Category: Rh Negative Facts
In this additional video, I am sharing how you already can search for a partner sharing your blood type before …
Please remember: A person with your blood type doesn’t make him/her right for you. The fact that you both “get …
Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946, at Jamaica Hospital in the borough of Queens in New York City, the fourth child of Fred …
Kim and Yi (Seoul University of Venture & Information) measured the brain waves of 4,636 adults. They reported that type …
I am not asking what you believe or know. I am asking why you believe so many Rh negatives believe …
You sign up here: …and register for free. You then click on the link in your email to verify. …
Your thoughts… AFTER watching it. Remember? Disclaimer: As far as I know, Amber Heard was never officially prognosed as a …