A study of 1,768 men and 3,759 women found that Rh-negative people reported higher sexual activity than Rh-positive people. The study also found that Rh-negative men had a higher number of past sexual partners, spent more time on sexual activities, and consumed more pornography. However, Rh-negative men also reported lower sexual desire.
Rh-negativity was also associated with other factors, including:
Women: Improved physical health, but worse wellbeing
Men: Impaired mental health and economic situation
The strength of these associations was relatively low, compared to other negative factors like smoking, alcohol consumption, and high BMI.
Rh- women seem to be more health conscious than Rh- men
Rh- men can be more passive
Whatever the case, the ying and the yang…
As with all other phenomena, scientific purpose is sought. Evolutionary advantages in particular. Are rh negative men more likely to be the opposite? Are rh negative women simply less dependent in general? The legendary Amazon women were Scythian, so rh negative frequencies were likely high. There are reasons we went from possibly a single mutation to 15% in Europe. Of course, other factors can play a huge role: resistance to viral infections for example.