As many times before, I tend to create update posts whenever new information comes to light. The old version can …
Category: Rh Negative Facts
Are intuitive people more likely to experience synchronicities? If so… why? Does following intuition lead towards experience synchronicities? That is …
Jung tells the following story as an example of a synchronistic event in his book Synchronicity: By way of example, I …
Synchronicity is an event or string of events needed for a situation’s perfect outcome without any planning, previous knowledge or …
This is a prime example for why we need to be cautious in terms of where data provided originates. Looking …
Being Rh- means you are Rh(D) negative meaning you test negative for the D antigen of the Rhesus Blood Group …
Here is the conclusion of the study: AI predicted the blood type of participants more accurately than chance. We found …
“I stand before you today the representative of a family in grief, in a country in mourning before a world …
In the case of Charles, his O negative blood has been recorded. And been written about. BUT… does it mean …