The Rh Negative Blog

Rh Negative Pregnancy Checklist

So you are rh negative and planning to get pregnant?
Please do not assume that hospitals and doctors are all aware of what it will take to ensure that your pregnancy will go well.
Please note also, that this is not a complete pregnancy checklist. There are 100s online and you can pick from any to get complete information. But what all of them seem to lack is this addition to all of them to ensure that rhesus negative women stop suffering miscarriages when it is avoidable.
Here is an additional checklist that you should follow to determine what exactly you need and what exactly you don’t need:

1) Find out your partner’s blood type

If he is also rh negative, make sure you do not receive the Anti-D shot. But only if you are 100 percent sure that your child’s future father is also rh negative. In that case, you have to sign that you are responsible, so my advice is to have the father re-tested in the same hospital or by the same doctor with whom you refuse the Anti-D shot. That way you have the responsibility on the physician or hospital having to ensure that their test is correct. And believe me, not all of the tests are giving us the right results. So also be aware of that if you refuse the Anti-D shot.

2) Get an antibody screening done immediately if your partner or husband is rhesus positive or you are not 100% sure that the baby’s father is rhesus negative

Especially if your mother is rh positive. You can already be born with the antibodies even if you have never had a transfusion or never been pregnant before. If you are not sure who the father is, do also not take chances and do assume that the father could be rhesus positive. Unless you have test results from every man you’ve slept with around the time of conception and everyone turned out rhesus negative.

If you don’t carry antibodies, you do not need the Anti-D shot yet. If you carry them and the baby’s father is rhesus positive:

3) Get your Anti-D shot ASAP

If you do not receive the shot before your pregnancy, it can lead to a chemical pregnancy or miscarriage. Or a surviving fetus can turn into a severely damaged one or wind up stillborn.

Are you planning to get pregnant sometime in the future and don’t have a proper partner yet?

Make it an rh negative one.

You can find one on
Search for an rh negative partner to avoid the “rh disease” in future children

These are the first steps. But more than anything, make sure you search for the right physician who understands rh negative pregnancies and takes the issue very seriously. If you need references, search for other rh negative people in your area here.

Please continue here:
Pregnancies and rh negative blood