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As traffic to this page is now huge, we highly encourage everyone visiting to leave a comment mentioning your country and city and hit “Ctrl F” to find others commenting from your region.
On this page, I am going to post websites, addresses, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and information regarding other organizations which are helping the rh negative mission as we have described it.
If you are aware of an organization that you believe we should list on this page, please leave a comment below.
If you are looking for a support group for people with the very rare Bombay Blood Group (Oh), please go here …
For information about Rhesus Negative Cambodia, go here.
Below is the Facebook group servicing and connecting rh negative people in Chile:
¿Es usted Rh negativo?
Si es así, ¿posee una red de contactos con otras personas que tengan su mismo grupo sanguíneo? Esta sencilla acción facilita información vital en caso de una emergencia.
“Creemos un grupo de ayuda en casos de emergencia”
Si eres Rh Negativo unete y formemos un circulo de donantes de sangre de este grupo que es tan escaso.
Si te integras a este grupo y necesitas sangre Rh Negativo iremos en tu ayuda.
Una sencilla accion como donar un poco de sangre le puede salvar la vida a una persona.
La donación es la clave
Como la etapa de utilidad pública es incierta, es deseable que las personas Rh negativas desarrollen sus propias redes de contactos.

For more information about Rhesus Negatif Indonesia, please continue here.

If you are in Malaysia and in need of rh negative blood, contact Rhesus Negative Malaysia.
Nepal as well has a support group for rh negative people to ensure that as rare as rh negative blood in their country is, every rh negative is able to get a donor when needed.
Visit them on Facebook:
Rh Negative Nepal
From their site:
Welcome to Rhesus Solution Initiative. We are registered Non – Governmental, Non – political, Not – for – profit organisation with the responsibility to sensitise the society about their blood group and Rhesus status particularly teenagers and pregnant women in order to prevent problems associated with rhesus disease or “Heamolytic Disease” i.e Jaundice, Anemia, dyspnea or difficulty in breathing, mental retardation or even neonatal death. We promote access to qualitative maternity care through our advocacy programmes.

Official website:
Rhesus Solution Initiative
Here is a Facebook group connecting blood donors and donees in the Philippines:
Rh Negative Philippines

The Rh Negative Philippines aims to save lives by providing easy access of Rh Negative blood to all in need through the support of its members.
More options from and in Thailand:
Vietnam Rare Blood Group

Does anyone know of any Rh negative groups in the Wisconsin area? Thanks, Amber
I do not know any but I am Rh negative AND in Wisconsin,lol.
Does anyone know of any RH Neg groups in the Richmond, Va. area?
I am in Virginia Beach, contact me if you want
I am O negetive in Spotsylvania, Virginia. Reach out if needed!
I am a B- i also have a son that is also. From North Carolina 🙂
I am B neg in Arizona
b neg. in texas 806 898 1941
I’m in Fredericksburg!
Rh negative in Pennsylvania
Hi Diana Rh neg in Philadelphia.
I’m in Fredericksburg.
anyone in need of Blood (Rh A negative) in Bhutan, please contact 0097517241849
I am o negative universal donor in Philadelphia. Anyone in need I am happy to donate.
I am o negative universal donor in South Jersey!
Any RH – group in the Montreal area? I am A-
Interested in a RH Negative Group in Charlotte, NC
I am AB-. Originally from Minnesota, I now reside in Phoenix Arizona.
I am RH negative and in Phoenix. Looking for others to start a group.
Hello I am ab- also
Anyone going to Estonia. Looking for help getting me and my sons from the US. To lower altitudes so for once in my whole life I can live without being so tiered.
Rh negative new Zealand here. suelliott@outlook. com. I don’t think we have any groups here.
Any Rh- in Australia ? 🙂
I am RH negative but not in Australia
Hi Yonas.
I of course can see by your IP where you are located (and of course by your name I guessed it correctly).
Please feel free to share your location as there might be others interested in connecting with you on a local level.
Hi I remember from the old Rh website. giovannimapleleaf2019@gmail.com A-
Hi yonas are you in Ethiopia?
Does anyone know of any Rh negative groups in iran? Thanks.
Wow! RH negative in California! I’ve been donating blood, on a donor list for bone marrow since high school. Anyone else please let me know! Thank you very much!
Are you RH null? I need donation for a friend of mine
I am Rh negative (O-) and live in CA. I wish I could donate, I want to, but according to my doctor, because I have COPD, it could put my health in danger if I were to donate. Such a shame. I want to help but can’t.
Hi my name is eileen I Live in the Sierra Foothills Grass Valley CA moved here from S.F CA Bay Area a year ago…im natural Red Auburn Hazel Amber/Green Eyes “Seeker of Truth” honor Grace & Self Knowlege & Sacred Heart of KINDNESS …im looking to connect with Other RH- I’m RH- type A …MANY strange & very interesting things happen in my Life i find most Other People do not relate so I’m looking to connect with Other Folk whom like myself can relate… I’d Love to Hear & share experiences We have had & even perhaps create a Book with Other RH- Folk sharing Our stories so that We may get a more clear understanding of why & what & how We are suppose to be here now. My phone is THE quickest way to contact me as I’m a wee “analog” & sensitive very much so with electronics 415 636 0628 …You are welcome to text me a Good Time to return a call. Sincerely eileen Maize Carey Care Infinite🌰🌱💐🐢
Hey lady! I’m also rh- type A. Live in rope Kansas currently and I’m crazy.. at least compared to everybody else and I’m almost 50 years old. Call sometime! Would love to chat! 785-580-5352.
Melanie Rodgers
Am in Ethiopia any one in Mekele, glad to donate A_.
B- in Greensboro, N.C., United States. Willing to donate.
I’m just learning. But I am definitely one of you. I never fit in with my school peers. Redhead, blue green eyes, empath. RH neg, O, I think. Missing something in my life. Tough to explain. But nice to know I’m not alone….or crazy! Judy Beard to Judy Beard
Anyone in Massachusetts or New Hampshire?
I’m in MA. Rh-/A-.
It’s a late reply, but I am in MA and I’m AB negative
I am in NH
I Am b- and my son is ab- we live in California.
I am O neg in tennessee
Im A- living McLean ,Virginia
I am o negative North of Atlanta if and when needed
Hey I live in Atlanta! I am.out on vacation but will soon return ..Please let me know asap if you want to get together and see what we can get going as far.as support for each other and find more like us..
My dad was O – , I’m A- my sons are A- too
I am O- in Arkansas.
How many people reading this are ab-
I am ab-
AB- too
I am O-, in the Washington D.C Metro area. (For a few more months)
O negative in pa. Looking for more information regarding personality traits and other odd occurrences.
I’m o neg also in pa. I live in Ligonier pa.
I am a B neg. Scorpio in the Texas Panhandle.
Hello Don! I’m currently in Houston TX and O-
I am also RH B-negative. From Dallas, TX
O neg dfw metro plex
I am B negative from nepal
Im a B- from St. Louis Mo.
Hello All B – here in Santa Barbara CA!!
O neg. rh neg here in Ligonier pa
any groups near Ligonier pa? I need to connect with others like me. O neg here.
I am B- in the Delmont/Murrysville Pennsylvania area.
Hey am Muhammad Nuhu from Nigeria RH-O Negative. Thanks
Hello. We are “Rh negative people of Tucuman” an 64yo Asociation. We are from Tucuman, Argentina. Working for our members and trying to provide Rh negative blood. In Argentina live 44 millions of people, aproximatly 7% are Rh negative.
Bienvenidos! Qual es su pagina de web o social media cuento?
Misty, North Carolina O-!
Me too!
Hi my name is. Lori and I am Rh-. I have all the normal signs and characteristics of one with rh- blood.
I have very seldom been sick, I have intestinal and stomach issues. Depression was severe growing up. I have a rather high iq, low blood pressure and I am very hurtful(new word). Meaning I have several unexplained gifts such as I’m an artist however most of my paintings have hidden faces, I can even go as far as saying pictures of people who have passed on. I have painted scenes that I have never seen before to paint them almost identical to there location, such as the moher cliffs in Ireland, and a waterway in Amsterdam. I also painted a painting that I had sold a couple years ago and met someone recently that drew the same photo, right down to the walls and cliff sides, only opposite. So.. I’m socially akward and have a hard time playing well with others. Or did when I was younger. Now at 46, I’m much better. Tell me does anyone here with rh- blood ever feel as if we have a special mission different from others? Because I always have however I see myself as equal or less then others not better.
I can’t seem to comment. I’m new and not tech savvy. I’m b neg and want to contribute to ongoing research. I do not think I’m important, unique yes. I think that the rarity of our blood makes me responsible to be on only rhesus neg donor list. Not general pool. I want to be part of discussions and I’m having website issues can you help please? Thankyou Robin
Yes I’ve always known.. ❤️
I’m B- have most of the characteristics but have Epilepsy and a bad gene for want of a better word. I have always felt I had a mission or something I was suppose to do but don’t know what it is.
I am same type blood and having same problem the you wow i find interesting
Seeming lonely A- in the panhandle of Florida.
I’ve grown up in Europe and felt as though someone dropped me off in the wrong place. To parents with both Rh- blood types as well.
Still trying to figure out what all the different categories following my Initial blood type mean that I got from the hospital.
Growing up was interesting and I was very different. I had many mind over matter experiences and or premonitions growing up.
Could not thrive in Europe it was too oppressive so I moved to the states lived in calli for 15 years then Ga now Florida.
Would like to connect to like
Minded people and finally find my tribe.
I’m Andrew in Northern California and I’m Rh neg A. With other interesting DNA characteristics such as deficient in the enzymes needed for cancer to thrive.
Nice to meet you. I am a Japanese Rh negative type A. Because I am Rh negative, I am the only one involved in the damage of the Frey effect in Rh negative in Japan. I don’t know if it’s Rh negative, but I don’t have the feeling of jealousy. I also notified an international organization, but it doesn’t work. So please help me. This is translated by Google Translate.
I’ve O-ve
Living on the Outer Banks, North Carolina and I’m O-.
Hoping to meet others. All of us on here seem to be very similar in personality and wonderfully weird.
My son( who is O neg) will be attending college in Toko Japan. I was wondering if there was anyone in this area to support others in need of emergency blood?
A- and living near Laval, France (Mayenne)
Nice to meet you. I am a Japanese Rh negative type A. Because I am Rh negative, I am the only one involved in the damage of the Frey effect in Rh negative in Japan. I don’t know if it’s Rh negative, but I don’t have the feeling of jealousy. I also notified an international organization, but it doesn’t work. So please help me. This is translated by Google Translate.
RH negative..USA Arizona
O negative here shout out from AZ!!
A- in the Seattle area, Washington state, US
I am also A neg & live in Seattle. Since my journey on this I have connected with other rh negs in this area & in the Willamette Valley areas of Oregon.
Would love to connect with you, EMC!
Check my IG. Both of you are followed by me.
I am O negative From Rwanda,
We have a whatsapp group where RH negative can get information when there is urgent requirement for blood transfusion. If you are from Rwanda and want to join, please contact me via whatsapp +250785801895
0 Rh – Female South of Sweden
Nice to meet you. I am a Japanese Rh negative type A. Because I am Rh negative, I am the only one involved in the damage of the Frey effect in Rh negative in Japan. I don’t know if it’s Rh negative, but I don’t have the feeling of jealousy. I also notified an international organization, but it doesn’t work. So please help me. This is translated by Google Translate.
Me too ! RH begativo tipo A
HI, I’m O-, I’m from China.
Hello Karen
I am Rh A negative, Mt Haplogroup T1a1b1 I Have family members who are also Rh negative and others that carry the recessive Rh negative gene. Among other places Our Family comes from Norway, Sweden I believe it came from the paternal side of my family from that area. I also carry an Mt chromesome X that is From Haplogroup V Which is where I believe the Rh negative comes from. The Saami. I also believe this is where the neanderthal comes into play. Live in the USA.
Hi, I am from the Czech Republic and I am 0 RH-,I am adopted, I am looking for my real parents, siblings, grandfather, grandmother. My Genealogical DNA: Haplogroup T1a. Mutations:73G, 152C,195C, 263G, 309.1C, 315.1C, 16126C, 16163G, 16186T, 16189C, 16266A, 16294T, 16519C.
Hello! I am from Eastern North Carolina and I am A-. I can definitely donate if there is a need!
AB- California
WOW! another AB- ! Not many of us. My Brother and I both are AB-
AB- RHODE ISLAND only member of the family that is rh-
I am a Japanese Rh negative type A. Does anyone know about the Frey effect? I am injured. please help me.
The Japanese Red Cross has committed a crime. I think the relatives of the Emperor are also involved. Because the relatives of the Emperor are Rh positive. I don’t know where to tell, so tell Switzerland. The Japanese Red Cross is committing a crime.
I’m still suffering from the Frey effect. I think that it is the correct answer to create such a Rh negative network so as not to cause victims like me. I want to quickly settle the Frey effect and freely think about ideas. I also want to travel abroad freely.
I’m Rh negative. If you’re wrong, you don’t need a life. I’d rather be killed than to be caught up in the Frey effect and live. I’m not killed because I’m Rh negative.
In Japan, there is torture due to the Frey effect. Because of my negative Rh, I am being tortured almost every day. In Japan, the Rh negative is only 0.5%, so I am strongly attacked by the Frey effect. Please help someone who is Rh negative. I don’t know if it’s Rh negative, but I don’t have the feeling of jealousy. What about other Rh negatives?
Strangely enough, below this video it states: