Here is the interview (answers are in bold):
1) When did you find out that you are rh- and how did it impact your life?
In the year 2000 when I was pregnant, I found out I was O negative. I had to carry around a card in my wallet in case of emergency with my blood type. My daughter is also O negative, however, neither of my parents or my siblings were/are RH negative. Both of my grandmother’s were RH negative.
2) What do you think about the various theories regarding our origin?
All theories are fascinating. I am always open to new information as a truth seeker. The theory that I gravitate toward would be biblical. I believe that there are 2 types of RH negatives that stem from Jacob and Esau. I call the Cannanite, Pharonic, Luciferian EL-ites in power Esau negatives and those of us scattered in the wilderness Jacobean negatives. I believe the Esau negatives view us as a threat to their Globalist agenda. I believe we were sent here with a purpose to awaken humanity. Oraphim are carriers of the original human blueprint, 12 strand DNA and what is known as Christ Consciousness. I believe the 144,000 spoke of in the bible hail from our kind. The evolution of the DNA activation that occurs within Oraphim happens at certain ages and astrological events. First is around age 7, then 11, then 22-23, then the big one at 33. Interesting correlation with 33 as that is the “priestly age”. I am 40 and each of these ages I experienced a flood of knowledge and deep curiosity. Everyday my purpose and intention is to find the truth.
3) If you had a message for all rh negatives worldwide, what would it be?
It is so important that we network and come together. We all have a divine purpose. As an O I have warrior blood. Injustice really effects me and I can not sit back in silence. My maiden name is Campbell. The genetic memories of my Norse and Celt ancestry are very alive and I’ve always had a longing for and deep understanding of tribalism. We must share our gifts and knowledge as we are all one and part of a Universal Soul. The Luciferian EL-ites main goal is to take over the Universal Soul. They have constructed the matrix and built our cities. The design aids in their energy vampirism. If you look at the cities from an aerial view, it’s like a motherboard, and we are the conduits. With 5g I fear many will take the rfid-chip. Back in the summer of 2017 I had a flood of knowledge hit me one night and I have not been able to let go what was revealed to me. I believe they are going to create an energetic prison matrix comprised of HAARP, Cern, and the 5g beast cell grids. They will control the transdimensional gates through this technology. When one dies, the pineal gland secretes DMT which creates a transdimensional vehicle for the soul. This process during death can be infiltrated by means of frequency. I believe those who take the rfid-chip will be trapped and they will impede the DMT portal as the chip will emit what is known as the Baphomet frequency of 666hz, thus preventing ascension to the intended frequency of 777hz. A modern day tower of Babel and a way for certain entities to find their way back to the stars by highjacking the portal. For some this theory sounds insane and if it does, this message is not for you. I know in the depths of my soul though there are some “One eyed kings” out there who need to hear this. I hope the information reaches you. The year of perfect vision 2020 nears and we’ve all heard the Trumpets (Trump-Pence) blast. May you all fulfill your intended purpose.
4) How have you felt different in your life? Or have you?
Obviously, I am very different. I think in a way that is hard for many to understand. I’ve known I was very different since I was a child. I remember being in 3rd grade and daydreaming one day. I asked myself, if there were no color, no black or white.. What would the background of clear look like? I tried very hard to imagine this and got in trouble for not answering a math question. I went home to my RH positive mother and asked her, she said it was a weird question. I got that a lot as a child, no answers or judgement. Still to this day. I learned very early on that people had strong reactions just to my existence. People either strongly gravitate toward me or are repelled by me. I guess it’s no surprise that as a teenager I was part of the goth and punk counter culture. During my teens I became obsessed with Metaphysics and Astrology. I have a gift for memorizing signs, just have to hear a person’s sign once and it’s etched into my brain. I can go 10 years without seeing someone, I probably won’t remember their name but guaranteed I’ll remember their sun sign. For those interested I am an Aries born 4-9-1979. Virgo moon, Gemini rising. I am left handed, green eyed and INTJ.
5) Do you think the world will become better or worse for rh negatives to live in?
I don’t think this world will ever be a good place for us. I believe we are a peculiar people and our true home is not of this world. We can bring change and impact while we are here. Leaving little sparks of godliness everywhere.
6) Where in the world and when in your life have you been the happiest?
I live and was born in Oklahoma. I’ve always wanted to go to Scotland or Norway. I am happiest when the weather is cool and dreary. I love Autumn and rain. Went to Salem, MA a few years ago and I didn’t want to leave.
7) What do you think rh negative people need in their lives to be happy?
To be heard and understood. An outlet to understand this enigma called life. Thankfully we now have this through the internet. I love all my fellow negatives and have met some amazing people through RH negative support groups. Much love to you all.