This is something that I have already brought up in the personalities and traits post.
And of course you are also free to discuss this in the private section of our forum.
In order to get this discussion started, I am going to first share a video with you that shows Faces of Basque People and wait for you to watch it before we continue:
(On a sidenote, I like the song. Not sure if it by Jan Hammer who also did the Miami Vice Theme, but it sounds very similar.)
I have access to the pictures of thousands of rh negative people through my fanpage, so I have to tell you that I have detected a similarity amongst the looks of rh negative people not too far (if distant at all) from the looks of the Basque people featured in above video.
Hector Elizondo for example whose blood type I am not aware of but who is of Basque ancestry for example has that look.
You can also look through Rh Negative Member of the Day and see some of us for yourselves.
The following similarities within the looks of rh negative people I have noticed and hope to get some feedback from you where you share which ones apply to you and which ones don´t. Feel free to also post a picture of yourself in a comment on this post or on our Facebook page like some of you have already done here.
Physical Characteristics of Rh Negative People
1) A tendency to have piercing eyes, often green or hazel
This could easily come from an original tribe that was 100 percent rh negative and this tribe might or might not have had steel blue eyes.
These pictures are of O negative Pablo Rodriguez who is from Basque Country.
Here are more examples of what I am referring to with piercing eyes:
Blood Type: O Negative
… and her little brother:
Blood Type: B Negative
2) Red or reddish hair
Just like blue eyes, red hair is also recessive and even though most of us do not have red hair, it looks like a huge percentage has a reddish shimmer also indicating the recessive trait fighting its way to be seen.
Your hair might be brown, black or blond, but the reddish shimmer, the recessive trait seems to show up as well.
Pictures of Julie Owen who is blood type A negative and from Wales.
3) A large cranium
The “awake look” is something that struck me from the beginning. The shapes of the faces have once suspected me to believe that rh negative people somehow are connected to Neanderthals considering their skeletons showing a similar head shape. This theory I have however laid to rest when the people at the Max Planck Institute have informed me that the two Neanderthal specimens examined by them turned out to be blood types O+ phenotype and O/O +/+ genotype (rh positive homozygotes).
This beautiful picture is of Fran Geddings Springs who is blood type O negative and from the United States.
4) A high forehead
This is something I have noticed immediately looking through profile pictures where the “awake look” has been very obviously “there”.
Pictures of Erika Ruohosniemi who is blood type A negative and from Brazil.
5) Large eyes
Also said to be almond shaped.
Picture of Marlese Novalinga who is blood type B negative and from Canada.
6) Freckles
Unlike the above traits, freckles are a dominant trait. What happens in this case is that you show the lighter recessive feature, but a few drops of darker genes are coming through, but only in tiny doses.
This arm belong to none other than Christina Dorothy Ann Williams who is blood type A negative and from Wales like Julie Owen.
7) Rh negatives look older at a younger age and younger at an older age
Many times we seem to be considered “old souls” even when we are very young and as we get older, people tend to guess us younger and often compliment our energy.
As an example:
I was guessed 25 when I was 17.
When I was 39, I was also guessed 25.
There are of course some famous examples such as actor Clint Eastwood whose look and energy level defied the norm of aging.
Here is another example:
Julie Thompson is AB negative. And 45 years old.
There are many other examples and I am not just talking about “looking young”. I am referring to an energy level we would associate usually with people of a much younger age.
Blood Type: O Negative
Age: 57
So can we prove this?
This might be a job for Professor Jaroslav Flegr from the Charles University in Prague whose team has amongst other things shown a difference in look of people based on their IQ.
And then there are a few things we are said to have a higher percentage of amongst us than the general population.
These are up for debate and not necessarily proven to be strong indicators of someone being rh negative, but here they are:
– Quite a few rh negative people appear to be left-handed.
– A widow´s peak, the V shape.
Thank you, Soraya Hallsworth, AB negative, for the picture!
– Webbed feet … really?
Is this really something more common amongst rh negative people?
I am not sure about it, but there have been claims made.
One person who has this is actor Dan Ayckroyd who is also blood type A negative.
Webbed toes is the common name for syndactyly affecting the feet. It is characterised by the fusion of two or more digits of the feet. This is normal in many birds, such as ducks; amphibians, such as frogs; and mammals, such as kangaroos. In humans it is considered unusual, occurring in approximately one in 2,000 to 2,500 live births.
Could it be higher amongst rh negatives?
One thing I have of course heard many times is that people from different backgrounds are more focused on the differences in look, but what we are focusing on is not what is different about us, but the similarities.
This picture is of 3 B Negative women from Rhesus Negatif Indonesia and a man in charge of the need for rh negative blood from the Bali Blood Bank.
This is a picture of B negative Yoe Bing who has also shared with me a picture of her at 6 years old showing red hair.
And this would not be the first time that someone rh negative mentions having had reddish hair at an early age, but the hair color overall darkening over time and the reddish shimmer becoming less visible.
These people are doing an excellent job in a country with only 0.5% rh negatives and have reached a national audience with their mission.
Remember: Rh negative blood is a recessive trait. We are interested in “what is under the hood” so to speak and one example is when I see rh negative people from countries such as Indonesia who have black hair, but a reddish shimmer is still shining through.
Another place where you can compare looks based on blood types is Date by Type, the blood type dating site where you can find a partner based on your and his or her blood type.
So is it possible to recognize rh negatives by their looks alone?
Not necessarily. The combination of the vibe and look however might do it.
This has yet to be proven. So please go ahead and leave us a comment. If you are rh negative, we need your feedback, questions and comments in order to conclude our research properly.
There is also a great discussion on Facebook where you can share your thoughts and picture. If you are ok with me using your picture in this post and an upcoming video, please state so:
People with Rhesus Negative Bloodtype
Here are some more pictures from some of our members:
Blood Type: O Negative
Blood Type: A Negative
Blood Type: O Negative
Blood Type: B Negative
Phenotype: O Positive
Genotype: OO Positive/Negative
Blood Type: A Negative
Age: 28
Blood Type: B Negative
Age: 52
Blood Type: O Negative
Age: 40
Blood Type: O Negative
Age: 57
Blood Type: A Negative
Age: 49
Blood Type: O Negative
Blood Type: B Negative
Blood Type: A Negative
Blood Type: AB Negative
Blood Type: A Negative
Blood Type: A Negative
Blood Type: O Negative
Blood Type: O Negative
Age: 39
Blood Type: B Negative
Age: 30
This is our video for now. Feel free to share it and ask your friends who amongst them is rh negative.
But keep your pictures coming. There might be a second video on the way …
We are now at video number 3:
And here is a quick explanation in my own words:
Via Facebook:
More to come …