Category: Rh Negative Facts
Here is the regional frequency map from the study. Noteworthy: The northwestern region with more than 98% R1b frequencies is …
Sure, that isn’t exactly a low number, but I would have expected much higher frequencies. Were the numbers a lot …
Reports vary. In Irish schools, 25% seems to be taught, but some indicate lower, partially due to immigration. However: Northern …
I have often suggested that Rh- people might be able to recognise each other. Gaddafi was born into the Qadhadhfa, …
If we pass through the interior of Africa in a southerly direction, beyond the Gætuli, after having traversed the intervening …
Do you know your blood type? If you don’t, start here: Once you do, register at Date By Type: …
This caught my eye: Though Jeanne Calment, a Frenchwoman who died at the age of 122 in 1997, lived history’s …