This was likely the last big discovery that had a new movement to it. As we have all been aware, …
Category: Rh Negative Facts
I have posted several studies from India and Africa regarding HIV/AIDS patients and blood types of patients and those who …
Here are 7 more random claims: “Being Rh negative makes you immune to HIV” My question: Are the individuals in …
Here are 7 random statements: “15 percent in the world are Rh negative” No. It’s around 6 percent. “Less than …
As a child, I heard the stories and read Animal Farm. I didn’t know the details. I also believed Anastasia …
I remember the day Mick Jagger celebrated his 40th birthday back in 1983. At the time, music was a young …
A lot of individuals find this blog by searching key term “golden blood”. Golden Blood refers to one type: Rh …
What is the benefit of Rh negative blood? When and where did Rh negative people do best? Where and when …