
everyone must feel the way I do. I was introverted, and very shy. As I grew older, I realized that I had depression, inherited from my Mother. I always attributed my ways to depression, until I am reading all these stories. Maybe my negative blood
type also had something to do with my behavior, or not. It’ hard for me rationality, to separate one from another.
Always felt like I did not belong Can be either
Sensitive Person Can be either
Insecure Can be either
Low self esteem Can be either
Lower body temperature
Lower blood pressure
Sensitive vision to light
Sensitive to heat
Sensitive to Sharp Noise
Mood can alter very fast, based on people and surroundings
Autoimmune disease – Rheumatoid Arthritis
Blue veins (blue blood)
We have very fair skin, my hair very dark brown with no red, with blue eyes, that later turned green. I have Arthritis. Daughter blond hair and hazel eyes, has anemia. Son light hair and hazel eyes, 59, and weighs same as in high school. We don’t have the big head nor big eyes. My daughter is 58 and looks 35. I am 80, and people say noooo way. My mother’s ancestors, passed through Iberia on their journey, then S.E. Asia, then off to Germany, and the U.S.
I’m RH A negative. I have blonde hair, hazel eyes, no freckles or webbed feet. I don’t have piercing eyes or a high forehead. I’m just an ordinary person with an ordinary blood type.
Hi, I am Rh.Neg.Adc,
I have blond hair blue eyes and an extra piece of spine. I do not have low self esteem, nor low BP. I’ actually have uncontrolled high BP. despite mega meds and hospital visits.
I am a people person and people seem drawn to me at times, I get told complete strangers life stories or problems at other times even in a crowded space people avoid sitting by me. ( I assure you I shower and wear deodorant) 🙂
I have never thought any of this was because of my blood group.
I am of Celtic descent but in fact, was born and lived in an area that was heavily and frequently attacked by marauding Vikings and after that conquering Romans, so who knows what my ancient ancestry was.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
A- left handed, brown hair with red undertones, hazel eyes, large forehead.
I’m A- blood type and a 5’2 woman. I was born with bright red hair at birth & stayed that way a few months before it turned black for a few months then blonde and stayed blonde with reddish tint (which I hate & color with a purple toner to pull the red/orange out of my hair color). I have large green eyes that are deep green on the inner side fading to a lighter green then into a gold around the outer of the iris. I was born left handed but my Mom kept my nails cut too short on that hand to get me using my right hand instead because my grandma told her it’d be easier on me. I’m very intuitive and emotionally feel what others are going through. I was told as early as 12-13 that guys at my Mom’s work (30s) were asking who I was & if they could take me out not realizing my age, I ordered alcoholic beverages & bought cigarettes for years without being carded & grown men would send drinks to a table of my friends & I when I was 16. Now I’m 40 and when I’m talking to clients they’ll mention something then say it’s before my time (when it’s not) & we talk about age in which I’ve heard 25-27 the last few years. I do have a large forehead with high cheek bones and large almond shaped eyes. I’m very intuitive & can physically feel others pain when I see it or even hear or read about it. No webbed feet. I’ve many different people that are around me for a while mention that people who are complete strangers just start confiding their deepest darkest secrets with me only moments after meeting me which I’d always known but I didn’t realize it didn’t happen to others. I’ve also had many mention that they know I tell the truth but didn’t realize the extent of things I go through on a daily basis in that if it can go wrong it does for me time & time again. I used to joke that I was getting my bad luck out of the way all at once so it’d be smooth sailing once it got good but at 40 I’m still facing constant daily battles on normal stuff that flows normally for others but it may just be bad luck.
Hi, Brandy. I’m also an A- blood type as you and amazingly similar to how you describe yourself with the exception of your hair and eye color.
I’m O- blood type. My hair is brown but with a lot of red, very high forehead, freckles across my nose (even though I’m half Native American), and big eyes. My eyes are brown but turn green on the bottom when I’m sad. I’m 38 and my daughter is 18, she complains that people are always asking her if I’m her sister.
I’m 5′ 7.5″ and 130 lbs. Definitely a lean frame. I can easily gain muscle but not fat stores. Long arms and legs with a shorter torso.
My own Grandmother used to call me Grandma at the age of six and onward because I reminded her of a grown-up. I’m easily influenced by negative emotions, negative surroundings, or negative people. I guess you could say I’m very self-aware. I realize how different things impact me very easily.
Poor lighting (fluorescent) bothers me to the point that it can peak my anxiety. Yep…terrible anxiety. The
anxiety got so bad that I was practically bedridden last year for about six weeks. Horrible pain, trouble breathing, heart palpitations, tingling and numbness in my extremities. Couldn’t tolerate light or noise, no hot showers or baths, no cold either. Couldn’t concentrate or remember simply words. Very little movement of my tongue. And the pain seemed to originate from the base of my skull. Right where my spinal cord connects to my head. I’m also sensitive to chemicals and harsh scents that most others don’t notice. I still seem to be more sensitive to noise.
No webbed toes. Not left-handed. No miscarriages.
Hey Joce,
Just read your message. I’m an Rh A-
The pain in the base of your skull and the tingling of extremities caught my concern. I had the same physical complaints and demanded an MRI of the base of my skull. Come to find out, the MRI showed that I had an ependymoma tumor at C2-C4 (base of skull) inside my spinal cord. I was looking at two options, the first option was no surgery and die within 2-3 years and the second option was surgery with a possibility of becoming an invalid. Thankfully, the tumor was en-capsulized so there was very little scraping the tumor from spinal cord and nerves. I came out of the surgery with some nerve issues in my legs, hands, and arms. I thank my neurologist doctor every chance I have to thank him for saving my life. Statistics state that one in every 100,000 people have this and its hereditary. I’m not trying to scare you but your story sounded like mine so hopefully I saved you some pain and unnecessary medications.
My suggestion, to rule this out, would be to get an MRI of your upper spinal cord, ASAP.
Thank You Very Much for Sharing All of These Tips for Information About Our Traits, Mike!
Father Was an 0 Negative And My Mother’s Groups Were 0 Positive as Their Sisters and Brother.
She Was Descended from His Mother’s Father That Was an Austrian Migrant to Northern Peru (La Libertad), 0 Negative and His Roots Were At Austro Prussia (Lukas Von Hildebrandt, The Architect From Palaces In Austria Was a Famous Familiar) and Rh Negative Blood.
My Father’s Mother Has Had a Father That was Wrongly Named Only “Comas” at Civil Registration Services in The Time he Migrated to Peru From Mataró Harbor in the Coast From Southern Spain (Barcelona) In Catalunya. Actually, Exists Only Three Direct Descendants From The Real Surname of Their Family (Comas I Thos), All of them Rhesus Negatives.
I’m The First Of Five Brothers, All of Us from Group 0 Positive Blood and The Only One Quite Different, Intuitive, Introverted, Heterochromic Beard and Hair (Red Hair Areas), High Forehead but not Large cranium (My 2nd Brother and my Two Male Sons has a Classic large one named In Medicine as Dolicocephalia or Caucasian Cranium) and My Toes are quite different from the Family.
I’m Practically The only One White at Sumum with type one or two of Skin. Many Health Conditions (Skeletal and Metabolic syndromes as Diabetes Mellitus Since 36 Years but With a Younger appearance.
Thanks So Much because I’m really Suspecting that I’ve always been a Carrier of Ancestor’s Rhesus Negative Factor Characteristics… Could It be?
I am O positive from AB negative mother. My Grandfather was also AB negative and his son was also O positive.
I have red hair, freckles, hazel and alert eyes with a large forehead, but my blood group is positive and also said to be impossible. However I have some Korean ancestry, making CIS AB a possibility.
This is an interesting subject for sure
There are so many similarities. Redish mix of hair blue sometimes green flashing reddish eyes. Look to orion call to the so called satellite up there to show an image to my minds eye. Have always known things from a young age. Work problems backward, know the answer first before I worked a problem. Many things. Lisa L. RH Bneg
Wow! I’m O – and I have green/hazel eyes and my hair has always had a red shimmer in it….starting with blonde hair when I was young, which had a strawberry tint, as I have aged my hair has got darker, with that red shimmer has continued. I have high cheek bones and I looked older than my years when I was in my teens and early twenties(lots of comments), now I look younger than I am at 46 years. I have freckles on my arms, but not my face. I have a kind of long forehead. I can definitely see the similarities in what is written above. My full sister is also O – and has brown eyes, with all of the above. Her daughter is the same, with auburn hair and hazel/green eyes.
It’s fascinating stuff. I am welsh/Irish.
Every Rh- person I have ever met, had eyes that could invite you in or scare you to death. Rh- eyes are windows to a persons soul. Rh- people tend to have high cheek bones and almond eyes shaped eyes. Genetic traits from our ancesters. I suspect that those ancesters bone structure was less dramatic with brow bones that were not so pronounced, a jawline that maybe wasn’t built for chewing tuff food. Perhaps our ancesters were more vegetarian. It would be interesting to visit Basque just to see what types of foods were available to our ancesters.
I am B negative..,.
some of the traits that I associate with – I always feel different than others; Even when in a croud of people I know and love, I still feel foreign. I have light brown hair, that has a red tint (no matter how hard I try to get rid of the red); I have hazel – more green/blue eyes (almond shaped) and am 51 years old. I have been told I look to be upper 30s / low 40s; I have found out so much from this site and look forward to learning more about our differences.
Wouldnt be difficult to test the theory if rhesus negatives have a certain “look”. Just get people to look at pictures of rhesus positives and slip a rh- in there to see if they can spot it lol?
I’m O- and have all seven of these. Green eyes and brown hair that throws a red tint. No one in my family has red hair. I have dyed my (now grey hair black for decades and it always baffles my stylist that it fades to a red sheen. I have high cheek bones and was always told I was an old soul in my late teens when people would find out I was young. I’m currently 39 and am repeatedly told I look to be about 27. Though my natural grey hair might change that perception but I dye it. I have freckles everywhere but my face.
I am O negative but only have some of those characteristics.
I DO have: high forehead, almost shaped eyes (but mine are SMALL, not large), freckles, reddish highlights in brown hair, and high IQ (I am in MENSA; IQ of 160). What is not on the list: I do not have large eyes and I always looked much younger than my age when I was young (I suspect also now); in junior high at around 14-15 I looked like I was maybe 6 years old. As an adult I was often mistaken as being 15 or so years younger then my actual age.
Now I’m not certain (I do have wrinkles but I have a mobility impairment that tends to make me look closer to my age). One odd thing I have is that my hair at age 70 has only a few silver streaks/highlights in it… the main color has DARKENED from a light brown to dark brown rather than turning grey. My mother had similar hair changes with age; she died at age 70 with almost black hair with only a few silver highlights. ~Jean
Note: the spell check changed one word. I have small ALMOND shaped eyes, not “almost”. I have Polish & Azorean Portuguese ancestry and I have high cheekbones.
I am O neg. Recognized by others as an “old soul” as soon as I started talking, roughly at a 6 months to a year old, much earlier than average. My parents said I wouldn’t stop talking, especially about far too complex subjects that included details that could have only been gleaned from past lives or access to akashic records. I was tested vigorously throughout public schooling and I was aggressively pursued by a high ranking Marine recruiter to join a Classified Special Access program that I was not allowed to have explained toe unless I signed up. I would have been immediately been shipped off for special training, forgoing the last couple months of high school. My parents were not included and when I told them about it, they dismissed it and said I wouldn’t be wanted for anything but infantry. I passed on it and have always wondered what it could have been about. My best guess, having learned much since then, was that I was being recruited for a Remote Viewing Program. I would have loved learning more about my mysterious self but grateful to have not participated in potentially hurting others and being exploited by our government. My grandfather has an IQ of 160 and came over from Germany during WW2, leading me to believe Project Paper Clip. My grandmothers father was A Master Mason, 33rd degree and Worshipful Master of the SoCal region. Recently found out that I am directly related to Henry Wadsworth who was in charge of the Ohio purchase and the drafting of The Ohio Charter which was hidden in an Oak Tree for centuries. There are so many anolimiies around myself and my family that its taken many years to wrap my head around them and make sense of it all. I drew a lot as a child qnd used many symbols, numbers and themes intuitively that I later learned were occult and masonic symbology. Going to college at Brooks Institute of Photography majoring in Visual Communications aka Propaganda was a key to understanding myself and the reality of how the world worked around me. There is so much more I could elaborate on but I’m talking to to the aether once again, hoping somebody out there might resonate with my life experience and make a connection based on my truth rather than me molding myself in order to relate with others. I always used to say that I am everybody’s best friend but who is my best friend? It’s held true for nearly 40 years now. For some reason I have especially felt lonely in these strange times and find it very painful watching the greater population blindly march ahead like sheep to the slaughterhouse.
Oh yeah, the articles intention… I have blue eyes, blonde hair (red at birth), big boned but soft features, high IQ, natural empath, psychic tendencies, large carnium, high forehead, webbed 2-3 toes, autoimmune issues, resistant to infection, prone to addiction, prone to depression, both extrovert and introvert personality traits, trust few people, popular but still an outcast, etc. There is no question that we are a race unto ourselves, my intuition tells me that we are scattered remnants manifesting from the survivors of Atlantis and/or Lemurea. I believe Covid-19 is being piggybacked to locate and track us RH negatives specifically. We carry the last vestiges of an age long lost and deeply desired by the powers that be, to be snuffed out completely in order to accomplish their end goal totalitarian world dictatorship null all resistance by the subjugated which is impossible with people like us who still remember tne true meaning of freedom and personal sovereignty.
Hello, I am a B- and I have a hazel hair with red tint and my eyes are changing color between blue and green. I do have a problem to be around electronics , they tend not to work around me, low blood pressure and temperature, healing power, even reading minds if I really want to, and ofc high IQ. Very often I have deja vu. Always had a feeling that I don’t belong here, never felt good around the people but the people just come to me and without any encouraging they talk to me and tell me all their life stories. I look much younger than I actually am. I live close to the Carpathian Mountains.
I am A negative and so is my mom. I have always had reddish blonde hair and big blue eyes. People have said it’s like i can see into their soul with my eyes. Always been good reading people and tend to know what’s going on before I should. Now that I have gotten older (64), my hair is pure silver/white. Even in church I feel like the outsider, its nothing anyone does. You just feel like the round peg in the square hole, you can slide in but its not a tight fit. Something is just off, you don’t quite belong anywhere.
B- I ordered a wine at a local bar. As the barmaid was getting ready to serve, she asked me for my ID. I gave it to her and told her I was days away from turning 49.
My mom is rh negative and me and my mom only ones in family that have dark nrown eyes with blue rings. We are cherokee and apache bloodline