Remember the old list of rh negative traits?
The one also claiming rh negatives are more likely to be abducted by UFOs?
Yes, that one!
On it one of the first traits that have gotten my attention was the claim that rh negatives have a higher IQ than rh positives.
Needless to say, asking this question alone causes a lot of rh positive readers as well as parents of rh positive children to become hostile towards just asking this.
As different health issues including mental health issues have been proven to differ based on blood types, it is worth examining whether there are different IQ averages based on blood types in existence as well.
In order to properly get this going, there are other questions and issues I need to explore first:
– IQ varies based on nations so controls from the country of origin are important for comparison.
– A relationship between cranial capacity and higher IQ needs to be further evaluated as it can also shine light on the question whether or not an rh negative look is different from an rh positive one.
I am curious to hear from those of you who have had your IQ measured:
1) How many tests have been taken? And what were the results?
2) How were your grades in school according to subject and how has your professional life been as adults?
3) Which nation are you from and what is the average IQ in your country?
4) Do you consider your EQ to be high?
Thank you in advance for participating!

We live in a biased world and just as there are rh negative people wanting to prove this, there will be rh positive people upset by this. And others are going to claim that IQ as it is being measured, means little or nothing. We do not claim to know the answer to the question that is being formulated in the title, but believe in the need to explore all similarities between people of the same rh negative blood factor.
Please remain unbiased within your commenting and state the things you know and refrain from arguing something that has yet to be proven.

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all my life I thought I was dumb because I was told I was so, however…apparently I wasn’t. My problem was not intelligence rather that I had been raised in two countries, just about equally. The US in the Bay Area, and La Paz, BCS Mexico. I also had bilingual parents, and they were bicultural.
In grade school I struggled, however once in US in high school, I made presidents list and deans list, every year. I could watch tv and study at the same time, I spent relatively small amount of time studying, however I was an avid reader. In college same thing, top of class but not straight A because of homelife.
Later in life I was told by a woman in WA state that I scored very high on nursing State board in California. I had never been given my scores. In 1983 I had severe brain trauma and was in coma for 2wks? lost memory, took 10yrs to recouperate, regain memory. In 2003, had relapse, and ended up being evaluated by neuro-psycologist, who did a whole battery of tests to find out how extensive brain damage was. I do not remember names of tests, but have copies somewhere. End result was quote un quote, “you used to be very smart”, LOL well, that was devestating, however, I still scored in the above average range. I swore then I was going to recoupe my memories, and my smarts, jeje, and I do believe I have!, unfortunately at this point, I might have recouped my smarts, but not the income that accompanied it in the past, so I can not afford a comparison test. I would be mighty curious however to see what kind of progress I have made since 2003, especially because I am now in what is considered the declining years. If I can find the test I will share name.-
I am rh positive with a very high IQ. I am surrounded by rh negatives and they are quite dense, in my opinion. On top of that, not all of my rh neg comrades are ditsy, the negs are aware of this list and therefore believe everything on it and are jerks. The two negs I speak of have also god complex and complain about others doing the same thing. No, rh negatives are not more intelligent the positive. I think they are no more or less intelligent than the next human. If anything, they are cocky because of the list. I know approximately a dozen negatives and my children my husband and myself are the only positives I know. Although, we both we both carry an rh negative allele. I do find it interesting that I make friends with negs more quickly than positives, even more interesting is the concentration of negatives in my region. There is a seemingly high density population of rh negatives, though, these people come from different areas of the states.
I have an interest in the same question about IQ.
Female- 0 negative ( both parents 0 negative)
From the United States: Arizona
3 IQ tests, averaging 128.
Average to poor grades first 12 grades. ( due to extreme daily abuse at home as a child.
Later, in a psychologically healthy environment , 4.0 GPA through college.
Career in medicine and psychology.
I took an IQ test @ 19 and was in the 90th percentile… Sigh. I took in Bamberg, Germany with a psychologist who doesn’t know statistics as I do and told me 10% are more intelligent than me. But it’s I am more intelligent that at least 90% of people. Everybody takes care of the low IQ people but they shit on the High IQ people who suffer THE most with their knowledge and education.
I am O Negative. My mother and my 3 sisters are all RH Positive. I am not sure what my father was.I was born in England and moved to South Africa when I was four. I excelled at school even though I hated studying. Used to study in front of the TV and in the bath. Always left studying to the last minute and somehow always passed with good grades. At school I received the Archimedes award for the highest results in Maths and Science, came as a complete surprise to me. I also came in the top 10% of the National Science Olympiad although I did not prepare for it. A guy at school who also entered the Olympiad was really pissed off about this because he had been studying the Archimedes magazines for months before the exam, and he did not get the same results. I was invited to the Science fair at the University which was really cool. I was also offered a scholarship for Chemical Engineering at University. I didn’t take it up because I decided to become a pharmacist. I have had my IQ tested 4 times and it averages out at 137. I have done the Mensa entry test and I have qualified although not joined as yet. At University I noticed that I could pass the exams after minimal studying and this really used to annoy my classmates who had spent weeks studying beforehand. My boyfriend even said I gave him sleepless nights wondering how I was going to pass after so little studying but somehow I always got through. I definitely have a bigger than average head. This last Christmas my one sister bought sun hats for the family and everyone’s hats fit comfortably (loosely) except mine. My hat wouldn’t go past my forehead. I have a high forehead and I can clearly recognise it on other people who I believe to be RH Negative (Just look at Prince Andrew and his first-born son…..) As a kid my mother used to battle to tie my hair up for school because I have a double crown. I have every other characteristic of Rhesus negatives except for the extra vertebrae which I haven’t checked. I am extremely sensitive and empathic. As a Pharmacist I often know what is wrong with someone before they even start telling me. I have pointed out so many negative RH people in the media just from observing them. I knew Donald Trump was RH Negative even before he became president. I knew Leonardo di Caprio was RH negative after watching his speech at the Oscars. There are so many others I can recognise but I won’t go into it now. In recent years my life has changed so dramatically with the realisation that I am part of a community of people who have the same characteristics and hopes and dreams as I have. I cannot wait to connect with like-minded people and grow this community which has so much to offer. I have often felt different in life, and it has caused a lot of distress. It would be great to interact with like-minded people who I can relate to and hopefully build a community with. I think mankind has not even begun to understand the importance and significance of such huge statistical similarities. This RH negative subject is clearly being brushed under the rug. However as someone who has over 90 % of the characteristics physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually I believe I have a gift that I will most certainly develop and use for the good of humanity and all of the creatures of this planet. I have never felt accepted by the general population or by my family… to be honest I think I scare them. I do however know that there are people like me out there who understand what I have been through and who I can relate to.
In my neighborhood, public school students had to sit an IQ test to determine what high school you would go to. I got a score of about 125, and my name was at the top. (I confess I peeked at the list.) I was Dux (valedectorian) of my primary (elementary) school, although that was largely due to the fact that the very best students had already been poached by what was known as an “Opportunity School.” Still, I was the only boy in my class who made it into what is known in Australia as a selective school, for students with above-average IQs. I believe I sat another IQ test in high school as part of career counselling. Unfortunately though it turned out I was no good at writing essays, so I never made it into university.
I believe the average Australian IQ is 110. I think this figure may have been arrived at by a television show that attempted to measure Australian IQs, so it may not be official. IQs in Australia aren’t routinely measured unless you apply for a selective high school. It’s only recently that Roman Catholic schools have begun testing the IQs of their students.
A- 135, IQ test given by an actual psychologist. My mom was a B student and my father a middle school drop out. I never had to study for tests and made it to sixth grade with high honor to, also spelling bee champion.
I myself have a very high IQ … And all my family seem to have . .. Some extremely high … But I have met some rhesus negs,that really do seem to struggle understanding things so I would say a higher percentage of rhesus negatives are more intelligent and have an above average IQ o have also noticed many carry on educating themselves long long after leaving education .
I am A-, my eldest sister was Rh-, my other sister is Rh pos. I was tested and have 147 IQ – my father was a genius obviously he was the source of the Rh-, my eldest sister’s family all seem to all have higher IQ, too. I never fit in, I am very curious and seeking a mission in life. I have strange eyes which seem to change color same as my father had. Sometimes green, sometimes blue, occasionally hazel.
All my life I’ve excelled at anything that interested me. There were times in school I hated the courses and didn’t do so well and other times I was consistently pulling 100% in my courses. Many factors affected my performance and it wasn’t IQ. In College I scored an average 3.6 all while raising kids, working, and ultimately not really putting my effort forward where I could’ve done better. My self worth often got in the way. I had taken an IQ exam at my local clinic and scored exceptionally well at 180. I’ve owned businesses all my life and often suffered boredom constantly wanting to pursue different areas only after a few short months. Never wanting to stay focused on one particular objective for too long or I became bored quickly. I needed challenge constantly. Ironically I am RH-. Was I abducted? I haven’t a clue but I had som very strange dreams as a child that might suggest so. Do I believe in that hoopla.., no not really. My current life career and status is keeping me somewhat occupied. I finally have a career I can pretty much do whatever I want whenever I want and switch it up to keep the interest alive. I invent things. I invent a lot of things and have hundreds of products for sale commercially online and releasing more and more every year. I can get bored and simply design and engineer something else and wallah let’s see if it sells. If it don’t than no big deal try something else. I have probably invented well over 1,000 products in my life and have thousands more in my head waiting to get to the R&D table. I would be an investors dream yet I am very humble and live modestly and keep myself fairly simple. I don’t do any advertising yet I make an engineers income and work the hours I choose. Does it have anything to do with RH-? Perhaps? Perhaps not…
We sound like the same person. Wow
I have A Negative blood. My parents have an RHnfactor. I am a caucasian with blonde hair and deep blue eyes.
My personality is a guarded type A. Though born poor, I have achieved several College Degree’s and a University Degree all onmjy own volition and without outside aide.
I am very intelligent and have always just naturally understood things that I find most people struggle to understand. That has led to some social issues and I have learned to adjust accordingly. On the other hand, I have used my intelligence in beneficial ways for society in the Medical, Hi-Tech , Intelligene and Aerospace industries over a 42 year period of time.
I have insights (premonitions) that become reality, am very good at mathmatics and very adept at solving complex problems.
I am very Christian value oriented and consider myself very Blessed!
I personally believe my blood type plays a very positive role in my success!
I think emotional intelligence seems to be higher from my own personal observation.
I am A- and my IQ is 139 I took the Mensa test two separate times and managed to score the same 139 both times. I have always been smarter than everyone in my family. I recently started buying stocks and have almost tripled my money in a two month time just to entertain my brain. I have always been in top of my class and picked up sports quickly even in high school I played tennis for first time my sophomore year and was co captain of varsity team by senior year. I am able to make connection and understand things on a more complex level than most people I know and i get very frustrated sometimes. I am always obsessed with learning and connecting larger concepts. I get bored if I’m not learning things. My kids are also way smarter than other kids even my 2 yr old impresses his preschool teachers with his language skills
A negative here. I believe I am very bright intellectually. I have almost all of the characteristics of the RH negative folks. I am blonde with hazel eyes. Sometimes they change to a bluer or a greener hue, depending on my mood. I can tell time without looking at a clock most times. I can sense something is about to happen and it does. I cannot tolerate hot weather, but cold weather doesn’t bother me. My temperature stays around 96.5 to 97 degrees. My heart rate stays in the 50’s. Blood pressure varies between normal to high. I did very well in college, and received a degree in Applied Science. I didn’t do well in high school due to being abused and bullied. I got married and delivered 3 children. I received the Rhogam globulin after the second baby was born. I didn’t need the Rhogam after the first baby, because my body had not made antibodies yet. The second child delivered, I had the Rhogam shot. My third baby delivered, I refused the Rhogam because I didn’t plan on having any more children, and I did not. I have had many strange events happen to me. If I listed them here, I’d be accused of lying. So I’ll leave it at that. I do believe RH negative people are different. That’s my take on it anyway.
I am AB Rh-. There’s nothing special about me (well, other than a limited choice when it comes to receiving other people’s blood). I have a comfortable life, but so do many others I know.
The only thing that may have been peculiar about me is that I did struggle to choose a hand to use for writing when I was a six year old — probably the reason why my handwriting is (arguably) at the same level today (I am currently 56 and going relatively strong, but still struggling to read my own handwriting).
Although I knew that I was Rh- for the most of my life, I wasn’t aware this was a “big deal” for some people. Nor was I aware of any “list” (so, why now, you may ask, but that would be a long and uninteresting story). The way I see it, this is similar to horoscope — you synchronize your life around it, probably seeking for safety in numbers (which is a bit ironic, considering that, as I’ve learned recently, only 15% of the population share Rh-) . For what is worth, I’ll trade authenticity of life for high IQ any day of the week and twice on Sundays. That is, presuming that I have a high IQ. Haven’t really tested it. (Hmmm… just noticed that I may be giving a fairly good argument about being special “by other means”. Oh, well.)
In my view, Rh- could have been a mutation that took place at some point, but considering current numbers, it doesn’t seem to be evolutionary stable. If my view is correct, Rh- should probably disappear in some distant future (if we by some miracle manage to survive as species).
I will never understand why people bother to comment on a specific subject without at least spending a few minutes to look up the basics. Do you actually believe your comment will teach someone? First off, the world population percentage of rhesus negatives couldn’t possibly be 15. That is in Europe. Think about where the populations are the highest and then look up rhesus negative frequencies there.
Secondly, look at origins of haplogroups and genetic traits like blue eyes and red hair all going back to one common ancestor. Of course, that was around a time when the population of the entire world was maybe around 5 million or less and when looking at the vicinity of where blue eyes originated, by the Black Sea, the population would have been extremely sparse. Incest would have been the norm, so one “mutant” passing on a gene recessively to all his children and the children intermarrying and so forth was the beginning of the spreading. Look at how many Europeans have blue eyes. All dating back to one common ancestor. Same thing with rhesus negative blood.
Of course, I already know where your post is going to lead… first denying the possibility to confuse people and then suggesting “We must come from aliens”… right?
Spare us this follow-up. This is not even about science, but rather basic common sense.
There are far too many factors other than numbers regarding whether or not rhesus negative blood will ever disappear. Which I have discussed extensively. The worldwide numbers are expected to go down. But disappear?
Not likely.
I prefer people proving me wrong than agreeing with me. That way I will learn. But opinions going against what has been proven again and again… that is for some of the alien groups. There, your comment would likely spawn a “great discussion”. People come here to learn. This is a work in progress. All of what you have claimed has been covered here extensively. So this is for everyone reading… Use the search box and type in any subject matter of interest. Read up and follow the references to learn more. If something has already proven to be and you disagree, you are better off fooling around elsewhere. Nobody is going to learn from silly comments. So stop talking, start reading and feel free to ask a proper question if you get stuck with any of the material that may help you answer questions which other readers may share.
(P.S.: Use at least your real first name when that time comes, if it comes. People using their real name tend to be more careful thinking before posting. Otherwise it may be too tempting for some to voice some opinion you’d otherwise rightfully be too ashamed to do)
There are countless mutations which have appeared and quickly disappeared. Why? Of course, if that is generating an accusation of feeling “special”, then why not take that bravery wherever you have nothing but individuals mindlessly speak about how special they are. There is no need for that here. Red hair, blue eyes, rhesus negative blood have survived and spread. The question is why.
IQ is only one aspect to being fit to survive. Intuition another one, maybe of higher importance. To find answers, this has been posted. A recent study on IQ based on rh factor has been posted on this blog.
I was gifted, yes. Skipped grades in elementary school.